En koskaan unohda monokkeleita. | Not so good on faces, but monocles I never forget. |
Meillä ei ehkä ole monokkeleita eikä orkideahuoneita - eikä muitakaan herrasväen tunnusmerkkejä - mutta olemme silti varsin tehokkaita. | We may not have our monocles... or our orchid houses or our deerstalkers... or our shovel hats, but we are reasonably effective for all that, sir. |
Ne erottaa toisistaan monokkeleista. | The way you can tell them apart is by those snooty monocles. |
Ehdit ostaa silinterin ja monokkelin. | It's good. Gives you time to buy the top hat and monocle. |
PIRAATIT Annoin apinalle monokkelin, peitin sen valtavan takamuksen ja odotin sen olevan enemmän... | I thought that if you took a monkey, gave him a monocle and covered up his gigantic, unsightly ass, then he would cease to be a monkey and become more of a... |
Kapteeni Thorndiken ystävä, monokkelia pitävä herra. | Captain Thorndike's friend, the gentleman with the monocle. - You see? |
- Presidentti Pähkinän monokkelissa. | - Where? - In President Peanut's monocle. |
Se johtuu kai monokkelista. | I think it's the monocle. |
Jotkut leikittelevät hansikkailla, monokkelilla tai nuuskarasialla. | Some men play with a glove, or a monocle, or a snuffbox. |
- Se on osa uutta tyyliäni. Silinteri, monokkeli, iso keppi... | You know, top hat, monocle, big stick. |
- Tämä on monokkeli. - Hei. | - This is the monocle! |
Etsi monokkeli. | "Find the monocle." |
Ilkeältä tohtorilta, joka on sikiö purkissa ja jolla on silinterihattu, monokkeli ja smokki | From an evil doctor, that's a fetus in a jar wearing a top hat and a monocle. Dressed in a tuxedo. |
Kuten viikset tai silinterihattu tai monokkeli tai kävelykeppi. | Like a mustache or wearing a top hat or a monocle or a cane. |