Hän voisi kuulemma kolminkertaistaa rahani jollain - turboahdetulla puhelinohjelmalla. En ole asiantuntija, mutta se kuulosti todella hyvältä. | Said he could get me in on the ground floor, triple my money with some sort of turbocharged super-phone software, and I'm no expert, but it sounded pretty good. |
27 hevosvoimaa, turboahdettu.. | I went to see Harvey at the men's weight loss farm... 27 horsepower, turbocharged... |
Ehkä se oli joku turboahdettu henki? | Maybe it was some turbocharged spirit? |
Koodi on turboahdettu. | Hardware's almost done. I've got this code turbocharged. |
Olet turboahdettu. | You are turbocharged. |
Se on Mitsubishi Evo maailmanmestaruussarjan ralliauto - jossa on 300 hevosvoiman turboahdettu moottori, nelipyöräveto - ja nastarenkaat. | It's a Mitsubishi Evo world rally car, with a 300 horsepower turbocharged engine, four-wheel drive and studded tyres. |