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Chercher (to pick up) conjugation

20 examples

Conjugation of chercher

Present tense
je cherche
I pick up
tu cherches
you pick up
il/elle/on cherche
he/she/it picks up
nous cherchons
we pick up
vous cherchez
you all pick up
ils/elles cherchent
they pick up
Present perfect tense
j’ai cherché
I picked up
tu as cherché
you picked up
il/elle/on a cherché
he/she/it picked up
nous avons cherché
we picked up
vous avez cherché
you all picked up
ils/elles ont cherché
they picked up
Past impf. tense
je cherchais
I was picking up
tu cherchais
you were picking up
il/elle/on cherchait
he/she/it was picking up
nous cherchions
we were picking up
vous cherchiez
you all were picking up
ils/elles cherchaient
they were picking up
Future tense
je chercherai
I will pick up
tu chercheras
you will pick up
il/elle/on cherchera
he/she/it will pick up
nous chercherons
we will pick up
vous chercherez
you all will pick up
ils/elles chercheront
they will pick up
Past perfect tense
j’avais cherché
I had picked up
tu avais cherché
you had picked up
il/elle/on avait cherché
he/she/it had picked up
nous avions cherché
we had picked up
vous aviez cherché
you all had picked up
ils/elles avaient cherché
they had picked up
Past preterite tense
je cherchai
I picked up
tu cherchas
you picked up
il/elle/on chercha
he/she/it picked up
nous cherchâmes
we picked up
vous cherchâtes
you all picked up
ils/elles cherchèrent
they picked up
Past anterior tense
j’eus cherché
I had picked up
tu eus cherché
you had picked up
il/elle/on eut cherché
he/she/it had picked up
nous eûmes cherché
we had picked up
vous eûtes cherché
you all had picked up
ils/elles eurent cherché
they had picked up
Future perfect tense
j’aurai cherché
I will have picked up
tu auras cherché
you will have picked up
il/elle/on aura cherché
he/she/it will have picked up
nous aurons cherché
we will have picked up
vous aurez cherché
you all will have picked up
ils/elles auront cherché
they will have picked up
Present subjunctive tense
que je cherche
that I pick up
que tu cherches
that you pick up
qu’il/elle/on cherche
that he/she/it pick up
que nous cherchions
that we pick up
que vous cherchiez
that you all pick up
qu’ils/elles cherchent
that they pick up
Present perf. subjunctive tense
que j’aie cherché
that I have picked up
que tu aies cherché
that you have picked up
qu’il/elle/on ait cherché
that he/she/it have picked up
que nous ayons cherché
that we have picked up
que vous ayez cherché
that you all have picked up
qu’ils/elles aient cherché
that they have picked up
Imperfect subjunctive tense
que je cherchasse
that I would pick up
que tu cherchasses
that you would pick up
qu’il/elle/on cherchât
that he/she/it would pick up
que nous cherchassions
that we would pick up
que vous cherchassiez
that you all would pick up
qu’ils/elles cherchassent
that they would pick up
Past perfect subjunctive tense
que j’eusse cherché
that I had picked up
que tu eusses cherché
that you had picked up
qu’il/elle/on eût cherché
that he/she/it had picked up
que nous eussions cherché
that we had picked up
que vous eussiez cherché
that you all had picked up
qu’ils/elles eussent cherché
that they had picked up
Conditional mood
je chercherais
I would pick up
tu chercherais
you would pick up
il/elle/on chercherait
he/she/it would pick up
nous chercherions
we would pick up
vous chercheriez
you all would pick up
ils/elles chercheraient
they would pick up
Conditional perfect tense
j’aurais cherché
I would have picked up
tu aurais cherché
you would have picked up
il/elle/on aurait cherché
he/she/it would have picked up
nous aurions cherché
we would have picked up
vous auriez cherché
you all would have picked up
ils/elles auraient cherché
they would have picked up
Imperative mood
pick up!
let's pick up!
pick up!
Past perfect imperative mood
aie cherché
have picked up
ayons cherché
let's have picked up
ayez cherché
have picked up

Examples of chercher

Example in FrenchTranslation in English
"C'est juste aller chercher un gamin dans le New Jersey... "et le conduire à Washington.All you gotta do is pick up a kid in Jersey... drive him down to DC.
"Chérie, peux-tu chercher mon pressing ?""Honey, can you pick up my dry cleaning?"
"La débile veut que j'aille chercher tout son mobilier pourri."The dumb one wants me to pick up all this crappy furniture.
"Les gars, vous pouvez venir chercher cette fille morte qui se trouve dans notre chambre ?""Oh, guys, can you come pick up this dead girl that happens to be in our room?"
"On va à m"o"n village chercher" "de"s "pri"so"nnier"s "p"o"ur un échange."They called a truce. We have to go back to my village to pick up prisoners for exchange.
- Tu as cherché les alliances?Have you picked up the rings?
C'est moi qui ai cherché M. Dowd.I telephoned you right after we picked up Mr. Dowd.
Chaque fois que j'ai retrouvé sa trace, J'ai cherché une façon de détruire cette chose.Ever since I picked up its trail l've been looking for a way to destroy that thing.
D'avoir pris le téléphone, de t'avoir cherché, d'être venue jusqu'ici et de t'avoir donné 6 000 $.It happened in the sense that I picked up the phone, tracked you down, flew you over her and gave you $6,000.
En fait, on a cherché sa perruque "cheveux en pétard", et tout allait bien.I mean, we picked up his sleepy-head wig, everything was cool.
Alors, je cherche un receveur large.So, I'm looking to pick up a franchise wideout.
C'est intéressant. Moi aussi, je cherche un indice.That's interesting, cos l've been trying to pick up a thread of my own.
Dès que je suis monté, je cherche une ou plusieurs femmes possibles.I get on, and immediately I look around to see women I could pick up.
Et bien, quelque chose me dit que vous deux n'êtes pas là cherche à ramasser quelques main d'œuvre non qualifiée.Well, something tells me you two aren't here looking to pick up some unskilled labor.
Et les indices décisifs ne sont jamais là où on les cherche, mais ils tombent de la poche du costume que le teinturier vous a remis par erreur.The clues that keep you on track are never where you look for them. They fall out of the pocket of somebody else's suit you pick up at the cleaners.
- Vous cherchez un prisonnier ?-You're here to pick up a prisoner, right?
Il a pris l'homme que vous cherchez.He pick up the man you're looking for.
Ok. Et cherchez aussi n'importe quoi sur ce nom : Sarah Popeil.And anything and everything you can pick up on this one, Sarah Popil with an 'i'.
Scannez la zone à nouveau, cherchez des traces.Try scanning again, we gotta pick up some trace of it.
Vous cherchez le jeu de Tokyo ramasser.Looking the pick up clearance to Tokyo.

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