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Reclamar (to complain) conjugation

86 examples
This verb can also have the following meanings: to claim, claim

Conjugation of reclamar

Present tense
I complain
you complain
he/she complains
we complain
you all complain
they complain
Present perfect tense
tenho reclamado
I have complained
tens reclamado
you have complained
tem reclamado
he/she has complained
temos reclamado
we have complained
tendes reclamado
you all have complained
têm reclamado
they have complained
Past preterite tense
I complained
you complained
he/she complained
we complained
you all complained
they complained
Future tense
I will complain
you will complain
he/she will complain
we will complain
you all will complain
they will complain
Conditional mood
I would complain
you would complain
he/she would complain
we would complain
you all would complain
they would complain
Past imperfect tense
I used to complain
you used to complain
he/she used to complain
we used to complain
you all used to complain
they used to complain
Past perfect tense
tinha reclamado
I had complained
tinhas reclamado
you had complained
tinha reclamado
he/she had complained
tínhamos reclamado
we had complained
tínheis reclamado
you all had complained
tinham reclamado
they had complained
Future perfect tense
terei reclamado
I will have complained
terás reclamado
you will have complained
terá reclamado
he/she will have complained
teremos reclamado
we will have complained
tereis reclamado
you all will have complained
terão reclamado
they will have complained
Present perfect subjunctive tense
tenha reclamado
I have complained
tenhas reclamado
you have complained
tenha reclamado
he/she has complained
tenhamos reclamado
we have complained
tenhais reclamado
you all have complained
tenham reclamado
they have complained
Future subjunctive tense
(if/so that) I will have complained
(if/so that) you will have complained
(if/so that) he/she will have complained
(if/so that) we will have complained
(if/so that) you all will have complained
(if/so that) they will have complained
Future perfect subjunctive tense
tiver reclamado
I will have complained
tiveres reclamado
you will have complained
tiver reclamado
he/she will have complained
tivermos reclamado
we will have complained
tiverdes reclamado
you all will have complained
tiverem reclamado
they will have complained
Imperative mood
let's complain!
Imperative negative mood
não reclames
do not complain!
não reclame
let him/her/it not complain!
não reclamemos
let us not complain!
não reclameis
do not complain!
não reclamem
do not complain!

Examples of reclamar

Example in PortugueseTranslation in English
* Tenta não reclamar enquanto esfregas a mancha *♪ Try not to complain as you're scrubbing out the stain ♪
- Bil, não precisas de reclamar.Bill, you don't have to complain.
- Deus mulher, leva a minha casa, então ela me chama para reclamar sobre um cano rebentado maldita!- God, woman takes my house, then she calls me up to complain about a goddamn busted pipe!
- Então, legalmente, esse James Bentley, nada tinha a reclamar.So, according to the law, this James Bentley, he has nothing to complain of.
- Não sei se consigo reclamar.I have half a mind to complain to the manager.
- Nunca reclamo!- I never even complain!
- Não reclamo disso.I don't complain about that.
Aliás, os vizinhos do lado fazem festas até às 4 da manhã e ninguém faz nada quando reclamo do barulho.Besides, both my next-door neighbors party till 4:00 in the morning and nobody does anything when I complain about that noise.
Ei, se a tua empresa nos quiser emprestar mais dos seus brinquedos chiques, não reclamo.Hey, if your firm wants to lend us any more of its fancy toys, no complaints here.
Nunca reclamo de ir a um bar, mas isto está a ficar ridículo.I'm hardly one to complain about going to a bar, but this is getting ridiculous.
- Bebes sem verificar a temperatura e depois reclamas o dia todo que queimaste a língua.You drink it without checking the temperature and then you complain all day that your tongue is burned.
- Porque não ligas, para o nosso ex-chefe e reclamas o teu posto?- Why don't you call our, uh, former boss and complain to him about your desk job?
- Tu reclamas muito.- You complain too much.
Acho que reclamas só para ouvires a tua voz.I think you complain just to hear yourself talk.
Deixaste o cão fugir outra vez com a vedação ainda estragada, e, agora, reclamas porque o teu padrasto não o encontrou em tempo útil?- You let the dog out again with the fence still broken, and you're gonna complain that your stepdad hasn't found him - in a timely fashion?
- Ele está sempre zangado... sempre a reclama de ti..- Well, he... - He is always grouchy... Always complains about you...
- Ele reclama muito.He complains a lot.
A mãe reclama primeiramente como uma figura autoritária,The mother complains first, as a figure of authority,
A sua corretora diz que ela reclama sobre comissões mais do que gostavam, mas além disso, está limpa.Her brokerage house says that she complains about commissions more than they'd like, but other than that, she's clean.
Assim cada um sai com a sua parte, e ninguém reclama!This way everyone has their part and nobody complains.
Aprendemos que, se não gostarmos de algo, vamos ao escritório e reclamamos. - Qual é a próxima paragem?Well, we've learned if you don't like something, just go to the office and complain.
E ainda hoje, a luta deles pela sobrevivência faz qualquer coisa que reclamamos parecer sem importância.And even today their struggle to survive makes anything we complain about just pale in comparison.
Pra quem reclamamos aqui, aos velhotes?I'll be writing that comment up. Who do we complain to here, the old people?
Se Deus nasceu peladinho por que reclamamos nós que ainda temos roupas e teto, mãos, e cabeça para voltar a ganhar o que aquela velha desgraçada tirou de nós?What are we complainin' about? We still have our house, our hands, and our brains so we can get back what that witch took from us. This is her fault, not yours.
Desculpe por ter reclamado.I'm sorry I complained.
Desde o furacão as pessoas têm reclamado que as autoridades do governo têm sido lentas para responder.Since the hurricane, many, many people complained that the government officials were slow to respond,
Devia ter reclamado há duas horas atrás.I should've complained two hours ago.
E as famílias de outros pacientes têm reclamado sobre... métodos irregulares de tratamento.And the families of other patients have complained about... irregular methods of treatment.
Ele expulsou-a depois de um cliente ter reclamado que estava a falar muito alto.He kicked her out after a customer complained that she was getting too loud.
- Os vizinhos reclamam.The neighbors complain.
A luz se apaga, reclamam, Ela volta...The light goes out, complain, it comes back on...
As pessoas não reclamam? Querida, elas não podem.Don't people complain?
As pessoas só reclamam.All people do is complain.
As que ficam assistindo... as que reclamam... e as que fazem as coisas acontecerem.People who watch things happen people who complain about things that happen and people who make things happen.
Até hoje, eu nunca reclamei de nada.I've never complained until now.
E nunca reclamei.And I never complained.
Ela furou-me com o garfo quando reclamei que o bife estava muito seco.She pierced it with a kebab after I complained the steak was too dry.
Eu nunca reclamei, pois cada um destes minutos lembra-me o que estou a fazer e porque estou aqui.I never complained, because every single one of those minutes reminds me of what I am doing and why I am here.
Eu reclamei com a direço.I complained to the officials.
Bem, não te quero chatear, mas tecnicamente, reclamaste o tempo todo.Well, and I don't want to upset you here, but technically, you complained the entire time.
Cleveland, aquela foi a mulher de quem sempre reclamaste.Cleveland, that was the woman you always complained about.
Encaraste todas essas mudanças e nunca reclamaste, desmoronaste ou sentiste pena de ti mesmo.You've had all these major life changes happen, and you've never once complained or fallen apart or felt sorry for yourself.
Eu vou dar um Sarcoma de Edwin, detectado quando reclamaste de dores no joelho.I'll give him, uh, Ewing's sarcoma, first detected when he complained - of pain in his right knee.
Mas reclamaste, e a tua equipa de advogados aliciou as autoridades.But you complained and your team of lawyers leaned on the authorities.
- Alguém do norte reclamou.Someone North of the border sure complained.
- E alguém reclamou?- And someone complained?
- Ninguém reclamou na Terça-feira!Nobody complained about it on Tuesday!
A companhia de seguros reclamou que custava muito dinheiro.Insurance company complained it was costing too much money.
A empregada reclamou.The maid complained.
- Assim como os outros vizinhos que reclamaram do barulho, então o Duke Jones tem um álibi.He... So did a couple of other neighbors who complained about the noise. So it looks like Duke Jones alibis out.
- Desculpa incomodar-te tão tarde, mas parece que os vizinhos reclamaram do barulho.- Sorry for 't late hour ... but the neighbors complained about the noise.
Há alguns dias atrás, duas empresas reclamaram...A couple of days ago, two businesses complained of a f...
Mas eles nunca especificaram a reclamação com o Castro. Porque eles reclamaram... do duro da luta, do esforço e o que nós ganhamos ao término da revolução.Some complained about the living conditions and wondered what was supposed to follow.
Mas os outros pais reclamaram.But some of the other parents have complained.
- Como sempre, Sua Majestade. - Então, não reclame.-As always, Your Majesty -so don't complain.
- Não que eu reclame.Not that I'm complaining.
A menos que eu reclame, você não me paga?You mean unless I'm complaining, you're not going to pay me?
Não que o Tony reclame... mas sinto que eu, na verdade, não...Not that Tony complains, but I feel... that I'm not really... that he's being kind.
Não reclame depois que não pôde aparecer na festa.Don't complain later that you couldn't attend the party.
- Não reclames comigo.- Well, don't complain to me.
- Não, podes parar, não reclames comigo.- no, don't. don't complain.
- Sim, mas não reclames, por favor. Porque sabemos o que fazem se não gostam do cliente.Okay, just please don't complain, 'cause we know what happens in the kitchen when they don't like a customer.
Eu não vou dizer nada. Ele já é meio Inglês. Quando se tornar completo, não reclamesHe's already half an Englishman... when he turns a full one don't complain to me.
Faz um bom trabalho, não reclames, leve as tuas responsabilidades a sério.Do good work, don't complain, take your responsibilities seriously.
Antes que reclamem, vou mais uma vez virar a cadeira.Before you complain, I am once again turning in my chair.
Em tempos difíceis, é natural que alguns reclamem.In hard times, it's natural that some will complain.
Então se virem um tubo de testes, reclamem sobre estragar a notaSo the first sign of a test tube, complain about damaging the note...
Não quero que os eleitores das hemorróidas reclamem.Don't want the voters in the hemorrhoids complaining.
Não reclamem comigo.Don't complain to me.
- A Lisa não está reclamando.Hey, you don't hear Lisa complaining.
- Estás reclamando do que?What are you complaining about?
- Eu não estou reclamando.- l ain't complaining.
- Não está reclamando.-Okay, is Mr. Harvey happy? -He isn't complaining.
- Não, não estou reclamando.-No, I'm not complaining.
Espero que comecem a ficar mais realistas e procurem comida em vez de reclamarem.I hope they will start getting more serious and look for food instead of complaining.
Moradores a reclamarem do barulho.- Neighbors are complaing about noise.
Novamente a reclamarem da imigração.Bloody paper complaining about immigration again.
Não vejo os perdedores reclamarem.Don't hear no complaints from the losers.
Os indigentes mortos não tinham parentes para reclamarem do ataque.The dead winos had no relatives to complain about their fire bombing.
Bem... aqui vai algo para reclamares.- Yes? That is for another complaint!
Da próxima vez que reclamares do meu hálito, lembra-te que salvei o teu...Next time you want to complain about my breath, remember I just saved your...
Em vez de reclamares por isso, aprecia-a apenas.Instead of complaining about it,just enjoy it.
Não me lembro de reclamares do meu estilo de vida enquanto cheiravas aquilo que te dava.I don't recall you complaining when you were snorting up everything in front of you.
Não me lembro reclamares acerca disso na altura.I don't remember you complaining about it at the time.
Acham mesmo que eles vão mudar de ideias só por reclamarmos a um grupo de humanos sobre os delitos de outro, quando todos os humanos são iguais?Did we really thin we'd get them to change by complaining to one set of humans about the misdeeds of another, when all humans are the same?
Não vai mudar nada se reclamarmos.- No use complaining' about something you can't change.

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