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Menggigil (to shiver) conjugation

5 examples

Conjugation of menggigil

Present tense
I shiver
Past tense
sudah menggigil
I shivered
Present perfect tense
sudah menggigil
I have shivered
Future perfect tense
akan sudah menggigil
I will have shivered
Future recent tense
menggigil nanti
I will shiver
Future distant tense
menggigil kelak
I am going to shiver
Present continuous tense
sedang menggigil
I shiver
Past distant tense
dulu menggigil
I (a long time ago) shivered
Past recent tense
menggigil tadi
I (recently) shivered
Past very recent tense
baru saja menggigil
I (just now) shivered

Examples of menggigil

Example in IndonesianTranslation in English
Hantu dari masa lalumu, yang masih membuatmu menggigil?A ghost from your past, one that still makes you shiver?
Dia mulai menggigil tiba-tiba.Well, he started shivering all of the sudden.
Bukankah kau menggigil kedinginan? Jika kau tidak datang kembali...He's probably shivering somewhere...
"Ikuti dingin menggigil" yang mengalir di tulang belakang.Follow the cold shiver running down your spine.
Sekarang Iook dia menggigil !Now look at him shiver!

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