Underminere (to undermine) conjugation

15 examples

Conjugation of underminere

Bokmål present tense
I undermine
Bokmål past tense
I undermined
Bokmål future tense
vil underminere
I will undermine
Bokmål conditional tense
ville underminere
I would undermine
Bokmål imperative tense
I undermine
Bokmål present perfect tense
har underminert
I have undermined
Bokmål past perfect tense
hadde underminert
I had undermined
Bokmål future perfect tense
vil ha underminert
I will have undermined
Bokmål conditional perfect tense
ville ha underminert
I would have undermined

Examples of underminere

Example in NorwegianTranslation in English
I nesten et tiår har du brukt opprinnelsesteorien til å underminere de rettledende prinsippene i samfunnet vårt.For nearly a decade, you've used the Distant Origin Theory to attack and undermine the guiding principles of our society.
Kanskje det ikke er noen god idé å underminere meg foran gisselet.Maybe it's not a good idea to undermine me in front of the hostage.
Han ble myrdet av CIA og Mossad i en felles operasjon for å underminere Irans atomvåpen- program. Det visste du.He was assassinated in a joint C.I.A./Mossad venture to undermine Iran's nuclear program, but, then, you know this already.
I nesten et tiår har du brukt opprinnelsesteorien til å underminere de rettledende prinsippene i samfunnet vårt.For nearly a decade, you've used the Distant Origin Theory to attack and undermine the guiding principles of our society.
Kanskje det ikke er noen god idé å underminere meg foran gisselet.Maybe it's not a good idea to undermine me in front of the hostage.
Blir det kjent at jeg er her, vil det underminere mitt presidentkandidatur.If word of my presence here gets out, our enemies at home, will undermine my presidential campaign.
Det vil også kunne underminere hele saken din.It also could undermine your entire case.
Han ble myrdet av CIA og Mossad i en felles operasjon for å underminere Irans atomvåpen- program. Det visste du.He was assassinated in a joint C.I.A./Mossad venture to undermine Iran's nuclear program, but, then, you know this already.
Jeg vil ikke godta at Mary Poppins underminerer disiplinen.I don´t propose standing idly by... and letting that woman, Mary Poppins, undermine the discipline and--
Alt som vanærer keiseren, underminerer statens grunnvoller!Utterances? What brings the Emperorship into disrepute undermines the foundations of the state.
Hvis vi ikke gjør noe, underminerer det tilliten til hele politietaten.If we do nothing, that undermines confidence in the police.
Du underminerte min status som hennes skaper.You undermined my authority as her maker.
De allierte tror at deres konstante luftangrep har underminert moralen.The Allies think that their constant air raids have undermined our morale.
Han føler seg underminert, og nå gjør han alt for å få oss lagt ned.He feels undermined and now he'll do anything he can to see us shut down, just to ease his own wounded vanity.
Besetningen på dette skipet er noen av de modigste og edleste jeg har møtt. Det er skandaløst at deres innsats for å fremskaffe kuren for oss alle er blitt underminert av de som lever av deres frykt.The men and women on this ship are some of the bravest, noblest that I have ever met, and it is an outrage that their commitment to bring all of us the cure has been undermined by those who thrive on your fear.

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