Myös skientologia on outo. Tapahtuu kaikkea hullua. | I saw a post about the scientology thing and I started looking up stuff and I'm like, oh, this is actually for a decent cause, I think I'll do this. |
Aloittelija ei ole tietoinen mistään, - mutta edistynyt skientologi on jo tietoisempi itsestään, - omasta henkisyydestään ja suhteestaan muihin. | You start down here and you're not aware of anything, then you go up here and you're a lot more aware of who you are, your spirituality, your relationship to others. |
Nimitys "skientologi" täytyy ansaita. | I think it's a privilege to call yourself a Scientologist, and it's something that you have to earn. |