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Għex (to live) conjugation

22 examples

Conjugation of għex

Imperative mood
Imperfect tense
I am living
you are living
he is living
she is living
we are living
you all are living
they are living
Perfect tense
I have lived
you have lived
he has lived
she has lived
we have lived
you all have lived
they have lived

Examples of għex

Example in MalteseTranslation in English
Anton Ingolič, li għex u ħadem fl-inħawi, kiteb li t-tkabbir tal-basal beda f'Dornava, iċ-ċentru tal-pajjiż tat-tkabbir tal-basal, u minn hemm inxtered mal-Ptujsko Polje.Anton Ingolič, who lived and worked hereabouts, wrote that onion-growing started at Dornava, the heart of onion-growing country, and spread from there throughout the Ptujsko Polje.
Huwa għex fil-palazz presidenzjali ma' Omar matul ir-reġim Taliban.He lived in the presidential palace with Omar during the Taliban regime.
Huwa għex fil-palazz presidenzjali ma' Omar matul ir-reġim tat-Taliban.He lived in the presidential palace with Omar during the Taliban regime.
Huwa għex fil-palazz presidenzjali ma’ Omar matul ir-reġim Taliban.He lived in the presidential palace with Omar during the Taliban regime.
Jistgħu jirriżultaw każijiet kumplessi oħra meta d-deċedut ikun għex f'diversi Stati alternattivament jew ikun vjaġġa minn Stat għall-ieħor mingħajr ma jkun issetilja b'mod permanenti f'xi wieħed minnhom.Other complex cases may arise where the deceased lived in several States alternately or travelled from one State to another without settling permanently in any of them.
Fir-Repubblika Ċeka u fl-Olanda, 10 % tal-popolazzjoni qiegħda tgħix taħt il-linja tal-faqar, waqt li ċ-ċifra korrispondenti għall-Greċja hija 21%, u għal-Latvja hija 23%.In the Czech Republic and the Netherlands, 10% of the population are living beneath the poverty threshold, while the corresponding figure for Greece is 21%, and for Latvia it’s 23%.
Il-pensjoni, li tinkludi konċessjonijiet għal adulti u wlied dipendenti li jissodisfaw ilkundizzjonijiet meħtieġa, tingħata permezz ta’ ktieb ta’ l-ordnijiet ta’ ħlas li jistgħu jissarrfu kull ġimgħa f’uffiċċju talposta lokali jekk tkun tgħix l-Irlanda jew f’kont bankarju.Payment, which includes allowances for child dependants (see Section 2.8), is made into a bank account by electronic fund transfer, or by means of a book of payable orders which can be cashed at any post office if you are living in Ireland.
Infezzjonijiet ta ’ parassiti Jekk qed tgħix f’ reġjun fejn infezzjonijiet ta ’ parassiti huma frekwenti jew jekk sejjer f’ xi reġjun bħal dan, jekk jogħġbok għid lit- tabib tiegħek.Parasite infections If you are living in a region where parasite infections are frequent or travelling to such a region, please tell your doctor.
Inti tista’ wkoll tikkuntattja dawn l-awtoritajiet jekk inti tgħix barra miż-żona Schengen.You should also contact these authorities if you are living outside the Schengen area.
Għall-finijiet ta’ din id-Direttiva, “residenza normali” tfisser il-post fejn persuna normalment tgħix, jiġifieri għal mill-inqas 185 jum f’kull sena kalendarja, minħabba rbit personali u tax-xogħol jew, fil-każ ta’ xi persuna mingħajr irbit tax-xogħol, minħabba rbit personali li juri rabtiet mill-qrib bejn dik il-persuna u l-post fjen ikun qed jgħix.For the purposes of this Directive, ‘normal residence’ means the place where a person usually lives, that is for at least 185 days in each calendar year, because of personal and occupational ties or, in the case of a person with no occupational ties, because of personal ties which show close links between that person and the place where he is living.
F’soċjetà fejn qegħdin ngħixu aktar, ilpotenzjalità ta’ l-anzjani hija utli għall-Istat, l-ekonomija u s-soċjetà.In a society in which people are living longer, the State, the economy and society can all tap into the potential which older people represent.
Fl-Unjoni Ewropea hemm 19-il miljun tifel u tifla li qegħdin jgħixu filfaqar.19 million children are living in poverty in the European Union.
Il-membrital-familja tiegħek li qed jgħixu fil-pajjiż għandhom id-dritt ukoll li jibqgħu,anke wara mewtek.The members ofyour family who are living in the country also have the right to stay, even afteryour death.
Imma kemm l-irġiel u n-nisa qed jgħixu f’saħħithom huwa biss indikatur wiesa’ ħafna.But how long men and women are living healthily is only a very broad indicator.
L-għadd ma jinkludix l-imwiet tal-fetu u huwa indipendenti minn jekk it-twelid ħaj kollu sarx fiż-żwieġ jew barra miż-żwieġ, jew fir-rabtiet legali attwali jew preċedenti u huwa indipendenti minn jekk it-tfal li twieldu ħajjin humiex ħajjin jew mejta fid-data ta' referenza jew jekk humiex qed jgħixu mal-omm jew le.The count does not include foetal deaths, and is irrespective of whether all live births were in wedlock or out-of-wedlock, or within current or previous legal unions, and regardless of whether the live-born children are alive or dead at the reference date or whether or not they are living with the mother.
sakemm m’humiex diġà inklużi taħt punt (i), il-membri tal-familja ta’ persunal militari attiv li qed jgħixu fi Stat Membru ieħor u persuni li huma residenti fi Stat Membru ieħor u li, taħt ir-Regolament huma intitolati għall-kura tas-saħħa fl-istat ta’ residenza tagħhom, l-Olanda tkun responsabbli għall-ispejjeż.in so far as they are not already included under point (i), members of the family of active military personnel who are living in another Member State and persons who are resident in another Member State and who, under this Regulation are entitled to health care in their state of residence, the costs being borne by the Netherlands.
Mill-1994, Taslima Nasreen għexet f’bosta pajjiżi fl-eżilju, inklużi Franza, l-Iżvezja, u mill2004, fl-Indja.Since 1994, Taslima Nasreen has lived in many countries in exile including France, Sweden and, since 2004, in India.
Fiżżona li ġiet ittestjata, l-immigranti bħala medja kienu għexu hemmhekk 8 snin sakemm bdew in-negozju tagħhom.In the test area, immigrants have lived for an average of eight years before starting up their businesses.
Iċ-ċittadini Finlandiżi jew minn Stat Membru ta’ l-Unjoni għandhom dritt għal pensjoni ta’ diżabilità jekk ikunu għexu filFinlandja għal ta’ lanqas tliet snin b’kollox mill-età ta’ 16-il sena. Iċ-ċittadini ta’ pajjiżi oħra jridu jkunu għexu filFinlandja matul il-ħames snin ta’ qabel il-bidu tal-ħlas tal-pensjoni.Citizens of any European Union country are entitled to the disability pension if they have lived in Finland for a total of at least three years since the age of 16; other persons must have lived in Finland for the five calendar years before the pension is paid.
Permezz ta’ dawn l-emendi, ir-refuġjati u l-benefiċjarji tal-protezzjoni sussidjarja se jkunu jistgħu jiksbu stat ta’ residenti għal tul ta’ żmien fl-Istati Membri tal-UE fuq bażi simili ta’ persuni oħra li mhumiex ċittadini tal-UE li għexu legalment fl-UE għal aktar minn ħames snin.With these amendments, refugees and beneficiaries of subsidiary protection will be able to acquire longterm resident status in the Member States of the EU on a similar basis to other non-EU nationals who have lived legally in the EU for more than ve years.
dawk li għexu fil-post tar-residenza solita tagħhom għal perjodu kontinwu ta’ mill-inqas 12-il xahar qabel id-data ta’ referenza; jewthose who have lived in their place of usual residence for a continuous period of at least 12 months before the reference date; or
dawk li għexu fil-post tar-residenza solita tagħhom għal perjodu kontinwu ta’ mill-inqas 12-il xahar qabel iż-żmien ta’ referenza; jewthose who have lived in their place of usual residence for a continuous period of at least 12 months before the reference time; or

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