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Bizuter (to haze) conjugation

16 examples

Conjugation of bizuter

Present tense
je bizute
I haze
tu bizutes
you haze
il/elle/on bizute
he/she/it hazes
nous bizutons
we haze
vous bizutez
you all haze
ils/elles bizutent
they haze
Present perfect tense
j’ai bizuté
I hazed
tu as bizuté
you hazed
il/elle/on a bizuté
he/she/it hazed
nous avons bizuté
we hazed
vous avez bizuté
you all hazed
ils/elles ont bizuté
they hazed
Past impf. tense
je bizutais
I was hazing
tu bizutais
you were hazing
il/elle/on bizutait
he/she/it was hazing
nous bizutions
we were hazing
vous bizutiez
you all were hazing
ils/elles bizutaient
they were hazing
Future tense
je bizuterai
I will haze
tu bizuteras
you will haze
il/elle/on bizutera
he/she/it will haze
nous bizuterons
we will haze
vous bizuterez
you all will haze
ils/elles bizuteront
they will haze
Past perfect tense
j’avais bizuté
I had hazed
tu avais bizuté
you had hazed
il/elle/on avait bizuté
he/she/it had hazed
nous avions bizuté
we had hazed
vous aviez bizuté
you all had hazed
ils/elles avaient bizuté
they had hazed
Past preterite tense
je bizutai
I hazed
tu bizutas
you hazed
il/elle/on bizuta
he/she/it hazed
nous bizutâmes
we hazed
vous bizutâtes
you all hazed
ils/elles bizutèrent
they hazed
Past anterior tense
j’eus bizuté
I had hazed
tu eus bizuté
you had hazed
il/elle/on eut bizuté
he/she/it had hazed
nous eûmes bizuté
we had hazed
vous eûtes bizuté
you all had hazed
ils/elles eurent bizuté
they had hazed
Future perfect tense
j’aurai bizuté
I will have hazed
tu auras bizuté
you will have hazed
il/elle/on aura bizuté
he/she/it will have hazed
nous aurons bizuté
we will have hazed
vous aurez bizuté
you all will have hazed
ils/elles auront bizuté
they will have hazed
Present subjunctive tense
que je bizute
that I haze
que tu bizutes
that you haze
qu’il/elle/on bizute
that he/she/it haze
que nous bizutions
that we haze
que vous bizutiez
that you all haze
qu’ils/elles bizutent
that they haze
Present perf. subjunctive tense
que j’aie bizuté
that I have hazed
que tu aies bizuté
that you have hazed
qu’il/elle/on ait bizuté
that he/she/it have hazed
que nous ayons bizuté
that we have hazed
que vous ayez bizuté
that you all have hazed
qu’ils/elles aient bizuté
that they have hazed
Imperfect subjunctive tense
que je bizutasse
that I would haze
que tu bizutasses
that you would haze
qu’il/elle/on bizutât
that he/she/it would haze
que nous bizutassions
that we would haze
que vous bizutassiez
that you all would haze
qu’ils/elles bizutassent
that they would haze
Past perfect subjunctive tense
que j’eusse bizuté
that I had hazed
que tu eusses bizuté
that you had hazed
qu’il/elle/on eût bizuté
that he/she/it had hazed
que nous eussions bizuté
that we had hazed
que vous eussiez bizuté
that you all had hazed
qu’ils/elles eussent bizuté
that they had hazed
Conditional mood
je bizuterais
I would haze
tu bizuterais
you would haze
il/elle/on bizuterait
he/she/it would haze
nous bizuterions
we would haze
vous bizuteriez
you all would haze
ils/elles bizuteraient
they would haze
Conditional perfect tense
j’aurais bizuté
I would have hazed
tu aurais bizuté
you would have hazed
il/elle/on aurait bizuté
he/she/it would have hazed
nous aurions bizuté
we would have hazed
vous auriez bizuté
you all would have hazed
ils/elles auraient bizuté
they would have hazed
Imperative mood
let's haze!
Past perfect imperative mood
aie bizuté
have hazed
ayons bizuté
let's have hazed
ayez bizuté
have hazed

Examples of bizuter

Example in FrenchTranslation in English
- Et on va les bizuter !- And we get to haze'em.
C'était aussi ton choix de bizuter Rebecca aussi durement ce qui m'a malheureusement obligé à punir ma petite sœur.It was also your choice to haze Rebecca out of spite, which put me in the awkward position of having to discipline my little sister.
De toute façon, il est temps d'aller bizuter le nouveau gars.It's about time we hazed the new guy anyway.
Eh, je vois comment c'est... vous les gars, uh, voulez bizuter le bleuHey, I see how this is-- you guys, uh, want to haze the swabbie.
Est-ce que Miles était en train de se faire bizuter la nuit où il a été tué ?Was Miles being hazed the night that he was murdered?
A l'université, j'ai été tellement bizuté durant ma première année.In colle, I was hazed so badly my first year of spirit squad.
Ben, faire cette promesse veut dire être bizuté.Ben, being a pledge means being hazed, okay?
C'est pas tout le monde qui peut dire qu'il a été bizuté par un "hall of famer".Not everyone can say they've been hazed by a hall of famer.
C'est pour ça qu'il devait être bizuté.That's probably why he was hazed.
Je l'ai bizuté.I hazed him.
Bon alors, je le bizute jusqu'aux larmes, ou au delà?So should I haze him to the point of tears or beyond?
Ils m'ont aussi bizute, plie et presque renvoye quand mes resultats se sont ressentis de mon engagement au Senat.They also hazed me, tried to break me, and senior year, nearly expelled me when I volunteered for a Senate race and my studies suffered.
On bizute le nouveau.You haze the new guy.
On ne bizute pas.We do not haze.
Tu es l'éducateur des bizuts, bizute-le jusqu'à ce qu'il parte.You're Pledge Educator. Just haze him until he quits.
D'un côté, nous avons TOI... qui a mis la Fraternité en danger en bizutant Rebecca.On the one hand, we have you... Who put this entire sorority in danger by hazing rebecca.

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