Non sopporto di assistervi, mi sento la nausea che sale e comincio a grondare sudore, sudore freddo. | Like, I can't bear to see it and it makes me feel nauseated. I start pouring with sweat, cold sweat. |
Uccidine 10, 20, tira fuori i carri armati, i lanciafiamme, loro grondano sempre fuori. | Kill 10, 20 bring out the tanks and the flame-throwers, They pour back. It's like an army of ants. |
Potete scagliarla in curva, grondando fumo dal posteriore, e andrete incredibilmente piano, ma con un enorme sorriso sulla faccia. | You can hurl it about, smoke pouring from the rear end, and you're going unbelievably slowly, but with a massive smile on your face. |