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Languir (to languish) conjugation

18 examples

Conjugation of languir

Present tense
je languis
I languish
tu languis
you languish
il/elle/on languit
he/she/it languishes
nous languissons
we languish
vous languissez
you all languish
ils/elles languissent
they languish
Present perfect tense
j’ai langui
I languished
tu as langui
you languished
il/elle/on a langui
he/she/it languished
nous avons langui
we languished
vous avez langui
you all languished
ils/elles ont langui
they languished
Past impf. tense
je languissais
I was languishing
tu languissais
you were languishing
il/elle/on languissait
he/she/it was languishing
nous languissions
we were languishing
vous languissiez
you all were languishing
ils/elles languissaient
they were languishing
Future tense
je languirai
I will languish
tu languiras
you will languish
il/elle/on languira
he/she/it will languish
nous languirons
we will languish
vous languirez
you all will languish
ils/elles languiront
they will languish
Past perfect tense
j’avais langui
I had languished
tu avais langui
you had languished
il/elle/on avait langui
he/she/it had languished
nous avions langui
we had languished
vous aviez langui
you all had languished
ils/elles avaient langui
they had languished
Past preterite tense
je languis
I languished
tu languis
you languished
il/elle/on languit
he/she/it languished
nous languîmes
we languished
vous languîtes
you all languished
ils/elles languirent
they languished
Past anterior tense
j’eus langui
I had languished
tu eus langui
you had languished
il/elle/on eut langui
he/she/it had languished
nous eûmes langui
we had languished
vous eûtes langui
you all had languished
ils/elles eurent langui
they had languished
Future perfect tense
j’aurai langui
I will have languished
tu auras langui
you will have languished
il/elle/on aura langui
he/she/it will have languished
nous aurons langui
we will have languished
vous aurez langui
you all will have languished
ils/elles auront langui
they will have languished
Present subjunctive tense
que je languisse
that I languish
que tu languisses
that you languish
qu’il/elle/on languisse
that he/she/it languish
que nous languissions
that we languish
que vous languissiez
that you all languish
qu’ils/elles languissent
that they languish
Present perf. subjunctive tense
que j’aie langui
that I have languished
que tu aies langui
that you have languished
qu’il/elle/on ait langui
that he/she/it have languished
que nous ayons langui
that we have languished
que vous ayez langui
that you all have languished
qu’ils/elles aient langui
that they have languished
Imperfect subjunctive tense
que je languisse
that I would languish
que tu languisses
that you would languish
qu’il/elle/on languît
that he/she/it would languish
que nous languissions
that we would languish
que vous languissiez
that you all would languish
qu’ils/elles languissent
that they would languish
Past perfect subjunctive tense
que j’eusse langui
that I had languished
que tu eusses langui
that you had languished
qu’il/elle/on eût langui
that he/she/it had languished
que nous eussions langui
that we had languished
que vous eussiez langui
that you all had languished
qu’ils/elles eussent langui
that they had languished
Conditional mood
je languirais
I would languish
tu languirais
you would languish
il/elle/on languirait
he/she/it would languish
nous languirions
we would languish
vous languiriez
you all would languish
ils/elles languiraient
they would languish
Conditional perfect tense
j’aurais langui
I would have languished
tu aurais langui
you would have languished
il/elle/on aurait langui
he/she/it would have languished
nous aurions langui
we would have languished
vous auriez langui
you all would have languished
ils/elles auraient langui
they would have languished
Imperative mood
let's languish!
Past perfect imperative mood
aie langui
have languished
ayons langui
let's have languished
ayez langui
have languished

Examples of languir

Example in FrenchTranslation in English
Apparemment elle s'en est mariée quelques-uns marin qui a levé l'ancre alors la laissée à languir et périssez il y a presque un siècle.Apparently she married some sailor who hoisted anchor then left her to languish and perish nearly a century ago.
Au lieu de te languir à la table des exaspérés, on pourrait se mélanger sur des futons avec des mecs de fraternités.Instead of languishing at the kiddie table, we'll be mixing up on futons with frat boys.
Ce groupe va beaucoup languir.This group of pods is gonna do a lot of languishing.
Elle prouve que se languir est dangereux.It proves that languishing is dangerous.
Et cependant, Seigneur, Vous laissez en ces lieux languir votre grand coeur.And yet, my Lord, you allow your great heart To languish in these parts.
Ce nomade, qui vénérait un univers infini, a langui dans un cachot pendant huit ans.This wanderer, who worshiped an infinite universe languished in confinement for eight years.
Trois cents ans en enfer, j'ai langui d'amour.Three hundred years in Hell, I languished for love.
"La pluie est belle et je languis pour damoiselle."'The rain is beautiful and I languish for the lady'
" Je me languis longtemps dans la caverne obscure, ...jusqu'a je réussisse à enflammer la lampe. ""I languished long in the dark cave until I succeeded in lighting the Lamp"
Commeje me languis dans cet antre de maladie et de décrépitude, mon esprit s'alarme de plus en plus en raison de notre fils."But as I languish here in this house of disease "and decrepitude, "my mind turns with increasing frequency
J'ai été sourd et maintenant je languis.I was deaf and now I languish.
Je languis pour Julienne !Oh how I languish for Julienne!
C'est juste que si vous vous languissez ici sans lui depuis tant d'années, je ne vois pas pourquoi vous ne feriez pas tout votre possible pour qu'il revienne ici.It's just that if you've been languishing in here without him these many years, I don't see why you wouldn't do anything you could to see that he get back here.
De quoi vous languissez-vous ?What are you languishing for?
Tandis que vous, déesses, vous languissez dans le royaume d'Hypnos, je me lève aux aurores pour voir Hélios pointer au loin.Whilst you goddesses are languishing in the kingdom of Hypnos,
Bien avancés dans la trentaine, languissant.Well into your 30s, languishing.
Elle devrait être sur scène... et non languissant dans un asile.She should be on a stage, not languishing in some asylum.
Nous l'avons découverte languissant dans les couloirs du Vatican.We discovered it languishing in the corridors of the Vatican.

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