Membanjiri (to flood) conjugation

5 examples

Conjugation of membanjiri

Present tense
I flood
Past tense
sudah membanjiri
I flooded
Present perfect tense
sudah membanjiri
I have flooded
Future perfect tense
akan sudah membanjiri
I will have flooded
Future recent tense
membanjiri nanti
I will flood
Future distant tense
membanjiri kelak
I am going to flood
Present continuous tense
sedang membanjiri
I flood
Past distant tense
dulu membanjiri
I (a long time ago) flooded
Past recent tense
membanjiri tadi
I (recently) flooded
Past very recent tense
baru saja membanjiri
I (just now) flooded

Examples of membanjiri

Example in IndonesianTranslation in English
Apa maksudmu kau membanjiri media sosial?What do you mean you're flooding social media?
Tampak seperti struktur yang bagus. Sayang sekali tujuannya untuk membanjiri Minimoy.A shame it's only purpose... is to flood the Minimoys!
Berarti dia akan membanjiri lima sungai.For which he's going to flood five river valleys.
Dia bahkan membanjiri perkampungan kami.She even flooded our village.
Apa kau bilang aku membanjiri sekolah?Did you say I flooded the school?

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