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Excommunier (to excommunicate) conjugation

14 examples

Conjugation of excommunier

Present tense
I excommunicate
tu excommunies
you excommunicate
il/elle/on excommunie
he/she/it excommunicates
nous excommunions
we excommunicate
vous excommuniez
you all excommunicate
ils/elles excommunient
they excommunicate
Present perfect tense
j’ai excommunié
I excommunicated
tu as excommunié
you excommunicated
il/elle/on a excommunié
he/she/it excommunicated
nous avons excommunié
we excommunicated
vous avez excommunié
you all excommunicated
ils/elles ont excommunié
they excommunicated
Past impf. tense
I was excommunicating
tu excommuniais
you were excommunicating
il/elle/on excommuniait
he/she/it was excommunicating
nous excommuniions
we were excommunicating
vous excommuniiez
you all were excommunicating
ils/elles excommuniaient
they were excommunicating
Future tense
I will excommunicate
tu excommunieras
you will excommunicate
il/elle/on excommuniera
he/she/it will excommunicate
nous excommunierons
we will excommunicate
vous excommunierez
you all will excommunicate
ils/elles excommunieront
they will excommunicate
Past perfect tense
j’avais excommunié
I had excommunicated
tu avais excommunié
you had excommunicated
il/elle/on avait excommunié
he/she/it had excommunicated
nous avions excommunié
we had excommunicated
vous aviez excommunié
you all had excommunicated
ils/elles avaient excommunié
they had excommunicated
Past preterite tense
I excommunicated
tu excommunias
you excommunicated
il/elle/on excommunia
he/she/it excommunicated
nous excommuniâmes
we excommunicated
vous excommuniâtes
you all excommunicated
ils/elles excommunièrent
they excommunicated
Past anterior tense
j’eus excommunié
I had excommunicated
tu eus excommunié
you had excommunicated
il/elle/on eut excommunié
he/she/it had excommunicated
nous eûmes excommunié
we had excommunicated
vous eûtes excommunié
you all had excommunicated
ils/elles eurent excommunié
they had excommunicated
Future perfect tense
j’aurai excommunié
I will have excommunicated
tu auras excommunié
you will have excommunicated
il/elle/on aura excommunié
he/she/it will have excommunicated
nous aurons excommunié
we will have excommunicated
vous aurez excommunié
you all will have excommunicated
ils/elles auront excommunié
they will have excommunicated
Present subjunctive tense
que j’excommunie
that I excommunicate
que tu excommunies
that you excommunicate
qu’il/elle/on excommunie
that he/she/it excommunicate
que nous excommuniions
that we excommunicate
que vous excommuniiez
that you all excommunicate
qu’ils/elles excommunient
that they excommunicate
Present perf. subjunctive tense
que j’aie excommunié
that I have excommunicated
que tu aies excommunié
that you have excommunicated
qu’il/elle/on ait excommunié
that he/she/it have excommunicated
que nous ayons excommunié
that we have excommunicated
que vous ayez excommunié
that you all have excommunicated
qu’ils/elles aient excommunié
that they have excommunicated
Imperfect subjunctive tense
que j’excommuniasse
that I would excommunicate
que tu excommuniasses
that you would excommunicate
qu’il/elle/on excommuniât
that he/she/it would excommunicate
que nous excommuniassions
that we would excommunicate
que vous excommuniassiez
that you all would excommunicate
qu’ils/elles excommuniassent
that they would excommunicate
Past perfect subjunctive tense
que j’eusse excommunié
that I had excommunicated
que tu eusses excommunié
that you had excommunicated
qu’il/elle/on eût excommunié
that he/she/it had excommunicated
que nous eussions excommunié
that we had excommunicated
que vous eussiez excommunié
that you all had excommunicated
qu’ils/elles eussent excommunié
that they had excommunicated
Conditional mood
I would excommunicate
tu excommunierais
you would excommunicate
il/elle/on excommunierait
he/she/it would excommunicate
nous excommunierions
we would excommunicate
vous excommunieriez
you all would excommunicate
ils/elles excommunieraient
they would excommunicate
Conditional perfect tense
j’aurais excommunié
I would have excommunicated
tu aurais excommunié
you would have excommunicated
il/elle/on aurait excommunié
he/she/it would have excommunicated
nous aurions excommunié
we would have excommunicated
vous auriez excommunié
you all would have excommunicated
ils/elles auraient excommunié
they would have excommunicated
Imperative mood
let's excommunicate!
Past perfect imperative mood
aie excommunié
have excommunicated
ayons excommunié
let's have excommunicated
ayez excommunié
have excommunicated

Examples of excommunier

Example in FrenchTranslation in English
- De l'Empereur, vous exhortant à éviter l'annulation, et à excommunier le Roi.- From the Emperor, urging you to prevent the annulment and excommunicate the King.
- lls veulent l'excommunier.- Now they want to excommunicate him.
Alors j'insiste, nous devons faire appel à notre évêque pour excommunier cet homme!Now I insist that we call upon our bishop to excommunicate him!
Cela pourrait nous donner une raison pour l'excommunier.Well,that could give us cause to excommunicate him.
Ensuite, nous allons l'excommunier.Then we will excommunicate him.
"hé, peut-être que les femmes devraient être ordonnée prêtre," vous seriez excommunié ?"hey, maybe women should be ordained," you'd be excommunicated?
-Vous êtes excommunié?-Are you excommunicated?
Alex, tu as enterré un prêtre excommunié en terre consacrée, malgré l'interdiction de l'Église.Alex, you buried an excommunicated priest in consecrated ground... after the church had forbidden it.
Après notre rencontre, on m'a renvoyé et excommunié... parce que je suis gayAfter we met I was sent home and excommunicated for being gay
Après tout, le pape, si prodigue en excommunications, n'a jamais excommunié les marchands d'esclaves.After all, the Pope, who is usually so generous with his excommunications, has never excommunicated a merchant of black meat.
Ferme-la ou je t'excommunie !Shut up or I'II excommunicate you.
N'oubliez pas, si le Vatican nous démasque il nous excommunie.Remember, if we are discovered by the Vatican, we are excommunicated.
Tout prêtre qui est ami avec un hors-Ia-Ioi... Je l'excommunie automatiquement... et Je m'ordonne moi-même.Any priest buddies up With an outlaW... l automatically excommunicate him... and ordain myself.
Votre religion S.D.J. réprime également les femmes, les excommuniant pour lever la voix.- excommunicating us for speaking out... - ( Gavel banging ) And attempting to bury the mother in heaven doctrine.

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