Surkeita stooreja. | These stories suck. |
Haluan yksityiskohdat, koko stoorin, mutta ensin juhlitaan. | I want all the details, the whole story. But first, we celebrate. |
Kuinka pitkän stoorin meinasit kertoa, CJ? | How long a story were you gonna tell the man there, C.J.? |
Et saa kunnon stooria hyökkäyksen avulla. | - And? And you don't get the real story by attacking your subject. |
Hän ei osaa kertoa stooria. | Dude, she doesn't know how to tell a story. |
Hyvä stoori, mutta lupasit olutta. | Hey, man, the story's cool, but you promised me beer. |
Kuinka tota omaelämäkerrallinen toi stoori on? | Is the story autobiographical? - Not really |
Mutta minulla on vuoden stoori tässä. | But I'm sitting on the story of the year here. |
Oliko tuo tosissaan koko stoori? | Is that seriously the end of the story? |
Se olisi mahtava stoori, jos olisimme voittaneet matsin | It'd be a great story if we'd won the game. |