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Memelihara (to maintain) conjugation

5 examples

Conjugation of memelihara

Present tense
I maintain
Past tense
sudah memelihara
I maintained
Present perfect tense
sudah memelihara
I have maintained
Future perfect tense
akan sudah memelihara
I will have maintained
Future recent tense
memelihara nanti
I will maintain
Future distant tense
memelihara kelak
I am going to maintain
Present continuous tense
sedang memelihara
I maintain
Past distant tense
dulu memelihara
I (a long time ago) maintained
Past recent tense
memelihara tadi
I (recently) maintained
Past very recent tense
baru saja memelihara
I (just now) maintained

Examples of memelihara

Example in IndonesianTranslation in English
kebodohan itu datang melalui subkontrak, yaitu ketika sebuah perusahaan swasta harus memelihara satu bagian dari trek rel.Ôhe stupidity of it came through the subcontracting, that is when a private company gets to maintain a section of track.
Dia mempunyai... kesulitan yang signifikan... dalam membentuk dan memelihara hubungan jangka panjang dengan orang lain.She has... significant difficulty... in forming and maintaining long-term relationships with others.
Saya akan memelihara kepercayaan dan melestarikan terhormat rahasia klien saya.I will maintain the confidence and preserwe inviolate the secrets of my client.
Saya akan memelihara kepercayaan Dan melestarikan terhormat rahasia klien saya.I will maintain the confidence and preserwe inviolate the secrets of my client.
Aku memelihara hubungan kaya laki-laki.I maintain relationships rich men.

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