Sitten haluatte muskeliveneen. | If that turns you on, then you want a powerboat. |
Sitten muskeliveneen väki tuli maihin. | Now, at this point, all the men in the powerboat came ashore. |
Joku ampui muskeliveneestä. | Then someone in the powerboat on the water opened fire. |
Mistä tiedät, että muskeliveneestä ammuttiin ja pakenevia oli kaksi? | -Okay. How do you know the gunfire came from this alleged powerboat? How do you know anybody escaped, let alone two people? |
Hanki itsellesi kunnon muskelivene. | Why don't you get a nice powerboat? |
Tuota venettä seurasi sitä suurempi muskelivene. | That launch there was being pursued by another, probably larger, powerboat. |