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Empoigner (to grip) conjugation

10 examples

Conjugation of empoigner

Present tense
I grip
tu empoignes
you grip
il/elle/on empoigne
he/she/it grips
nous empoignons
we grip
vous empoignez
you all grip
ils/elles empoignent
they grip
Present perfect tense
j’ai empoigné
I gripped
tu as empoigné
you gripped
il/elle/on a empoigné
he/she/it gripped
nous avons empoigné
we gripped
vous avez empoigné
you all gripped
ils/elles ont empoigné
they gripped
Past impf. tense
I was gripping
tu empoignais
you were gripping
il/elle/on empoignait
he/she/it was gripping
nous empoignions
we were gripping
vous empoigniez
you all were gripping
ils/elles empoignaient
they were gripping
Future tense
I will grip
tu empoigneras
you will grip
il/elle/on empoignera
he/she/it will grip
nous empoignerons
we will grip
vous empoignerez
you all will grip
ils/elles empoigneront
they will grip
Past perfect tense
j’avais empoigné
I had gripped
tu avais empoigné
you had gripped
il/elle/on avait empoigné
he/she/it had gripped
nous avions empoigné
we had gripped
vous aviez empoigné
you all had gripped
ils/elles avaient empoigné
they had gripped
Past preterite tense
I gripped
tu empoignas
you gripped
il/elle/on empoigna
he/she/it gripped
nous empoignâmes
we gripped
vous empoignâtes
you all gripped
ils/elles empoignèrent
they gripped
Past anterior tense
j’eus empoigné
I had gripped
tu eus empoigné
you had gripped
il/elle/on eut empoigné
he/she/it had gripped
nous eûmes empoigné
we had gripped
vous eûtes empoigné
you all had gripped
ils/elles eurent empoigné
they had gripped
Future perfect tense
j’aurai empoigné
I will have gripped
tu auras empoigné
you will have gripped
il/elle/on aura empoigné
he/she/it will have gripped
nous aurons empoigné
we will have gripped
vous aurez empoigné
you all will have gripped
ils/elles auront empoigné
they will have gripped
Present subjunctive tense
que j’empoigne
that I grip
que tu empoignes
that you grip
qu’il/elle/on empoigne
that he/she/it grip
que nous empoignions
that we grip
que vous empoigniez
that you all grip
qu’ils/elles empoignent
that they grip
Present perf. subjunctive tense
que j’aie empoigné
that I have gripped
que tu aies empoigné
that you have gripped
qu’il/elle/on ait empoigné
that he/she/it have gripped
que nous ayons empoigné
that we have gripped
que vous ayez empoigné
that you all have gripped
qu’ils/elles aient empoigné
that they have gripped
Imperfect subjunctive tense
que j’empoignasse
that I would grip
que tu empoignasses
that you would grip
qu’il/elle/on empoignât
that he/she/it would grip
que nous empoignassions
that we would grip
que vous empoignassiez
that you all would grip
qu’ils/elles empoignassent
that they would grip
Past perfect subjunctive tense
que j’eusse empoigné
that I had gripped
que tu eusses empoigné
that you had gripped
qu’il/elle/on eût empoigné
that he/she/it had gripped
que nous eussions empoigné
that we had gripped
que vous eussiez empoigné
that you all had gripped
qu’ils/elles eussent empoigné
that they had gripped
Conditional mood
I would grip
tu empoignerais
you would grip
il/elle/on empoignerait
he/she/it would grip
nous empoignerions
we would grip
vous empoigneriez
you all would grip
ils/elles empoigneraient
they would grip
Conditional perfect tense
j’aurais empoigné
I would have gripped
tu aurais empoigné
you would have gripped
il/elle/on aurait empoigné
he/she/it would have gripped
nous aurions empoigné
we would have gripped
vous auriez empoigné
you all would have gripped
ils/elles auraient empoigné
they would have gripped
Imperative mood
let's grip!
Past perfect imperative mood
aie empoigné
have gripped
ayons empoigné
let's have gripped
ayez empoigné
have gripped

Examples of empoigner

Example in FrenchTranslation in English
Et "tenir" au lieu "d'empoigner".-Change "chokehold " to "tight grip. "
Il faut bien empoigner le manche, mettre une main à la base, et faire glisser l'autre jusqu'en haut.You grip the shaft firmly. Then with one hand on the base... you slide the other all the way up to the tip.
Mais vous ne verrez plus jamais l'aube se lever car le Mal est sorti de la crypte pour vous empoigner dans son étreinte glaciale...But no more sun you'll ever see For evil reaches from the crypt To crush you in its icy grip
Nous devons rentrer là-bas, les empoigner.We've got to go in there, get a grip of it.
Quand elle a sentit comme une pieuvre l'empoigner.Suddenly she felt an octopus's grip.
Celui qui t'a empoigné et t'a arraché à la perdition.I'm the one who gripped you tight and raised you from perdition.
Oui, quelqu'un l'a empoigné puis l'a serré comme dans un étau.Yeah,someone gripped him,vicelike,and squeezed.
Ma vie, je l'empoigne et je fonce.I grip it and I rip it.
On se crache dessus, on s'empoigne, on lutte, on crie.We spit each other in the face, grip each other's arms, wrestle, yell.
Regardez, il l'empoigne par le cou avec ses dents elle ne peut donc pas s'échapper.See, he grips her by the neck with his teeth so she can't escape.

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