Overbevise (to convince) conjugation

34 examples

Conjugation of overbevise

Bokmål present tense
I convince
Bokmål past tense
I convinced
Bokmål future tense
vil overbevise
I will convince
Bokmål conditional tense
ville overbevise
I would convince
Bokmål imperative tense
I convince
Bokmål present perfect tense
har overbevist
I have convinced
Bokmål past perfect tense
hadde overbevist
I had convinced
Bokmål future perfect tense
vil ha overbevist
I will have convinced
Bokmål conditional perfect tense
ville ha overbevist
I would have convinced
Nynorsk present tense
I convince
Nynorsk past tense
I convinced
Nynorsk future tense
vil overbevise
I will convince
Nynorsk conditional tense
ville overbevise
I would convince
Nynorsk imperative tense
I convince
Nynorsk present perfect tense
har overbevist
I have convinced
Nynorsk past perfect tense
hadde overbevist
I had convinced
Nynorsk future perfect tense
vil ha overbevist
I will have convinced
Nynorsk conditional perfect tense
ville ha overbevist
I would have convinced

Examples of overbevise

Example in NorwegianTranslation in English
Det er ingen Gutt her, og jeg er trøtt av å prøve å overbevise dere.There's no Boy around here, and I'm tired trying to convince you.
En sang for å overbevise kjæresten din at løgnene dine er harmløse.A couplet to convince your lady your lies are harmless.
Og med det tauet rundt halsen ville det vært vanskelig å overbevise meg om at Dardo la det der.And with that rope around my neck it would've been hard to convince me Dardo put it there.
Før sønnen hans ble kastet foran den for å overbevise ham om at gresk ære må komme først.Till his child was cast in front of it, to convince him Greece's glory... You can have the glory.
Kanskje det er opp til oss å overbevise ham om at han tar feil og vi har rett.It seems to me that it's up to us to convince this gentleman that he's wrong and we're right.
De må overbevise meg om at De vet hva det gjelder. Ikke bare håpe det beste.You have to convince me you aren't just fiddling around hoping it'll all come out right in the end.
Det er ingen Gutt her, og jeg er trøtt av å prøve å overbevise dere.There's no Boy around here, and I'm tired trying to convince you.
De som betyr minne om, minnes, glemme, anklage, overbevise, dømme...Those that mean remind, remember forget, accuse, convince, judge, acquit.
En sang for å overbevise kjæresten din at løgnene dine er harmløse.A couplet to convince your lady your lies are harmless.
Og med det tauet rundt halsen ville det vært vanskelig å overbevise meg om at Dardo la det der.And with that rope around my neck it would've been hard to convince me Dardo put it there.
Hvis han overbeviser senatorene, kan du like godt skyte deg selv!If he convinces those senators, you might as well blow your brains out.
Du må fortelle politiet noe som overbeviser dem om at Margot ikke løy.Now, you've got to go tell the police and tell them some story. Anything to convince them Margot wasn't lying after all.
Vi skal vise hvor viktig det er at du overbeviser lederne.We will show you how important it is to convince your leaders.
Hvis våre fiender overbeviser britene om at De ikke kan styre i Siam er farvannene våre snart fulle av skip.If enemies of ours, with lies such as this can convince British that you are unfit to be ruler of Siam our seas will soon be thick with ships, greedy for conquest.
Hvis Deres Høyhet vitner til fordel for dem, og overbeviser juryen om at de ikke tok diamanten en gang. - Du overrasker meg.If Your Highness were to testify on their behalf, somehow convince the jury they didn't take the diamond.
Du vet jeg overbeviste meg selv på galgen, at jeg var villig til å dø.I had myself convinced up there in the gallows that I was willing to die.
Dagen etter overbeviste jeg elevene om at vi skulle sette opp Camille til vårt skoleteater, med meg som Camille.Well, the next day, I convinced the students That we should give Camille as our school play
Hun overbeviste meg om at du og doktoren... praktisk talt var et par.She had me convinced that you and the doctor... were about to become a vital statistic.
Du overbeviste meg nesten.You almost convinced me there.
- Jeg overbeviste henne.- I convinced her.
Er du overbevis?Hmm. Are you convinced yet?
Snakk med henne, bare overbevis henne om at jeg elsker henne.Talk to her, just convince her that I do love her.
George, overbevis meg om at dette er det rette.George, convince me that this is the right thing.
Så overbevis meg.Then convince me.
De er meget overbevisende.It's most convincing.
Du er ikke overbevisende, John.You're just not convincing, John.
Du blir meget overbevisende, tro meg.You'll be quite convincing, I assure you.
Det var overbevisende før, Rosie.It used to be a convincing act, Rosie. It's wearing a little thin now.
I ei klemme er ei overbevisende løgn like bra som ei patrulje. Noen ganger bedre.In a pinch a convincing' lie's as good as a posse.
Og med viten om at en vampyr må hvile i sin egen jord om dagen, er jeg overbevist om at denne Dracula ikke er noen legende, men et udødt dyr der livet har blitt unaturlig forlenget.And knowing that a vampire must rest by day in his native soil, I am convinced that this Dracula is no legend but an undead creature whose life has been unnaturally prolonged.
- Hun ser ut til å være overbevist.She seems to be convinced.
Ikke akkurat, men min familie må bli overbevist.Well, not exactly, but you see my family must be convinced.
Jeg burde være overbevist.I ought to be convinced, huh?
Snakk med ham... så vil du bli overbevist.If you'd talk with him... I'm sure you'd be convinced.

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