- Kyllä, sir. Voitimme cupin 1936. | I was that, sir, when we won the cup in the 1936 regatta. |
Hän teki itsensä tunnetuksi juoksemalla kentälle cupin finaalissa. | He made a name for himself when he ran onto the pitch in a cup final. |
Jos voitamme Potsdamin cupin, - lupaan puhua puolestasi Berliinin urheilukoulussa. | So short with us and so much progress made, an excellent example. If we take over Potsdam's cup in the winter, |
Kun häviää cupin loppuottelun, sitä miettii koko kesän. | You lose a cup final, you think about it all summer. |
Miten helvetissä voittaisimme cupin? | How the hell could we win the cup? |
Montako cupia voititte? | How many cups did you hold? |
Olen pitänyt vähän hauskaa Australian GT-sarjassa, - joka on kuin teidän FIA:n GT3-sarja, - ajan Porsche-cupissa 911:stä. | I just have a bit of fun in the Australian GT series, which is like your version of, it'd be FIA, GT3 racing, so I'm in a Porsche cup car, 911. |
"The loving cup" jakso oli mielestäni parhain. | "The loving cup" episode was the best, I think. |
# Or cup them like a glass to drink from # | # Or cup them like a glass to drink from # |
# Or cup them like a glass to drink from. # | # Or cup them like a glass to drink from. # |
# Or cup them like a glass to drink from... # | # Or cup them like a glass to drink from... # |
# So tip up your cup and throw your hands up | # So tip up your cup and throw your hands up |