Menghambat (to hamper) conjugation

5 examples

Conjugation of menghambat

Present tense
I hamper
Past tense
sudah menghambat
I hampered
Present perfect tense
sudah menghambat
I have hampered
Future perfect tense
akan sudah menghambat
I will have hampered
Future recent tense
menghambat nanti
I will hamper
Future distant tense
menghambat kelak
I am going to hamper
Present continuous tense
sedang menghambat
I hamper
Past distant tense
dulu menghambat
I (a long time ago) hampered
Past recent tense
menghambat tadi
I (recently) hampered
Past very recent tense
baru saja menghambat
I (just now) hampered

Examples of menghambat

Example in IndonesianTranslation in English
Bicara tentang hal yg menghambat karirmu.Talk about hampering your career.
Kami sungguh tak berusaha menghambat siapa pun tapi jika masyarakat mendengar "virus tak dikenal" itu bisa membuat kepanikan.We're really not trying to hamper anyone, but if the public hears "unknown virus," it could cause panic.
Secara teoritis, jika GPS dihapus, maka itu akan mempersulitmu, karena Kamu akan menghambat penyelidikan federal.Theoretically, if the GPS is wiped, then that would put you in a rough spot, because you'd be hampering a federal investigation.
dia berbau seperti menghambat nenekku .He smelled like my grandmother's hamper.
.. dia menikahinya sehingga kami reputasi shouIdn't menghambat ...he married her so that our reputation shouIdn't hamper.

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