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Voyager (to travel) conjugation

26 examples

Conjugation of voyager

Present tense
je voyage
I travel
tu voyages
you travel
il/elle/on voyage
he/she/it travels
nous voyageons
we travel
vous voyagez
you all travel
ils/elles voyagent
they travel
Present perfect tense
j’ai voyagé
I travelled
tu as voyagé
you travelled
il/elle/on a voyagé
he/she/it travelled
nous avons voyagé
we travelled
vous avez voyagé
you all travelled
ils/elles ont voyagé
they travelled
Past impf. tense
je voyageais
I was travelling
tu voyageais
you were travelling
il/elle/on voyageait
he/she/it was travelling
nous voyagions
we were travelling
vous voyagiez
you all were travelling
ils/elles voyageaient
they were travelling
Future tense
je voyagerai
I will travel
tu voyageras
you will travel
il/elle/on voyagera
he/she/it will travel
nous voyagerons
we will travel
vous voyagerez
you all will travel
ils/elles voyageront
they will travel
Past perfect tense
j’avais voyagé
I had travelled
tu avais voyagé
you had travelled
il/elle/on avait voyagé
he/she/it had travelled
nous avions voyagé
we had travelled
vous aviez voyagé
you all had travelled
ils/elles avaient voyagé
they had travelled
Past preterite tense
je voyageai
I travelled
tu voyageas
you travelled
il/elle/on voyagea
he/she/it travelled
nous voyageâmes
we travelled
vous voyageâtes
you all travelled
ils/elles voyagèrent
they travelled
Past anterior tense
j’eus voyagé
I had travelled
tu eus voyagé
you had travelled
il/elle/on eut voyagé
he/she/it had travelled
nous eûmes voyagé
we had travelled
vous eûtes voyagé
you all had travelled
ils/elles eurent voyagé
they had travelled
Future perfect tense
j’aurai voyagé
I will have travelled
tu auras voyagé
you will have travelled
il/elle/on aura voyagé
he/she/it will have travelled
nous aurons voyagé
we will have travelled
vous aurez voyagé
you all will have travelled
ils/elles auront voyagé
they will have travelled
Present subjunctive tense
que je voyage
that I travel
que tu voyages
that you travel
qu’il/elle/on voyage
that he/she/it travel
que nous voyagions
that we travel
que vous voyagiez
that you all travel
qu’ils/elles voyagent
that they travel
Present perf. subjunctive tense
que j’aie voyagé
that I have travelled
que tu aies voyagé
that you have travelled
qu’il/elle/on ait voyagé
that he/she/it have travelled
que nous ayons voyagé
that we have travelled
que vous ayez voyagé
that you all have travelled
qu’ils/elles aient voyagé
that they have travelled
Imperfect subjunctive tense
que je voyageasse
that I would travel
que tu voyageasses
that you would travel
qu’il/elle/on voyageât
that he/she/it would travel
que nous voyageassions
that we would travel
que vous voyageassiez
that you all would travel
qu’ils/elles voyageassent
that they would travel
Past perfect subjunctive tense
que j’eusse voyagé
that I had travelled
que tu eusses voyagé
that you had travelled
qu’il/elle/on eût voyagé
that he/she/it had travelled
que nous eussions voyagé
that we had travelled
que vous eussiez voyagé
that you all had travelled
qu’ils/elles eussent voyagé
that they had travelled
Conditional mood
je voyagerais
I would travel
tu voyagerais
you would travel
il/elle/on voyagerait
he/she/it would travel
nous voyagerions
we would travel
vous voyageriez
you all would travel
ils/elles voyageraient
they would travel
Conditional perfect tense
j’aurais voyagé
I would have travelled
tu aurais voyagé
you would have travelled
il/elle/on aurait voyagé
he/she/it would have travelled
nous aurions voyagé
we would have travelled
vous auriez voyagé
you all would have travelled
ils/elles auraient voyagé
they would have travelled
Imperative mood
let's travel!
Past perfect imperative mood
aie voyagé
have travelled
ayons voyagé
let's have travelled
ayez voyagé
have travelled

Examples of voyager

Example in FrenchTranslation in English
" Je veux voyager d'un bout à l'autre des mers."l want to travel over the seas.
"... Il devait voyager beaucoup en son temps..."♪ He must have traveled greatly in his time ♪
"Accorde-toi du temps pour voyager avec un être aimé jusqu'à un endroit spécial.""make time to travel with a loved one to a special place."
"Après toutes ces années à voyager sans répit, "j'allai enfin m'envoyer dans les airs.After all my years as a travelling salesman I finally was gonna get into;
"C'est une façon sécuritaire et facile de voyager""This is a safe and easy way to travel."
"J'ai moi-même voyagé dans mon sommeil jusqu'à l'endroit où nous passerons dans notre second corps, que les anges du paradis y gardent pour nous.""I have myself travelled in my sleep to see the place where we will pass into our second body, "kept safe for us by the angels of paradise."
- 1914, monsieur. Car la Famille a énormément voyagé, pour trouver M. Smith, et oh... les choses que nous avons vues.Because the Family has travelled far and wide, looking for Mr Smith, and oh, the things we have seen.
- Et a voyagé dans cette diligence.- and travelled in that stagecoach.
- J'ai voyagé dans le temps.- I've travelled in time.
- J'ai voyagé.- I've travelled.
" Celui qui voyage seul, se déplace rapidement."" One who travels alone, travels fast" .
" L'héroïne s'appelle Rose, elle voyage dans le temps"The heroine Rose has travelled back in time
"'Lazlo' soutient l'interdiction de voyage à l'étranger de Hauser.""CMS comes home. 'Lazlo' approves of Hauser's foreign travel ban."
"Avec Dubaï et l'agente de voyage, on est quittes et on oublie tout.""We take Dubai, the travel tramp, call it even, move on, never mention it again."
"Dans mon voyage vers l'Ame Suprême..." "faites que je transcende les attributs du Soi"As I travel towards the Supreme Soul... may I transcend attributes of the Self
Quand tout sera fini, voyageons ensemble.When it's over, let's travel together.
"Vous voyagez"You're a man who goes travelling
(en espagnol) Vous voyagez en Espagne depuis longtemps ?(In Spanish) How long have you travelled around Spain?
(en espagnol) Vous voyagez en Espagne depuis longtemps?(In Spanish) How long have you travelled around Spain?
- Alors, vous voyagez beaucoup?So you travel a lot?
- Diana, voyagez vous dans le temps ?- Diana, are you a time-traveler?
"Je me demande si notre amour, voyageant à travers les siècles...""l wonder if our love' travelling through centuries..."
"Un espion britannique, au nom de code "Ellis", voyageant avec de faux papiers Hongrois a tenté de kidnapper un Général hongrois, inconnu à BudapestBritish spy, work name Ellis, travelling with false Hungarian papers, has attempted to kidnap an unnamed Hungarian General in Budapest.
- Célibataire, voyageant seule.- Single, unwed, travelling alone.
..were voyageant avec le cadavre à Mumbai....were travelling with the corpse to Mumbai.
Au moins, je ne suis pas un robot métamorphe voyageant dans le temps et controlé par des personnes miniaturisées, ce que, je dois l'admettre, je n'avais pa vu venir.Well, at least I'm not a time travelling, shape-shifting robot operated by miniaturised cross people, which I have got to admit I didn't see coming.

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