Tulla toimeen (to get along) conjugation

55 examples
This verb can also mean the following: get by, earn, earn a living, get by on, make a living kotus type 67/tulla, no gradation

Conjugation of tulla toimeen

Present tense
tulen toimeen
I get along
tulet toimeen
you get along
tulee toimeen
he/she gets along
tulemme toimeen
we get along
tulette toimeen
you all get along
tulevat toimeen
they get along
tullaan toimeen
is got along
Past tense
tulin toimeen
I got along
tulit toimeen
you got along
tuli toimeen
he/she got along
tulimme toimeen
we got along
tulitte toimeen
you all got along
tulivat toimeen
they got along
tultiin toimeen
was got along
Conditional mood
tulisin toimeen
I would get along
tulisit toimeen
you would get along
tulisi toimeen
he/she would get along
tulisimme toimeen
we would get along
tulisitte toimeen
you all would get along
tulisivat toimeen
they would get along
tultaisiin toimeen
would be got along
Imperative mood
tule toimeen
get along!
tulkoon toimeen
get along!
tulkaamme toimeen
let's get along!
tulkaa toimeen
get along!
tulkoot toimeen
get along!
tultakoon toimeen
be got along!
Potential tense
tullen toimeen
I probably get along
tullet toimeen
you probably get along
tullee toimeen
he/she probably gets along
tullemme toimeen
we probably get along
tullette toimeen
you all probably get along
tullevat toimeen
they probably get along
tultaneen toimeen
probably is got along
1st long
2nd inessive
2nd instructive
3nd inessive
3rd elative
3rd illative
3rd adessive
3rd abessive
3rd instructive
4th nominative
4th partitive
tulla toimeen
to get along
tullakseen toimeen
to get along
tullessa toimeen
while getting along
tullen toimeen
while getting along
tulemassa toimeen
getting along
tulemasta toimeen
getting along
tulemaan toimeen
getting along
tulemalla toimeen
getting along
tulematta toimeen
getting along
tuleman toimeen
getting along
tuleminen toimeen
getting along
tulemista toimeen
getting along
tulemaisillaan toimeen
just about to get along
Passive infinitives
tultaessa toimeen
while not getting along
tultaman toimeen
not getting along
tuleva toimeen
getting along
tullut toimeen
got along
tulema toimeen
got along
Passive participles
tultava toimeen
not got along
tultu toimeen
not got along
Present negative tense
en tule toimeen
I do not get along
et tule toimeen
you do not get along
ei tule toimeen
he/she do not get along
emme tule toimeen
we do not get along
ette tule toimeen
you all do not get along
eivät tule toimeen
they do not get along
ei tulla toimeen
is not got along
Past negative tense
en tullut toimeen
I did not get along
et tullut toimeen
you did not get along
ei tullut toimeen
he/she did not get along
emme tulleet toimeen
we did not get along
ette tulleet toimeen
you all did not get along
eivät tulleet toimeen
they did not get along
oli tultu toimeen
had been got along
Conditional negative tense
en tulisi toimeen
I would not get along
et tulisi toimeen
you would not get along
ei tulisi toimeen
he/she would not get along
emme tulisi toimeen
we would not get along
ette tulisi toimeen
you all would not get along
eivät tulisi toimeen
they would not get along
Imperative negative mood
älä tule toimeen
do not get along!
älköön tulko toimeen
let him/her/it not get along!
älkäämme tulko toimeen
let's not get along!
älkää tulko toimeen
do not get along!
älkööt tulko toimeen
do not get along!
Potential negative tense
en tulle toimeen
I probably do not get along
et tulle toimeen
you probably do not get along
ei tulle toimeen
he/she probably does not get along
emme tulle toimeen
we probably do not get along
ette tulle toimeen
you all probably do not get along
eivät tulle toimeen
they probably do not get along
Present perfect tense
olen tullut toimeen
I have got along
olet tullut toimeen
you have got along
on tullut toimeen
he/she has got along
olemme tulleet toimeen
we have got along
olette tulleet toimeen
you all have got along
ovat tulleet toimeen
they have got along
on tultu toimeen
has been got along
Past perfect tense
olin tullut toimeen
I had got along
olit tullut toimeen
you had got along
oli tullut toimeen
he/she had got along
olimme tulleet toimeen
we had got along
olitte tulleet toimeen
you all had got along
olivat tulleet toimeen
they had got along
Conditional perfect tense
olisin tullut toimeen
I would have got along
olisit tullut toimeen
you would have got along
olisi tullut toimeen
he/she would have got along
olisimme tulleet toimeen
we would have got along
olisitte tulleet toimeen
you all would have got along
olisivat tulleet toimeen
they would have got along
olisi tultu toimeen
would has been got along
Imperative perfect tense
ole tullut toimeen
you have got along!
olkoon tullut toimeen
he/she have got along!
olkaamme tulleet toimeen
we have got along!
olkaa tulleet toimeen
you all have got along!
olkoot tulleet toimeen
they have got along!
olkoon tultu toimeen
has been got along!
Potential perfect tense
lienen tullut toimeen
I probably have got along
lienet tullut toimeen
you probably have got along
lienee tullut toimeen
he/she probably has got along
lienemme tulleet toimeen
we probably have got along
lienette tulleet toimeen
you all probably have got along
lienevät tulleet toimeen
they probably have got along
lienee tultu toimeen
probably has been got along
Present perfect negative tense
en ole tullut toimeen
I have not got along
et ole tullut toimeen
you have not got along
ei ole tullut toimeen
he/she has not got along
emme ole tulleet toimeen
we have not got along
ette ole tulleet toimeen
you all have not got along
eivät ole tulleet toimeen
they have not got along
Past perfect negative tense
en ollut tullut toimeen
I had not got along
et ollut tullut toimeen
you had not got along
ei ollut tullut toimeen
he/she had not got along
emme olleet tulleet toimeen
we had not got along
ette olleet tulleet toimeen
you all had not got along
eivät olleet tulleet toimeen
they had not got along
Conditional perfect negative tense
en olisi tullut toimeen
I would not have got along
et olisi tullut toimeen
you would not have got along
ei olisi tullut toimeen
he/she would not have got along
emme olisi tulleet toimeen
we would not have got along
ette olisi tulleet toimeen
you all would not have got along
eivät olisi tulleet toimeen
they would not have got along
Imperative perfect negative tense
ole tullut toimeen
you have got along!
olkoon tullut toimeen
he/she have got along!
olkaamme tulleet toimeen
we have got along!
olkaa tulleet toimeen
you all have got along!
olkoot tulleet toimeen
they have got along!
Potential perfect negative tense
en liene tullut toimeen
I probably have not got along
et liene tullut toimeen
you probably have not got along
ei liene tullut toimeen
he/she probably has not got along
emme liene tulleet toimeen
we probably have not got along
ette liene tulleet toimeen
you all probably have not got along
eivät liene tulleet toimeen
they probably have not got along

Examples of tulla toimeen

Example in FinnishTranslation in English
- Emmekö kaikki voi vain tulla toimeen?Can't we just get along?
- Emmekö voisi yrittää tulla toimeen?Can't we all just get along?
- Ettekö te voi tulla toimeen? - Epätodennäköistä.can the two of you get along for five minutes?
- He yrittävät tulla toimeen.l think they're trying to get along. Huh?
- Jotta tämä tulee toimimaan, teidän kahden täytyy tulla toimeen.Look, if this is gonna work, you two need to get along.
Jos tulen toimeen herranne kanssa, - olen varma että keisari kuuntelee minuaIf your lord and I get along well, - I'm confident that the emperor will listen to me.
Nyt tulen toimeen omillain.And I learned how to get along
Ei, vaan siksi, että olen tuleva kälysi ja haluan, että tulet toimeen mieheni kanssa.No, because I'm going to be your sister-in-law, and I want you and my husband to get along.
Hän on todella kiinnostunut keittokirjoistani, ja sinun pitää keksiä, miten tulet toimeen Buddyn kanssa.She's taking a real interest in my cookbooks, and you just need to find a way to get along with Buddy.
Kapteeni, sanoit että tulet toimeen hänen kanssaan tällä viikolla.Captain, you said you were gonna get along with him this week.
Kuinka tulet toimeen?Now, how are you gonna get along?
Kun opit yhden asian... tulet toimeen kaikenlaisten ihmisten kanssa.If you learn this single trick, Scout, you'll get along a lot better with all kinds of folks.
Perhe, joka tulee toimeen, laulaa ja tanssii.A nice family who gets along and sings and dances.
- Ehkä me tulemme toimeen.Because we might get along.
- Ei ihmekään, että tulemme toimeen.No wonder we get along.
- Me tulemme toimeen hienosti.- We're going to get along just fine.
- Me tulemme toimeen.- We'll get along.
- Meidän keksittävä, miten tulemme toimeen keskenämme.You and I are gonna have to figure out some way to get along.
- Hurraa! - Näen että te kaksi tulette toimeen, ihastuttava rikoskumppanuus.- I can see you two get along anyway, a wonderful complicity.
-Ymmärrän, miksi te kaksi tulette toimeen.You know, I can see why you two get along.
Ainoa mitä pyydän on että tulette toimeen kanssani.All I ask is that you get along with me.
Auta selvittämään tämä, - niin te kaksi tulette toimeen ihan hyvin.You help him crack this one, you two are gonna get along just fine.
Ehkä huomaatkin, että tulette toimeen.You might find you actually get along.
"Hienoa, nyt he sitten tulevat toimeen."Now they get along."
Eri sosiaaliluokat tulevat toimeen vain taivaassa.The only place different social types can genuinely get along with each other is in heaven.
Joey, he tulevat toimeen, tiedät sen.Joey, you know, they get along. it's fine.
Jos Maya ja Ellis tulevat toimeen, kaikki on helpompaa.If Maya and Ellis get along, it makes our lives that much easier going forward.
Kaikki tulevat toimeen keskenään.And you... to blend together two families so seamlessly and for everyone to get along so well together... - Yeah.
Heidän kanssaan tulin toimeen.I got along with those people well.
Hän tuli toimeen jopa Randyn kanssa. Randy löysi vihdoin jonkun, joka piti Mad Libseistä yhtä paljon kuin hän.She even got along with Randy who finally found someone who enjoyed "Mad Libs" as much as he did.
Hän tuli toimeen jopa ex-miehensä kanssa.No, not at all. She even got along with her ex-husband.
-Koska tulimme toimeen.Oh, you did? No, I mean, just 'cause we, like, got along so well.
-Niin, me tulimme toimeen.Olive's- - You know. We got along.
Anteeksi, Kessler, mutta minä ja tohtori tulimme toimeen tuosta vaan.Sorry, Kressler, but me and the doc, we got along just like that.
En käsitä, miten tulimme toimeen ilman häntä.Yes, I just don't know how we ever got along without her.
Ihme, että edes tulimme toimeen. Hän oli hyvä ystävä, mutta en ole surullinen sen vuoksi. Olen kunnossa.I'm nothing but a rich playboy worlds we lived in were so different, it's amazing we got along at all
Miten te tulitte toimeen ja niin edelleen.You know, how you guys got along and all.
Ymmärrän, miksi tulitte toimeen keskenänne.I can see why you two got along.
Brodyn veljekset, Rick ja Vic, jotka tulivat toimeen hyvin merellä, - mutta jostain syystä he eivät pystyneet sietämään toisiaan kuivalla maalla. Riittää!The Brody twins, Rick and Vic who got along fine at sea, but for some reason, once they were on dry land, couldn't stand the sight of each other.
En usko, että Stephanie ja mummisi tulivat toimeen keskenään.I don't think Stephanie and your grandma got along very well. - Why?
Saksalaiset tulivat toimeen siviilien kanssa, mutta se ei onnistunut täällä.The Germans got along with the civilians, that was not the case here.
Tai ei vankila ole muutenkaan mikään kesäleiri, mutta kaikki tulivat toimeen.I mean, it's not like prison was summer camp, but we all sort of got along.
Luulen, että tulisin toimeen paljon paremmin - kaikkien kanssa - jos Evie asuisi meidän kanssa.I think that I would get along a lot better... with everybody... if Evie just lived with us.
Jos Taro voisi naida hänet, - olen varma, että sukumme, tulisivat toimeen, paljon paremmin.If Taro could marry her both houses would get along so much better, l'm sure.
Mieti, miten ne kaksi tulisivat toimeen.Can you imagine how the two of them would get along?
- Ei, mutta he eivät tule toimeen...- No, but they don't get along-
- Emme tule toimeen.- Me and him don't get along.
- Ette tule toimeen?- Don't get along?
Minun vankilassani on osallistuttava tullakseen toimeen.In my prison, to get along, you gotta go along.
Täytyy sopeutua tullakseen toimeen, eikö niin?You got to go along to get along, you know what I mean?
Sitten hän valmistui tulemaan toimeen sellikavereitten kanssa.Then she prepared for getting along with the inmates.
En ikinä tullut toimeen valkoisten naisten kanssa.Well, me and women never got along too well.
En koskaan tullut toimeen hänen kanssaan, mutta tämä on todella traagista.I never got along with her, but this is just tragic.
Miksei Doe-täti tullut toimeen Florence-tädin kanssa?Hey, listen, I've been meaning to ask, how come Aunt Doe and Aunt Florence never got along?
Sinä sanoit, että hän ei tullut toimeen sen pojan kanssa.You're the one who said he never got along with that boy.

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