Acasalar (to mate) conjugation

59 examples

Conjugation of acasalar

Present tense
I mate
you mate
he/she mates
we mate
you all mate
they mate
Present perfect tense
tenho acasalado
I have mated
tens acasalado
you have mated
tem acasalado
he/she has mated
temos acasalado
we have mated
tendes acasalado
you all have mated
têm acasalado
they have mated
Past preterite tense
I mated
you mated
he/she mated
we mated
you all mated
they mated
Future tense
I will mate
you will mate
he/she will mate
we will mate
you all will mate
they will mate
Conditional mood
I would mate
you would mate
he/she would mate
we would mate
you all would mate
they would mate
Past imperfect tense
I used to mate
you used to mate
he/she used to mate
we used to mate
you all used to mate
they used to mate
Past perfect tense
tinha acasalado
I had mated
tinhas acasalado
you had mated
tinha acasalado
he/she had mated
tínhamos acasalado
we had mated
tínheis acasalado
you all had mated
tinham acasalado
they had mated
Future perfect tense
terei acasalado
I will have mated
terás acasalado
you will have mated
terá acasalado
he/she will have mated
teremos acasalado
we will have mated
tereis acasalado
you all will have mated
terão acasalado
they will have mated
Present perfect subjunctive tense
tenha acasalado
I have mated
tenhas acasalado
you have mated
tenha acasalado
he/she has mated
tenhamos acasalado
we have mated
tenhais acasalado
you all have mated
tenham acasalado
they have mated
Future subjunctive tense
(if/so that) I will have mated
(if/so that) you will have mated
(if/so that) he/she will have mated
(if/so that) we will have mated
(if/so that) you all will have mated
(if/so that) they will have mated
Future perfect subjunctive tense
tiver acasalado
I will have mated
tiveres acasalado
you will have mated
tiver acasalado
he/she will have mated
tivermos acasalado
we will have mated
tiverdes acasalado
you all will have mated
tiverem acasalado
they will have mated
Imperative mood
let's mate!
Imperative negative mood
não acasales
do not mate!
não acasale
let him/her/it not mate!
não acasalemos
let us not mate!
não acasaleis
do not mate!
não acasalem
do not mate!

Examples of acasalar

Example in PortugueseTranslation in English
- O desejo de acasalar conta?- Is "desire to mate" a feeling?
- Peço-lhe para acasalar agora?- Ask to mate?
24 horas de luz do dia fornecem todo o tempo de pastagem que eles precisam, enquanto se preparam para acasalar e pôr os seus ovos.24 hours of daylight provide all the grazing time they need as they prepare to mate and lay eggs.
A minha tentativa de acasalar a orquídea com a cobra cascável falhou novamente mas ainda tenho esperanças nos cruzamentos animal-planta.My experiment to mate the orchid and the rattlesnake has failed again... ...butIstillhave hope for the animal-plant crossbreedings.
A minha, como a viúva negra, quer acasalar antes de matar.Mine, like the black widow, wants to mate before she kills.
E depois acasalo.Then I'll mate.
Eu acasalo de 5 em 5 anos.I mate every five years.
Sim, eu acasalo para toda a vida.Yeah. I do mate for life.
Agora acasalas com um deles.Now you mate with them.
Não estou a dizer que serei eu a decidir com quem é que acasalas.Now, I am not saying that I should be the sole decider of who you mate with.
A tua mãe acasala com tamancos!Your mother mates with dogs!
Da mesma maneira que um caçador segue pegadas de animais para encontrar onde o animal dorme, se alimenta e acasala, um espião pode examinar rotas de veículos para encontrar onde um alvo vive, faz negócios, e esconde as coisas que não quer que sejam encontradas.Much like a hunter follows animal footprints to find where the animal sleeps, feeds, and mates, a spy can examine vehicle trails to find out where a target lives, does business, and hides the things he doesn't want found.
Ela acasala e mata.She mates, then she kills.
Eu ouvi dizer que ela acasala com homens e depois come-os.I hear she mates with men, then eats them.
Mais nenhuma espécie no planeta acasala para a vida e se me vieres com os cisnes, eles traem como qualquer outro.No other species on the planet mates for life and if you're gonna bring up swans, they cheat like everybody else.
Não acasalamos a Jacqueline com um cão sem peaigree.We cannot possibly breed our Jacqueline with this unruly mate.
Nós acasalamos para que a nossa semente possa continuar a viver.We mate so that our seed will live on.
Quanda acasalamos, é para toda a vida.Once you mate, it's for life.
Ás vezes acasalamos, ás vezes dormimos.-Sometimes we mate, sometimes we sleep.
A Lois deve ter acasalado com este pobre homem.Lois must have mated with this poor fellow.
Assim que as moscas tiverem acasalado, cairão todas na superfície da água, libertarão os seus ovos e morrerão.Once the flies have mated, they will all drop to the water surface, release their eggs and die.
De qualquer modo, os restos foram encontrados nas ilhas o que sugere que o Homo floresienses poderá ter acasalado com um Homo sapiens primitivo.Anyway, remains were found on the islands which suggest Homo floresienses may have mated with early Homo sapiens.
Eu ia seguir duas águias que tinham acasalado e, com sorte, encontrar o ninho.I was going to follow a pair of eagles that had mated, and, hopefully, find their nest.
Os combates garantiram que os machos mais fortes tivessem acasalado com o maior número de fêmeas.The battles have ensured that the strongest males will have mated with the most females.
"Onde os cisnes se acasalam.""Where the swans go to mate."
- Animais acasalam para toda a vida.- There are animals that mate for life.
- As lontras acasalam para toda a vida.Otters mate for life,you know?
- Eles acasalam para a vida.They mate for life, you know.
- Feche a porta. Veja se acasalam.See if they mate.
Eu mal acasalei com ela.I barely mated with her.
Parece que acasalei com ambas.I seem to have mated them both.
Faz um ano desde que o basilosaurus fêmea acasalou.It has been a year since the female Basilosaurus mated.
Nunca acasalou antes?Have you not mated before?
O Alan "acasalou" com duas, que acabaram engalfinhadas no átrio.Alan Shore mated two women and had them trying to murder each other in the lobby.
O macho sul-americano acasalou com uma aranha comum e criou uma espécie altamente mortífera.Somehow that South American male has mated with a domestic house spider and created a very deadly strain.
O outro testículo do meu pai ficou forte e Ele acasalou com um touro para me conceber.My father's other testicle became stronger, and he mated with a bull to conceive me.
Conheceram-se, acasalaram. Ela odiou-o.They met, they mated, she ate him.
De acordo com a textos antigos, os anjos caídos não só acasalaram fisicamente com as mulheres da terra, eles criaram descendentes... os Nephilins, uma raça de gigantes, semelhantes àquelas retratadas na história de Davi e Golias.According to ancient texts, the fallen angels not only physically mated with the women of earth, they produced offspring... the
Eles acasalaram quando nós acasalámos.That's when they mated, when we made them! When we...
Outras pessoas creem que o pássaro é um mártir na luta contra as janelas e que depois da sua morte, vão ter muitas fêmeas que nunca acasalaram e podem fazer tudo o que quiserem com elas.That other people believe the bird is a martyr in the fight against windows. And after his death he'll be given lots of female birds that have never mated and he can do what he wants with them.
Durante as próximas 36 horas, o macho acasalará com a mãe da cria muitas vezes, impedindo assim, que outros machos também o façam.Over the next 36 hours, the male will mate with the calf's mother several times, preventing other males from doing so.
O mais forte acasalará com o maior número de fêmeas.The strongest will mate with the most females.
- Peço-lhe que acasale comigo.- Ask her to mate.
Mas é essencial que eu acasale com uma bruxa metade Luz Branca, por isso, desculpa desapontar-te.But you're not half whitelighter, which is a requisite for my future mate, so sorry to disappoint you.
Os cientistas pensam que ela faz isto para garantir que ele nunca mais acasale, dando à sua cria melhor hipótese de sobreviver. Eu?Scientists think she does this to ensure he never mates again giving her offspring a better chance of life.
Quero que acasale com o vosso cão, cujos belos ossos, que não pude deixar de observar quando ele caiu ao levantar a perna para urinar.I want to mate her with your dog whose fine bones I couldn't help but notice as he fell down when he lifted his leg to pee.
Ela quer que acasalem.She wants that pair to mate.
Estou só a tentar que estas lesmas estúpidas acasalem.I'm just trying to get these stupid slugs to mate.
A namorar, acasalando, ou a masturbar-se?Dating, mating, or masturbating?
Aonde ela for, ele acompanha-a, acasalando quando ela permitir e protegendo-a o tempo todo.Wherever she goes, he will follow, mating with her when she allows and guarding her at all times.
Os Nephilim são referidos no sexto capítulo do Génesis, onde temos relatos dos filhos dos deuses acasalando com as filhas dos homens.The Nephilim are mentioned in the sixth chapter of Genesis, where we have the, the sons of the gods mating with the-the daughters of men.
Provavelmente ratos acasalando, Senhor, pelo ruído deles.Probably rats mating, sir, by the sound of them.
A estação do acasalamento é desagradável para a aranha macho, porque, depois de acasalarem, a fêmea mata-o e devora-o.Breeding season is a real bummer for the male bird-eating spider because after they mate, the female kills and eats him.
Ao acasalarem, os corpos unidos tomam a forma de um coração.As they mate, their linked bodies form the shape of a heart.
Bom, metade gente metade pássaro, daqueles que não se sabe o que são -...até acasalarem.Well, half human, half bird, but one of those birds you can't tell what it is until they mate.
Depois de acasalarem, as fêmeas descem de volta para a floresta tropical para colocarem os seus ovos.Once mated, the females descend back to the rainforest to lay their eggs.
Elas eram mulheres guerreiras que ocasionalmente capturavam homens de outras tribos para acasalarem.Female warriors captured men from other tribes in order to mate with them.
Para acasalarmos com elas?To mate with? No.
Sim, mas, no jardim zoológico, talvez ponham uma mulher comigo, para acasalarmos.But in the zoo, you know, they might put a woman in there with me to, you know, get me to mate.

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