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Pratiquer (to practice) conjugation

27 examples

Conjugation of pratiquer

Present tense
je pratique
I practice
tu pratiques
you practice
il/elle/on pratique
he/she/it practices
nous pratiquons
we practice
vous pratiquez
you all practice
ils/elles pratiquent
they practice
Present perfect tense
j’ai pratiqué
I practiced
tu as pratiqué
you practiced
il/elle/on a pratiqué
he/she/it practiced
nous avons pratiqué
we practiced
vous avez pratiqué
you all practiced
ils/elles ont pratiqué
they practiced
Past impf. tense
je pratiquais
I was practicing
tu pratiquais
you were practicing
il/elle/on pratiquait
he/she/it was practicing
nous pratiquions
we were practicing
vous pratiquiez
you all were practicing
ils/elles pratiquaient
they were practicing
Future tense
je pratiquerai
I will practice
tu pratiqueras
you will practice
il/elle/on pratiquera
he/she/it will practice
nous pratiquerons
we will practice
vous pratiquerez
you all will practice
ils/elles pratiqueront
they will practice
Past perfect tense
j’avais pratiqué
I had practiced
tu avais pratiqué
you had practiced
il/elle/on avait pratiqué
he/she/it had practiced
nous avions pratiqué
we had practiced
vous aviez pratiqué
you all had practiced
ils/elles avaient pratiqué
they had practiced
Past preterite tense
je pratiquai
I practiced
tu pratiquas
you practiced
il/elle/on pratiqua
he/she/it practiced
nous pratiquâmes
we practiced
vous pratiquâtes
you all practiced
ils/elles pratiquèrent
they practiced
Past anterior tense
j’eus pratiqué
I had practiced
tu eus pratiqué
you had practiced
il/elle/on eut pratiqué
he/she/it had practiced
nous eûmes pratiqué
we had practiced
vous eûtes pratiqué
you all had practiced
ils/elles eurent pratiqué
they had practiced
Future perfect tense
j’aurai pratiqué
I will have practiced
tu auras pratiqué
you will have practiced
il/elle/on aura pratiqué
he/she/it will have practiced
nous aurons pratiqué
we will have practiced
vous aurez pratiqué
you all will have practiced
ils/elles auront pratiqué
they will have practiced
Present subjunctive tense
que je pratique
that I practice
que tu pratiques
that you practice
qu’il/elle/on pratique
that he/she/it practice
que nous pratiquions
that we practice
que vous pratiquiez
that you all practice
qu’ils/elles pratiquent
that they practice
Present perf. subjunctive tense
que j’aie pratiqué
that I have practiced
que tu aies pratiqué
that you have practiced
qu’il/elle/on ait pratiqué
that he/she/it have practiced
que nous ayons pratiqué
that we have practiced
que vous ayez pratiqué
that you all have practiced
qu’ils/elles aient pratiqué
that they have practiced
Imperfect subjunctive tense
que je pratiquasse
that I would practice
que tu pratiquasses
that you would practice
qu’il/elle/on pratiquât
that he/she/it would practice
que nous pratiquassions
that we would practice
que vous pratiquassiez
that you all would practice
qu’ils/elles pratiquassent
that they would practice
Past perfect subjunctive tense
que j’eusse pratiqué
that I had practiced
que tu eusses pratiqué
that you had practiced
qu’il/elle/on eût pratiqué
that he/she/it had practiced
que nous eussions pratiqué
that we had practiced
que vous eussiez pratiqué
that you all had practiced
qu’ils/elles eussent pratiqué
that they had practiced
Conditional mood
je pratiquerais
I would practice
tu pratiquerais
you would practice
il/elle/on pratiquerait
he/she/it would practice
nous pratiquerions
we would practice
vous pratiqueriez
you all would practice
ils/elles pratiqueraient
they would practice
Conditional perfect tense
j’aurais pratiqué
I would have practiced
tu aurais pratiqué
you would have practiced
il/elle/on aurait pratiqué
he/she/it would have practiced
nous aurions pratiqué
we would have practiced
vous auriez pratiqué
you all would have practiced
ils/elles auraient pratiqué
they would have practiced
Imperative mood
let's practice!
Past perfect imperative mood
aie pratiqué
have practiced
ayons pratiqué
let's have practiced
ayez pratiqué
have practiced

Examples of pratiquer

Example in FrenchTranslation in English
"De tous les enseignements du Christ, il faut surtout pratiquer "la règle de l'amour, le seul sentiment apte à égayer "le chemin de l'homme sur cette Terre.Among the teachings of Christ we should, above all practice the rule of love which is the only sentiment that can make man's journey happy on this earth.
"Tu as besoin de plus pratiquer, Han."You need to practice more, Han.
"de pourquoi nous voulons tous au départ pratiquer la médecine."of why we all first wanted to practice medicine.
"j'ai dû pratiquer une trichotomie sur un chameau,"I practice a dû trichotomy on a camel,
- Eh bien, pour commencer... je sais encore pratiquer le droit.- Well, for starters... I still know how to practice law.
- Claudia Fentanes a pratiqué la médecine en Argentine.Claudia Fentanes practiced medicine in Argentina.
- Il aura même pas pratiqué.He hasn't practiced.
- J'ai pratiqué la capture dans mes jeunes années.- I practiced catching in my younger years.
- Le Conseil de la Clinique pourrait vraiment avoir besoin de quelqu'un qui a pratiqué la médecine de famille.Our Clinica board could really use someone who practiced family medicine.
- Une partie de ma vie fût très dure, mais j'ai toujours pratiqué les enseignements bouddhiste."Some of my life was very hard, but I have always practiced the Buddhist teachings.
"Cette pratique odieuse doit être exécutée tous les trois ans pour apaiser Kali.""This evil practice must be performed every three years to placate Kali."
"Introduction pratique aux pratiques de commerce efficaces ?""A practical introduction to effective business practices"?
"Je lègue au Dr Jeanne Dion ma pratique.I bequeath my medical practice to Dr Jeanne Dion.
"Le Parti enjoint une pression, on en pratique une autre."the Party enjoint a pressure, one in practice another.
"Mutilation, torture, pratique de l'horreur "pour atteindre à la purification.Mutilation, torture,... the practice of terror as a way to purification.
Alors pratiquons la valse.Then let's practice the waltz.
Papa, pratiquons la marche nuptiale.Dad, let's practice the wedding march.
"Dans votre étude de la poésie, pratiquez cette méthode de mesures.""As you proceed through the poetry in this book, practice this rating method.
- C'est ainsi que vous pratiquez ?- Is this the way you practice law?
- Comment pratiquez-vous?- How do you practice?
- Et pourquoi donc ? Vous pratiquez ensemble, vous voyagez ensemble... vous vivez pratiquement ensemble.You practice together, you travel together, you practically live together.
C'est comme ça que vous pratiquez la loi ici ?Is that how you practice law here?
- Êtes-vous un croyant pratiquant?- Are you a practicing believer?
-Je suis socialiste, "non pratiquant".I'm a non-practicing altruist.
-Vous n'êtes pas pratiquant.-You're not a practicing Jew.
C'est un catholique pratiquant !- He's a practicing Catholic.
C'est un sataniste pratiquant.The man's a practicing Satanist.

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