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Standardiser (to standardize) conjugation

8 examples

Conjugation of standardiser

Present tense
je standardise
I standardize
tu standardises
you standardize
il/elle/on standardise
he/she/it standardizes
nous standardisons
we standardize
vous standardisez
you all standardize
ils/elles standardisent
they standardize
Present perfect tense
j’ai standardisé
I standardized
tu as standardisé
you standardized
il/elle/on a standardisé
he/she/it standardized
nous avons standardisé
we standardized
vous avez standardisé
you all standardized
ils/elles ont standardisé
they standardized
Past impf. tense
je standardisais
I was standardizing
tu standardisais
you were standardizing
il/elle/on standardisait
he/she/it was standardizing
nous standardisions
we were standardizing
vous standardisiez
you all were standardizing
ils/elles standardisaient
they were standardizing
Future tense
je standardiserai
I will standardize
tu standardiseras
you will standardize
il/elle/on standardisera
he/she/it will standardize
nous standardiserons
we will standardize
vous standardiserez
you all will standardize
ils/elles standardiseront
they will standardize
Past perfect tense
j’avais standardisé
I had standardized
tu avais standardisé
you had standardized
il/elle/on avait standardisé
he/she/it had standardized
nous avions standardisé
we had standardized
vous aviez standardisé
you all had standardized
ils/elles avaient standardisé
they had standardized
Past preterite tense
je standardisai
I standardized
tu standardisas
you standardized
il/elle/on standardisa
he/she/it standardized
nous standardisâmes
we standardized
vous standardisâtes
you all standardized
ils/elles standardisèrent
they standardized
Past anterior tense
j’eus standardisé
I had standardized
tu eus standardisé
you had standardized
il/elle/on eut standardisé
he/she/it had standardized
nous eûmes standardisé
we had standardized
vous eûtes standardisé
you all had standardized
ils/elles eurent standardisé
they had standardized
Future perfect tense
j’aurai standardisé
I will have standardized
tu auras standardisé
you will have standardized
il/elle/on aura standardisé
he/she/it will have standardized
nous aurons standardisé
we will have standardized
vous aurez standardisé
you all will have standardized
ils/elles auront standardisé
they will have standardized
Present subjunctive tense
que je standardise
that I standardize
que tu standardises
that you standardize
qu’il/elle/on standardise
that he/she/it standardize
que nous standardisions
that we standardize
que vous standardisiez
that you all standardize
qu’ils/elles standardisent
that they standardize
Present perf. subjunctive tense
que j’aie standardisé
that I have standardized
que tu aies standardisé
that you have standardized
qu’il/elle/on ait standardisé
that he/she/it have standardized
que nous ayons standardisé
that we have standardized
que vous ayez standardisé
that you all have standardized
qu’ils/elles aient standardisé
that they have standardized
Imperfect subjunctive tense
que je standardisasse
that I would standardize
que tu standardisasses
that you would standardize
qu’il/elle/on standardisât
that he/she/it would standardize
que nous standardisassions
that we would standardize
que vous standardisassiez
that you all would standardize
qu’ils/elles standardisassent
that they would standardize
Past perfect subjunctive tense
que j’eusse standardisé
that I had standardized
que tu eusses standardisé
that you had standardized
qu’il/elle/on eût standardisé
that he/she/it had standardized
que nous eussions standardisé
that we had standardized
que vous eussiez standardisé
that you all had standardized
qu’ils/elles eussent standardisé
that they had standardized
Conditional mood
je standardiserais
I would standardize
tu standardiserais
you would standardize
il/elle/on standardiserait
he/she/it would standardize
nous standardiserions
we would standardize
vous standardiseriez
you all would standardize
ils/elles standardiseraient
they would standardize
Conditional perfect tense
j’aurais standardisé
I would have standardized
tu aurais standardisé
you would have standardized
il/elle/on aurait standardisé
he/she/it would have standardized
nous aurions standardisé
we would have standardized
vous auriez standardisé
you all would have standardized
ils/elles auraient standardisé
they would have standardized
Imperative mood
let's standardize!
Past perfect imperative mood
aie standardisé
have standardized
ayons standardisé
let's have standardized
ayez standardisé
have standardized

Examples of standardiser

Example in FrenchTranslation in English
Je suis sûr que c'est adorable mais le but ici est de standardiser la façon dont le Seattle Grace Mercy West approche une hernie pour que chaque bloc puisse être préparé de la même façon.I'm sure it's lovely, but the point here is to standardize the way Seattle Grace Mercy West approaches the hernia so every O.R. can be prepped the same way.
Quand une société veut standardiser son logo, elle demande à Palettone de créer sa couleur.When a corporation wants to standardize their logo, they have Palettone create a color for them.
C'est un test standardisé, c'est-à-dire qu'ils nous voient tous pareils.It's a standardized test. Standardized, meaning they see us all the same.
C'est un test standardisé. L'intelligence compte pas.Well, PCAS is a standardized test, it's not about being smart.
Le matériel est standardisé. Il répond aux normes requises pour l'électrocution et ne coûte pas plus cher que le matériel d'usine, alors qu'il est artisanal.The equipment is all standardized, it all meets the current electrical requirements for electrocution... and the pricing is such... that it's similar to what you'd pay for an off-the-shelf item, even though it's made up.
Non, non c'était un test psychologique standardisé.No, no. This was a standardized psychological test.
Oui, c'est tellement standardisé, ces trucs.It is hard to tell with anything standardized.
Homogénéiser les blocs est une chose, mais ça ne fera pas une grande différence si on ne standardise pas ce qui ce passe dans les BlocsStandardizing an O.R. is one thing, but that's not going to make much difference if we don't standardize what happens in the O.R.

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