Avansa (to advance) conjugation

40 examples

Conjugation of avansa

Present tense
I advance
you advance
he/she/it advances
we advance
you all advance
they advance
Present perfect tense
am avansat
I have advanced
ai avansat
you have advanced
a avansat
he/she/it has advanced
am avansat
we have advanced
ați avansat
you all have advanced
au avansat
they have advanced
Past preterite tense
I advanced
you advanced
he/she/it advanced
we advanced
you all advanced
they advanced
Future tense
voi avansa
I will advance
vei avansa
you will advance
va avansa
he/she/it will advance
vom avansa
we will advance
veți avansa
you all will advance
vor avansa
they will advance
Conditional mood
aș avansa
I would advance
ai avansa
you would advance
ar avansa
he/she/it would advance
am avansa
we would advance
ați avansa
you all would advance
ar avansa
they would advance
Subjunctive present tense
să avansez
(so that/if) I advance
să avansezi
(so that/if) you advance
să avanseze
(so that/if) he/she/it advance
să avansăm
(so that/if) we advance
să avansați
(so that/if) you all advance
să avanseze
(so that/if) they advance
Subjunctive past tense
să fi avansat
(so that/if) I have advanced
să fi avansat
(so that/if) you have advanced
să fi avansat
(so that/if) he/she/it have advanced
să fi avansat
(so that/if) we have advanced
să fi avansat
(so that/if) you all have advanced
să fi avansat
(so that/if) they have advanced
Past impf. tense
I was advancing
you were advancing
he/she/it was advancing
we were advancing
you all were advancing
they were advancing
Imperative mood
Imperative negative mood
nu avansa
do not advance!
nu avansați
do not advance!
Past pluperfect tense
I had advanced
you had advanced
he/she/it had advanced
we had advanced
you all had advanced
they had advanced
Future alternative 1 tense
am să avansez
I am going to advance
ai să avansezi
you are going to advance
are să avanseze
he/she/it is going to advance
avem să avansăm
we are going to advance
aveți să avansați
you all are going to advance
au să avanseze
they are going to advance
Future alternative 2 tense
o să avansez
I am going to advance
o să avansezi
you are going to advance
o să avanseze
he/she/it is going to advance
o să avansăm
we are going to advance
o să avansați
you all are going to advance
o să avanseze
they are going to advance
Future perfect tense
voi fi avansat
I will have advanced
vei fi avansat
you will have advanced
va fi avansat
he/she/it will have advanced
vom fi avansat
we will have advanced
veți fi avansat
you all will have advanced
vor fi avansat
they will have advanced
Future in the past tense
aveam să avansez
I was going to advance
aveai să avansezi
you were going to advance
avea să avanseze
he/she/it was going to advance
aveam să avansăm
we were going to advance
aveați să avansați
you all were going to advance
aveau să avanseze
they were going to advance
Conditional past tense
aș fi avansat
I would have advanced
ai fi avansat
you would have advanced
ar fi avansat
he/she/it would have advanced
am fi avansat
we would have advanced
ați fi avansat
you all would have advanced
ar fi avansat
they would have advanced
Presumptive tense
oi avansa
I might advance
oi avansa
you might advance
o avansa
he/she/it might advance
om avansa
we might advance
oți avansa
you all might advance
or avansa
they might advance
Presumptive continuous tense
oi fi avansând
I might be advancing
oi fi avansând
you might be advancing
o fi avansând
he/she/it might be advancing
om fi avansând
we might be advancing
oți fi avansând
you all might be advancing
or fi avansând
they might be advancing
Presumptive past tense
oi fi avansat
I might have advanced
oi fi avansat
you might have advanced
o fi avansat
he/she/it might have advanced
om fi avansat
we might have advanced
oți fi avansat
you all might have advanced
or fi avansat
they might have advanced

Examples of avansa

Example in RomanianTranslation in English
(Crainic) Darryl este concurentul secunde pentru a avansa ...(Announcer) Darryl is the second contestant to advance...
- As vrea sa fie , dar, din păcate , evenimente trebuie să fie aprobat , votat , și luni, programate în avansa .- I wish there were, but unfortunately, events have to be approved, voted on, and scheduled months in advance.
A Treia Unitate nu poate avansa.The third Unit is unable to advance.
Aceasta va determina echipele care vor avansa în cursa de ştafetă.This will determine what teams advance to the team relay.
Aceste două stiluri unice se luptă ca să decidă cine va avansa în runda finală.These two unique styles are fighting to decide who will advance to the final round.
"Care e comportamentul care ma va face sa avansez in aceasta societate?""What's the behavior that's going to advance me in this society?"
- De ce să nu avansez?- Why not an advance?
Am vrut doar sa avansez.I just wanted to advance.
Când avansez, unde îmi mut greutatea?When I advance, where do I keep my weight?
Când o să mai avansez, da ? Am reusit să trăiesc ani de zile cu unul din Cele Opt Descântece în cap.When I'm advanced... in the craft, I've only been walking around for years with one of the greatest spells in my head.
"Simt cum avansezi"I can feel It now advance
"Trebuie să avansezi"You need to advance
- Eşti pregătit să avansezi la nivelul 2?Are you prepared to advance to level 2?
- Glumesti? Este o ocazie extraordinara sa avansezi cu relatia.It's a golden opportunity to advance the relationship.
- Te retragi ca să avansezi.You retreat to advance.
-O persoană avansează, alta pleacă.- One person advances, another's left.
7 avansează, 11 e eliminat.7 advances, 11 's out!
Amalcar ucis de membrii propriului partid, regiunile eliberate căzute în mâinile a mici tirani însetaţi de sânge, lichidaţi la rândul lor de o putere centrală a cărei stabilitate a fost salutată de toţi până la lovitura de stat... aşa avansează istoria,Amílcar murdered by members of his own party, the liberated areas fallen to bloody petty tyrants, liquidated in their turn by a central power to whose stability everyone paid homage until the military coup - that's how history advances,
Beirute avansează, aproape de careu.Beirute advances, almost inside the area.
Concurentul Clove din Galaxia Sudică avansează în semifinală !Contestant Clove from the South Galaxy advances to the semifinal round!
- Vreau să mai avansăm un pic.We want to advance a little, though.
Am crezut că ar ajuta să avansăm cu pregătirea.We thought it would help advance the training.
Au monitorizat extratereştrii progresul nostru timp de mii de ani, uneori ajutându-ne să avansăm, iar alteori ne-au împiedicat?Have extraterrestrials been monitoring our progress for thousands of years, at times helping us to advance, and at other times holding us back?
Băieţi, aşa, acum toţi împreună avansăm încet-încet către sat.All right, men. We'll all advance very quietly inland.
Cere-i să vină în zona asta ca să ne avem acoperire când avansăm.Ask him to taxi over here to give us cover for an advance.
"Bolnavii cu cancer la ficat într-un stadiu avansat cărora anterior nu li s-a administrat chimioterapie, au fost alocaţi aleatoriu în trei grupe diferite... reprezentând tratamente citotoxice minime, normale şi intense.'Patients with advanced liver cancer who had not previously received chemotherapy were randomly allocated to three different regiments... representing minimal, conventional and intensive cytotoxic treatments.
"Gratie talentului sau, a avansat ca vanzator."With diligence, he advanced to the position of clerk.
"Hok" care înseamnă avansat şi "Taur", care, cred eu, este un fel de jargon..."Hok", which means advanced, and "tar", which l believe is a sort of slang.
"O să vă facem o chelboctomie, dle Johnson, credem că tartacutenia a avansat...""We're going to perform a cue-ball-ectomy on you, mister Johnson." "We feel the chrome-dome-ia has advanced..."
"UCLA caută voluntari în stadiu avansat de cancer pentru testarea unui medicament experimental.""UCLA is looking for volunteers with advanced cancer to test an experimental drug."
Poate că raspunsul poate fi gasit analizând povestea unuia dintre cei mai avansați chirurgi din istoria Indiei.Perhaps the answer can be found by examining the story of one of the most advanced surgeons in the history of India.
Tija era legată de bormaşină şi avansă în spaţiul retroperitoneal.Dr. Goran isn't responsible. The wire was bound within the drill and advanced into the retroperitoneal space.
A zis că avansam în carieră în direcţia greşită.She felt my career was advancing in the wrong direction.
Crezi că avansau sau se retrăgeau?What, you think they were advancing or retreating?
Se pare că tehnologia avansase suficient încât pe baza noilor probe de ADN s-a putut stabili că nu Wilson George era vinovatul.And, I guess... Technology had advanced to... Where they were able to determine based on the new...
- Şi, avansând din spate este un lucru rar.- So. advancing to the rear is a good thing,
Am văzut o linie lungă de japonezi avansând cu baionetele.I saw a long line of Japs with bayonets advancing.
Coloana de broaste avansând!Frog column advancing!
Deci... Înainte de a se prăbuşi, Starbuck a reperat mai mult de 15 "tinichele" avansând spre noi din direcţia asta.Alright, before she went down Starbuck spotted about 15 chrome jobs advancing on us from here
Doctorii mi-au spus că, în lipsa unui miracol, va continua să-mi invadeze corpul, avansând zi de zi către inevitabil.The doctors told me, short of a miracle, it would continue to aggressively invade my body, advancing faster each day towards the inevitable.

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