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Organiser (to organize) conjugation

24 examples

Conjugation of organiser

Present tense
I organize
tu organises
you organize
il/elle/on organise
he/she/it organizes
nous organisons
we organize
vous organisez
you all organize
ils/elles organisent
they organize
Present perfect tense
j’ai organisé
I organized
tu as organisé
you organized
il/elle/on a organisé
he/she/it organized
nous avons organisé
we organized
vous avez organisé
you all organized
ils/elles ont organisé
they organized
Past impf. tense
I was organizing
tu organisais
you were organizing
il/elle/on organisait
he/she/it was organizing
nous organisions
we were organizing
vous organisiez
you all were organizing
ils/elles organisaient
they were organizing
Future tense
I will organize
tu organiseras
you will organize
il/elle/on organisera
he/she/it will organize
nous organiserons
we will organize
vous organiserez
you all will organize
ils/elles organiseront
they will organize
Past perfect tense
j’avais organisé
I had organized
tu avais organisé
you had organized
il/elle/on avait organisé
he/she/it had organized
nous avions organisé
we had organized
vous aviez organisé
you all had organized
ils/elles avaient organisé
they had organized
Past preterite tense
I organized
tu organisas
you organized
il/elle/on organisa
he/she/it organized
nous organisâmes
we organized
vous organisâtes
you all organized
ils/elles organisèrent
they organized
Past anterior tense
j’eus organisé
I had organized
tu eus organisé
you had organized
il/elle/on eut organisé
he/she/it had organized
nous eûmes organisé
we had organized
vous eûtes organisé
you all had organized
ils/elles eurent organisé
they had organized
Future perfect tense
j’aurai organisé
I will have organized
tu auras organisé
you will have organized
il/elle/on aura organisé
he/she/it will have organized
nous aurons organisé
we will have organized
vous aurez organisé
you all will have organized
ils/elles auront organisé
they will have organized
Present subjunctive tense
que j’organise
that I organize
que tu organises
that you organize
qu’il/elle/on organise
that he/she/it organize
que nous organisions
that we organize
que vous organisiez
that you all organize
qu’ils/elles organisent
that they organize
Present perf. subjunctive tense
que j’aie organisé
that I have organized
que tu aies organisé
that you have organized
qu’il/elle/on ait organisé
that he/she/it have organized
que nous ayons organisé
that we have organized
que vous ayez organisé
that you all have organized
qu’ils/elles aient organisé
that they have organized
Imperfect subjunctive tense
que j’organisasse
that I would organize
que tu organisasses
that you would organize
qu’il/elle/on organisât
that he/she/it would organize
que nous organisassions
that we would organize
que vous organisassiez
that you all would organize
qu’ils/elles organisassent
that they would organize
Past perfect subjunctive tense
que j’eusse organisé
that I had organized
que tu eusses organisé
that you had organized
qu’il/elle/on eût organisé
that he/she/it had organized
que nous eussions organisé
that we had organized
que vous eussiez organisé
that you all had organized
qu’ils/elles eussent organisé
that they had organized
Conditional mood
I would organize
tu organiserais
you would organize
il/elle/on organiserait
he/she/it would organize
nous organiserions
we would organize
vous organiseriez
you all would organize
ils/elles organiseraient
they would organize
Conditional perfect tense
j’aurais organisé
I would have organized
tu aurais organisé
you would have organized
il/elle/on aurait organisé
he/she/it would have organized
nous aurions organisé
we would have organized
vous auriez organisé
you all would have organized
ils/elles auraient organisé
they would have organized
Imperative mood
let's organize!
Past perfect imperative mood
aie organisé
have organized
ayons organisé
let's have organized
ayez organisé
have organized

Examples of organiser

Example in FrenchTranslation in English
"Les hommes créent des systèmes de valeurs pour organiser le monde.On Morality. "Humans create value systems to organize the world.
"Si vous repoussez l'armée britannique et hissez le drapeau irlandais au-dessus du château de Dublin, il faudra organiser une République socialiste, ou tous vos efforts auront été vains et l'Angleterre continuera à vous diriger avec ses patrons et ses institutions capitalistes et commerciales.""If you remove the British Army tomorrow and hoist the green flag over Dublin Castle unless you organize a socialist republic, all your efforts will have been in vain. "
"réparer ce bourdonnement que seul moi peut entendre, organiser un buffet avec de la nourriture juive...""fix that humming noise only I can hear, organize snack table by food jewishness..."
(Narrateur) Ce ne sont que de belles paroles tant qu'il n'y a pas de plan pour organiser et utiliser les ressources pour créer l'abondance.(Narrator) it's all just talk unless there is a technical plan to organize and use resources to accomplish abundance.
- Cesse d'organiser ma vie!- Stop trying to organize me, okay!
"Alibis." C'est très organisé.- What are you doing? "Alibis. " Huh. That's very organized.
"Comme tout groupe organisé, les sectes font du prosélytisme.As every organized group, cults try to grow and proselytize.
"Comment vous, messieurs, régleriez-vous notre problème de crime organisé ?""How would you gentlemen handle our organized crime problem?"
"Convaincu de crime organisé, Terrien, "initiales :Convicted organized crime, Earthling, initials WZW.
- Il organise? - Oui.He organizes?
- Je connais un type qui organise des combats, un gitan.- I know a guy who organizes fights. A gypsy.
- Je ne l'organise pas...- I'm not trying to organize you, i'm...
- On organise des réunions et on peint les casques la veille des matches.- We organize the pep rallies and paint the helmets the night before the game.
- On organise le 20ème anniversaire... des Jeux olympiques d'hiver à Lilyhammer, il y a une compétition de saut... Pour l'ouverture il y a les 20 meilleurs sauteurs.- He organizes a 20th anniversary for the Lillehammer Olympics, and one of the sample jumpers from the time to open.
"Adjudant Lipton, organisez tout ça. Moi, je pars chercher du renfort.""1st Sgt Lipton, you organize things here, and I'm gonna go for help."
Alors organisez votre vie.Then get your life organized.
Alors, Tommy, vous organisez cette partie pour l'hôtel?So, Tommy, you organize this for the hotel? The game?
Apportez les autorisations vendredi... et organisez-vous par groupes de 4 par chambre.Bring permissions Friday... and get organized in groups of 4 per room.
Comment vous organisez-vous donc ?How did you organize that ?
... organisant des collectes de nourriture, et aidant notre équipe de danse... from organizing food drives, to raising money so our folk-dancing team...
Et c'est en utilisant ces documents... que mes agents voyageaient librement à travers Airstrip One... "encourageant l'insurrection" et organisant un magistral complot... afin de détruire la plus profonde faction de la direction de l'Océania.And that by use of these documents... my agents traveled freely throughout Airstrip One... encouraging insurrection and organizing a massive counterplot... to destroy the innermost faction of the Oceanian leadership.
Je dois te dire, aussi fâchée que je sois envers Sheldon pour avoir cafté, il a fait un putain de travail en organisant ce secret.I got to tell you, as angry as I am at Sheldon for blabbing, he did a hell of a job organizing this closet.
Nous allons appliquer cette interdiction vigoureusement et quiconque organisant ou participant à un tel événement est passible d'emprisonnement immédiat.We will enforce this ban vigorously and anyone organizing or taking part in any such event is liable to immediate arrest.
Sept jours par semaine, cinq heures par jour, j'aidais au magasin, organisant les rayons, déchirant les emballages, prenant des commandes...Seven days a week, for five hours a day I helped out at the store, organizing shelves, ripping off covers, taking orders...

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