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Se réasiatiser (to reappropriate) conjugation


Conjugation of se réasiatiser

Present tense
je me réasiatise
I reappropriate
tu tu te réasiatises
you reappropriate
il/elle/on il/elle/on se réasiatise
he/she/it reappropriates
nous nous nous réasiatisons
we reappropriate
vous vous vous réasiatisez
you all reappropriate
ils/elles ils/elles se réasiatisent
they reappropriate
Present perfect tense
je me suis réasiatisé
I reappropriated
tu t’es réasiatisé
you reappropriated
il/elle/on s’est réasiatisé
he/she/it reappropriated
nous nous sommes réasiatisés
we reappropriated
vous vous êtes réasiatisés
you all reappropriated
ils/elles se sont réasiatisés
they reappropriated
Past impf. tense
je me réasiatisais
I was reappropriating
tu tu te réasiatisais
you were reappropriating
il/elle/on il/elle/on se réasiatisait
he/she/it was reappropriating
nous nous nous réasiatisions
we were reappropriating
vous vous vous réasiatisiez
you all were reappropriating
ils/elles ils/elles se réasiatisaient
they were reappropriating
Future tense
je me réasiatiserai
I will reappropriate
tu tu te réasiatiseras
you will reappropriate
il/elle/on il/elle/on se réasiatisera
he/she/it will reappropriate
nous nous nous réasiatiserons
we will reappropriate
vous vous vous réasiatiserez
you all will reappropriate
ils/elles ils/elles se réasiatiseront
they will reappropriate
Past perfect tense
je m’étais réasiatisé
I had reappropriated
tu t’étais réasiatisé
you had reappropriated
il/elle/on s’était réasiatisé
he/she/it had reappropriated
nous nous étions réasiatisés
we had reappropriated
vous vous étiez réasiatisés
you all had reappropriated
ils/elles s’étaient réasiatisés
they had reappropriated
Past preterite tense
je me réasiatisai
I reappropriated
tu tu te réasiatisas
you reappropriated
il/elle/on il/elle/on se réasiatisa
he/she/it reappropriated
nous nous nous réasiatisâmes
we reappropriated
vous vous vous réasiatisâtes
you all reappropriated
ils/elles ils/elles se réasiatisèrent
they reappropriated
Past anterior tense
je me fus réasiatisé
I had reappropriated
tu te fus réasiatisé
you had reappropriated
il/elle/on se fut réasiatisé
he/she/it had reappropriated
nous nous fûmes réasiatisés
we had reappropriated
vous vous fûtes réasiatisés
you all had reappropriated
ils/elles se furent réasiatisés
they had reappropriated
Future perfect tense
je me serai réasiatisé
I will have reappropriated
tu te seras réasiatisé
you will have reappropriated
il/elle/on se sera réasiatisé
he/she/it will have reappropriated
nous nous serons réasiatisés
we will have reappropriated
vous vous serez réasiatisés
you all will have reappropriated
ils/elles se seront réasiatisés
they will have reappropriated
Present subjunctive tense
que je me réasiatise
that I reappropriate
que tu te réasiatises
that you reappropriate
qu’il/elle/on se réasiatise
that he/she/it reappropriate
que nous nous réasiatisions
that we reappropriate
que vous vous réasiatisiez
that you all reappropriate
ils/elles qu’ils/elles  se réasiatisent
that they reappropriate
Present perf. subjunctive tense
que je me sois réasiatisé
that I have reappropriated
que tu te sois réasiatisé
that you have reappropriated
qu’il/elle/on se soit réasiatisé
that he/she/it have reappropriated
que nous nous soyons réasiatisés
that we have reappropriated
que vous vous soyez réasiatisés
that you all have reappropriated
qu’ils/elles se soient réasiatisés
that they have reappropriated
Imperfect subjunctive tense
que je me réasiatisasse
that I would reappropriate
que tu te réasiatisasses
that you would reappropriate
qu’il/elle/on se réasiatisât
that he/she/it would reappropriate
que nous nous réasiatisassions
that we would reappropriate
que vous vous réasiatisassiez
that you all would reappropriate
ils/elles qu’ils/elles  se réasiatisassent
that they would reappropriate
Past perfect subjunctive tense
que je me fusse réasiatisé
that I had reappropriated
que tu te fusses réasiatisé
that you had reappropriated
qu’il/elle/on se fût réasiatisé
that he/she/it had reappropriated
que nous nous fussions réasiatisés
that we had reappropriated
que vous vous fussiez réasiatisés
that you all had reappropriated
qu’ils/elles se fussent réasiatisés
that they had reappropriated
Conditional mood
je me réasiatiserais
I would reappropriate
tu tu te réasiatiserais
you would reappropriate
il/elle/on il/elle/on se réasiatiserait
he/she/it would reappropriate
nous nous nous réasiatiserions
we would reappropriate
vous vous vous réasiatiseriez
you all would reappropriate
ils/elles ils/elles se réasiatiseraient
they would reappropriate
Conditional perfect tense
je me serais réasiatisé
I would have reappropriated
tu te serais réasiatisé
you would have reappropriated
il/elle/on se serait réasiatisé
he/she/it would have reappropriated
nous nous serions réasiatisés
we would have reappropriated
vous vous seriez réasiatisés
you all would have reappropriated
ils/elles se seraient réasiatisés
they would have reappropriated
Imperative mood
let's reappropriate!

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