Menyadari (to realize) conjugation

5 examples

Conjugation of menyadari

Present tense
I realize
Past tense
sudah menyadari
I realized
Present perfect tense
sudah menyadari
I have realized
Future perfect tense
akan sudah menyadari
I will have realized
Future recent tense
menyadari nanti
I will realize
Future distant tense
menyadari kelak
I am going to realize
Present continuous tense
sedang menyadari
I realize
Past distant tense
dulu menyadari
I (a long time ago) realized
Past recent tense
menyadari tadi
I (recently) realized
Past very recent tense
baru saja menyadari
I (just now) realized

Examples of menyadari

Example in IndonesianTranslation in English
Pada saat itu, saya menyadari apa itu aku merasa untuk Goni.At that moment, I realized what it was I felt for Goni.
Apakah kita tidak menyadari mimpi rahasia setiap penduduk Eropa?Have we not realized the secret dream every European inhabitant?
terdakwa harus sudah menyadari bahwa Emily membutuhkan perawatan medis yang berkelanjutan.The defendant should've realized that Emily was in need of continued medical treatment.
Einstein terkejut menyadari bahwa begitu banyak hal-hal yang secara tak kritis telah diterima sebagai kebenaran bahkan oleh pihak yang berwenang pada sebuah subjek ternyata salah sama sekali.Einstein was shocked to realize that so much of what had been uncritically accepted as truth by even the greatest authorities on the subject was just plain wrong.
Kau membuatku menyadari bahwa tak masalah seberapa keras seseorang bekerja, selama kau cukup mencintai mereka.You made me realize that it doesn't matter how hard someone works, as long as you love them enough.

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