Kun näin pihallasi rullalaudat, oletin, että ne voivat olla... | When I saw some skateboards in your front yard, I assumed they might... |
Niin kuin rullalaudat. | Like skateboards. |
CD:tä, rullalautoja ja sellaista tavaraa - niinpä me tiesimme, että siinä oli jotakin - ja hän alkoi antamaan ihmisille huviajeluita baarilta. | CDs, skateboards, and stuff like that in there, and so we knew something- something was up with it, and he started giving people joy rides up at the bar. |
Kari ja Grant sovittivat rullalautoja kiskoille, - toivoen todellista matkaa. | Kari and Grant fit skateboards to rails For a hopefully friction-free ride, |
Me kannamme rullalautoja. | This is carrying skateboards. |
Teen satoja rullalautoja kuukaudessa. Kaikki Stacy Peralta -nimellä. | l'm gonna build hundreds of skateboards a month all with your name, "Stacy Peralta." |
Koska rullalaudoissa ei ole litteitä renkaita. | Well, because... skateboards don't get flat tyres. |
Kaiken kokoisia ja näköisiä tavaroita - aina rullalaudoista stereojärjestelmiin - on kadonnut kauppojen hyllyiltä - sekä varastoista hälyttävän paljon. | Merchandise of every size and description... from skateboards to stereo systems... has been disappearing from store shelves... and storage areas at an alarming rate. |
Hän meni Thorntonin kauppaan tänä aamuna ja alkoi sylkeä uusiin rullalautoihin. | She went down to Thornton's store this morning and started spitting on the new skateboards. |
- Veimme sen rullalaudoilla ulos. | Leon and I rolled it outside on some skateboards. |
Rouva Kendleman nyrjäytti nilkkansa, kuten hän sanoo, se on sekaantumista hänen elämäänsä. Kun joukko koululapsia laski alas jalkakäytävää rullalaudoilla. | Old Mrs. Kendleman twisted her ankle, as she puts it, diving for her life when a bunch of school kids rode down the sidewalk on skateboards. |
Vain pari nuorta rullalaudoilla. | No movement down here. Just a couple of kids on skateboards. |
-Näen rullalaudan, David! | I can see that you're on a skateboard, David. This is why we broke up, Jenna. |
Haluatko palkinnoksi rullalaudan? | What can I buy you? New baseball mitt, skateboard? |
Kilpailit muutaman rullalaudan kanssa. | You were racing a bunch of skateboards. Know what I mean? |
Milloin viimeksi edes olit rullalaudan päällä? | When was the last time you were even on a skateboard? |
Ne rikko mun rullalaudan! | They broke my skateboard! |
En nähnyt näyssä rullalautaa. | hit his head. There was no skateboarding in my vision. |
Mutta ensin: Peter, varo rullalautaa. | - But first, Peter, look out for that skateboard. |
-Hän on innoissaan rullalaudasta. | From what I can see, he's all about his skateboard. |
Pidän tuosta rullalaudasta, koska Jamie piti rullalautailusta. - Niin piti. | I like the skateboard, 'cause Jamie loved skateboarding. |
Veli kiinnitetään rullalautaan, ja hänet työnnetään keiloja kohti. | The brother is the bowling ball. The brother, you put a skateboard on him, strapped him to a skateboard.. And, toss him down an alley at some pins. |
13-vuotias poika, kaatui rullalaudalla. | 13-year-old male, fell off a skateboard. |
Hän puristaa sitä... Hän on rullalaudalla. | He squeezes it... he's on a skateboard. |
Keskus ilmoitti juuri kahdesta rullalaudalla kulkevasta hamsterista. | Dispatch just got a report of two giant hamsters riding a skateboard on Pacific. |
Kuinka voisit edes tietää, - kun jahtasit opiskelijoita rullalaudalla? | How would you even know... when you're busy chasing interns on a skateboard? |
Menin rullalaudalla päin. | See the edge of this window sill. When I got my first skateboard I slid right into it. |
Putosin suoraan rullalaudalta aitaan. | Came off my skateboard straight into a fence. |
- Ja Barbara Mandrellin rullalauta. | - And Barbara Mandrell's skateboard. |
- Missä rullalauta on? | Who was he meeting? And where's his skateboard? |
- Siisti rullalauta! | Sweet skateboard! |
Carlilla oli kengurukeppi ja yhdellä kaverilla rullalauta. | Carl was on a pogo stick and one other guy was going to be on a skateboard. |
Ennen sitä sinulla oli pelkkä rullalauta. | Before I came along you were on a skateboard. |