- Heidät pitäisi steriloida uudestaan - ja potilaalle pitäisi lisätä nukutusainetta. | I should still talk to him. They've already scrubbed. He'd have to be re-sterilized. |
E-pillerit lihottavat, eikä hän halua steriloida itseään. | E-pills fatten, and he does not do not want to sterilize themselves. |
Eikö heidät voisi steriloida? | Why can't we simply sterilize them all? |
He yrittivät steriloida sen. | They sought to sterilize it. |
Ja jos he ovat juoppoja, idiootteja tai pahoja, heidät pitäisi steriloida. | And if they're drunks or idiots or evil, they should just be sterilized. |
Ajattelin antaa tämän Salsbergeille ensi viikolla - mutta otin sen lahjakorista ja steriloin sen. | You're lucky the Salsbergs are having a baby shower next week. I just pulled this out of the gift basket and sterilized it, and... let the sleeping begin. |
Sinä steriloit kaiken. | It's poison. Clarke, you sterilized everything. I watched you do it. |
Se pehmittää kasvin kudosta, samalla steriloi sen. | What it does -- it softens up the plant tissue, and it sort of sterilizes it at the same time. |
Sosiaalityöntekijät päättivät kenen lapset vietäisiin pois, - kuka steriloitaisiin ja joissain tapauksissa, kuka murhattaisiin hiljaisuudessa. | The social workers would decide who would have their children taken away, - who would be sterilized, and in some cases, who would be quietly murdered. |