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Terbentur (to hit) conjugation

5 examples

Conjugation of terbentur

Present tense
I hit
Past tense
sudah terbentur
I hit
Present perfect tense
sudah terbentur
I have hit
Future perfect tense
akan sudah terbentur
I will have hit
Future recent tense
terbentur nanti
I will hit
Future distant tense
terbentur kelak
I am going to hit
Present continuous tense
sedang terbentur
I hit
Past distant tense
dulu terbentur
I (a long time ago) hit
Past recent tense
terbentur tadi
I (recently) hit
Past very recent tense
baru saja terbentur
I (just now) hit

Examples of terbentur

Example in IndonesianTranslation in English
Kepalamu terbentur hari ini?You get hit on the head today?
Pendarahan di saraf mata tingkat awal. Mungkin karena kepalanya yang terbentur saat pingsan.Probably from hitting her head when she lost consciousness.
Kalau gua dorong tuh babu dia juga bakal jatuh di tangga ini atau dia bakal guling-guling trus terbentur disini...If I had pushed her she would have either fallen on these stairs or she would fall straight back and hit here...
Kepalanya terbentur cukup parah.He hit his head pretty bad.
Aku mungkin telah terbentur batu.Must have hit a rock.

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