Lääkäri käski käyttää gadoliniumia. | Well, your doctor made a specific request to use the gadolinium in your case. |
Me ruiskutamme suoneen gadoliniumia. | We inject gadolinium into a vein. |
Ehkä hän on allerginen gadoliniumille. | We gotta get her out of there. - It'll just be another minute. If she's having an allergic reaction to the gadolinium, she'll be dead in two minutes. |
Heillä oli gadolinium-ongelmia. | They had a gadolinium problem. |
Katso gadolinium-pitoisuutta. | Wow. Look at that gadolinium reading. |
Useissa tähdissä, Maassa harvinainen europium on rikastunut samalla tavalla kuin samarium ja gadolinium. - Ihanko totta? | ln most stars, the rare Earth element, europium, is enriched relative to samarium and gadolinium. |