Tolerar (to tolerate) conjugation

89 examples
This verb can also have the following meanings: to endure, endure

Conjugation of tolerar

Él/ell(a/o)/ Usted
Present tense
I tolerate
you tolerate
he/she/it tolerates
we tolerate
you all tolerate
they tolerate
Present perfect tense
he tolerado
I have tolerated
has tolerado
you have tolerated
ha tolerado
he/she/it has tolerated
hemos tolerado
we have tolerated
habéis tolerado
you all have tolerated
han tolerado
they have tolerated
Past preterite tense
I tolerated
you tolerated
he/she/it tolerated
we tolerated
you all tolerated
they tolerated
Future tense
I will tolerate
you will tolerate
he/she/it will tolerate
we will tolerate
you all will tolerate
they will tolerate
Él/ell(a/o)/ Usted
Conditional mood
I would tolerate
you would tolerate
he/she/it would tolerate
we would tolerate
you all would tolerate
they would tolerate
Past imperfect tense
I used to tolerate
you used to tolerate
he/she/it used to tolerate
we used to tolerate
you all used to tolerate
they used to tolerate
Past perfect tense
había tolerado
I had tolerated
habías tolerado
you had tolerated
había tolerado
he/she/it had tolerated
habíamos tolerado
we had tolerated
habíais tolerado
you all had tolerated
habían tolerado
they had tolerated
Future perfect tense
habré tolerado
I will have tolerated
habrás tolerado
you will have tolerated
habrá tolerado
he/she/it will have tolerated
habremos tolerado
we will have tolerated
habréis tolerado
you all will have tolerated
habrán tolerado
they will have tolerated
Él/ell(a/o)/ Usted
Present subjunctive tense
(if/so that) I tolerate
(if/so that) you tolerate
(if/so that) he/she/it tolerate
(if/so that) we tolerate
(if/so that) you all tolerate
(if/so that) they tolerate
Present perfect subjunctive tense
haya tolerado
I have tolerated
hayas tolerado
you have tolerated
haya tolerado
he/she/it has tolerated
hayamos tolerado
we have tolerated
hayáis tolerado
you all have tolerated
hayan tolerado
they have tolerated
Past imperfect subjunctive tense
(if/so that) I have tolerated
(if/so that) you have tolerated
(if/so that) he/she/it have tolerated
(if/so that) we have tolerated
(if/so that) you all have tolerated
(if/so that) they have tolerated
Past imperfect subjunctive (second) tense
(if/so that) I have tolerated
(if/so that) you have tolerated
(if/so that) he/she/it have tolerated
(if/so that) we have tolerated
(if/so that) you all have tolerated
(if/so that) they have tolerated
Él/ell(a/o)/ Usted
Past perfect subjunctive tense
hubiera tolerado
I had tolerated
hubieras tolerado
you had tolerated
hubiera tolerado
he/she/it had tolerated
hubiéramos tolerado
we had tolerated
hubierais tolerado
you all had tolerated
hubieran tolerado
they had tolerated
Past perfect subjunctive (second) tense
hubiese tolerado
I had tolerated
hubieses tolerado
you had tolerated
hubiese tolerado
he/she/it had tolerated
hubiésemos tolerado
we had tolerated
hubieseis tolerado
you all had tolerated
hubiesen tolerado
they had tolerated
Future subjunctive tense
(if/so that) I will have tolerated
(if/so that) you will have tolerated
(if/so that) he/she/it will have tolerated
(if/so that) we will have tolerated
(if/so that) you all will have tolerated
(if/so that) they will have tolerated
Future perfect subjunctive tense
hubiere tolerado
I will have tolerated
hubieres tolerado
you will have tolerated
hubiere tolerado
he/she/it will have tolerated
hubiéremos tolerado
we will have tolerated
hubiereis tolerado
you all will have tolerated
hubieren tolerado
they will have tolerated
Él/ell(a/o)/ Usted
Imperative mood
let's tolerate!
Imperative negative mood
no toleres
do not tolerate!
no tolere
let him/her/it tolerate!
no toleremos
let us not tolerate!
no toleréis
do not tolerate!
no toleren
do not tolerate!

Examples of tolerar

Example in SpanishTranslation in English
"Fui a la India, donde conocí un francés," "que parecía ser capaz de tolerar."I went to India, where I met a Frenchman who seemed to be able to tolerate me.
- Bueno, traté de tolerar a Grant, como dijiste.- Well... I tried to tolerate Grant, like you said.
- ¿Voy a tolerar estos insultos al sur?Am I to tolerate insults to the South?
...porque el gobierno no está de humor para tolerar más brotes... de anarquía industrial, y tampoco lo está el público....because the government is in no mood to tolerate a further outbreak of industrial anarchy and neither is the public.
Agradecemos a todos ustedes por sus esfuerzos de tolerar lo intolerable y soportar lo insoportable durante el año pasado.We thank you all for your efforts to tolerate the intolerable and bear the unbearable over this past year.
"No tolero tu comportamiento.""I won't tolerate your behavior."
- No lo tolero.I won't tolerate it.
- Yo no la tolero.I don't tolerate it.
- ¿Crees que tolero todas tus cosas?- I won't tolerate anything.
-Que no tolero esa conducta.This behaviour must not be tolerated in this court.
- Pero tú la toleras.- Yeah, but you tolerate it.
Entonces no entiendo cómo toleras a mi hermano.I don't understand how you tolerate my brother, then.
Eres mayor que nosotros, por eso no toleras que nadie de diga nada.You are elder to us, so you cannot tolerate anyone telling you anything.
Es mi decisión de vida, Chef, y si no lo toleras, te reportare ante la junta escolar.It is my life choice, Chef, and if you don't tolerate it, I'll report you to the S.C.C.
Eso estimulará la producción de tus óvulos, y si lo toleras bien, nos permitirá cosechar tus óvulos y crear embriones viables.That will stimulate your egg production, and if you tolerate it well, will allow us to harvest your eggs and create viable embryos.
- Sé que su amigo es un problema que Joe tolera sólo para mantenerlo a usted cerca de él.- I know that your friend is a liability that Joe tolerates just to keep you close to him.
Ahora nos tolera como aliados.Now he tolerates us as allies.
Apenas tolera a la mujer negra que hace la limpieza.He hardly tolerates the black woman who does the cleaning.
Apenas tolera mi trabajo de secretaria en el despacho de abogados.He barely tolerates my secretarial work at the law office.
Belinda tolera más de lo que tolero yo.Belinda tolerates more than I do.
"Nos tomamos las malas conductas seriamente, y no la toleramos en ningún nivel""We take police misconduct seriously, "and we don't tolerate it on any level.
- Y no lo toleramos.- And we don't tolerate it.
- ¿Demostrar que no toleramos este tipo de cotilleos?- Show we won't tolerate this sort of gossip?
-Los canadienses quieren enfrentarnos porque no toleramos sus bocas sucias.- I have a plan... - Canadians want to fight us because we won't tolerate their potty-mouths.
Aquí en EE. UU., no toleramos esas tonterías, señor.Here in America, we don't tolerate that crap, sir.
- Me toleran.I'm tolerated.
Algunas orugas no sólo toleran las toxinas de la hoja, incluso las guardan en su piel.Some caterpillars not only tolerate the leaf's toxins, but store them in their flesh.
Apenas te toleran en el casino.You're tolerated at the casino, barely.
Apenas te toleran.They can barely tolerate you.
Así es, y todos aquí lo toleran.And everybody tolerates it.
Como dije, estaba solo y perdido asi que me junte con Spider y toleré toda esa conversación.Like I said, I was lonely and lost, so I hung out with Spider and tolerated all that talk.
Es como... si todo lo que te toleré... en los últimos 15 años me estuviera volviendo loca otra vez.It's like... everything that I tolerated about you for the past 15 years just started to drive me insane again.
Hasta ahora toleré a estos expertos y asesores chalados... y sólo mostré una ínfima objeción.Up till now, I've tolerated these crackpot experts and advisors and only offered a token objection.
Lo toleré hasta que me di cuenta de que no era compasión lo que le hacía salvar a esos perros.I tolerated it until I realized that it wasn't compassion that was making her save the dogs.
Lo toleré por 9 largos años.l tolerated him for 9 long years.
Jamás entendí por qué toleraste la infidelidad de tu esposa.I never understood why you tolerated your wife's affair
Pero lo toleraste todo, ¡por esta chica!But you tolerated it all, for this girl!
Sarah, lo toleraste mucho mejor hoy, bien hecho.Sarah, you tolerated much better today, well done.
Papá no toleró nunca el alcohol.Father never tolerated alcohol.
¡El padre Antonio no era ningún santo... pero nunca toleró viejos sinvergüenzas!Father Antonio was no saint but he never tolerated shameless old men.
Los Estados Unidos dotaron de armamento a la monarquía derechista y toleraron su política arrestos y ejecuciones y su clientelismo masivo.The United States amply armed the right-wing monarchy And tolerated their client's mass political arrests and executions.
Me toleraron sólo porque estaban heridos y necesitaban ayuda.They tolerated me only because they were hurting and needed help.
Es lo más lamentable, pero no toleraré ningún futuro alboroto como el que he sido testigo reciéntemente.It is most regrettable, but I will tolerate no further outbursts like the one recently witnessed.
Ni por un momento piense que toleraré algo que se interponga.Do not think for a moment that l will tolerate anything in between.
No lo toleraré por más tiempo.I will tolerate you no longer.
No necesito que nadie defienda mi nombre, y no toleraré que mis oficiales interfieran en mis asuntos.l don't need anyone to defend my name, and l will tolerate no interference from my officers in a matter that concerns only myself.
No quiero verme obligado a hacer que lo arresten... pero está en una tribunal federal... y mientras tengan el apoyo del gobierno... no toleraré nuevas interrupciones.I don't want to be compelled to have you arrested... but this is now a federal court... and while you have the sympathy of the government... I will tolerate no further disturbance.
El pueblo no lo tolerará por mucho tiempo.The people will tolerate it no longer.
Estás loco si crees que Darcy tolerará tu presencia aquí.You're a fool if you think Darcy will tolerate your presence here.
No se tolerará esto de nuevo.It will tolerate nothing of this kind again.
No tolerará sus payasadas.It will tolerate none of your foolery.
¿Crees que el rey tolerará cualquier barbarie contra su reina?Do you really think the King will tolerate any barbarity towards his queen?
No toleraremos guerrilleros. Ni en los casinos, ni en las piscinas.We will tolerate no guerrillas in the casinos or the swimming pools.
Si crees que toleraremos tal comportamiento, Puedes olvidarlo.If you think for one minute that your father and I will tolerate this kind of behavior, you've got another think coming!
Toleraremos un debate inteligente, pero no toleraremos la intolerancia en este edificio.We will tolerate intelligent debate, but we will not tolerate intolerance in this building.
El juez desea advertir a los presentes que no se tolerarán disturbios.The court wishes to warn those present it will tolerate no disturbances.
Ellos tolerarán tu debilidad y tus fracasos de un modo que una familia klingon nunca lo hará.They will tolerate your weaknesses and your failings in a way that a Klingon family never will.
Los EEUU no tolerarán ninguna amenaza a su soberanía y acusaron a los soviéticos de querer desviar la atención del Oriente Medio.He made it clear that the US will tolerate no threats to its sovereignty and he accused the Soviets of trying to divert attention from the Middle East
Lo que no está tan claro es por qué un héroe condecorado... que luchó contra los extraterrestres durante la guerra... y se supone que se separó de la Tierra para ser más libre... toleraría esa actitud.What's not as clear is why a decorated war hero... who fought aliens during the war... and allegedly broke away from Earth to achieve greater freedom... would tolerate such behavior.
Mi vida está adoptando un cronograma... que ningún miembro de la familia real toleraría.My life's beginning to run to a timetable... that no member of the royal family would tolerate.
Nadie lo toleraría por un minuto, pero está ocurriendo allí fuera en una escala masiva todos los días.Nobody would tolerate it for a minute, but it's going on out there on a massive scale every day.
Ningún esposo lo toleraría.No spouse would tolerate it.
Nunca dije que Ultra toleraría a paranormales imprudentes revelando nuestros poderes públicamente por capricho, o peor, para aprovecharse.I never said Ultra would tolerate reckless Paranormals revealing our powers to the world on a whim, or worse, for profit.
Pero abuela, nadie del Centro Macabeo dijo algo que implicara que tolerarían un lunático que llama con una amenaza de bomba.But Grandma, nobody at the Maccabee Center said anything to imply that they would tolerate a loony who would go and call in a bomb scare.
A menos que tu cuerpo no lo tolere.Unless your body can't tolerate it.
Doctor, no los tolere mas.- Good evening. Doctor, do not tolerate them anymore.
El hecho de que se use, que se tolere, nos trajo aquí.The fact that it's said at all,that it, that it's tolerated.
En los últimos años se ha estado inyectando regularmente... para que su cuerpo tolere la bromelina.Over the last several years, he's been taking regular injections, so that his body can tolerate bromelain.
Entiendo que seas neurótica, quizá hasta lo tolere, ¡pero hazme el favor de no celebrarlo!I understand you're emotionally neurotic. I even tolerate it. But do me a favor, don't celebrate it.
No solamente que toleres a tus partes, sino que puedas conocerlas realmente.Not to just tolerate your parts, but to really get to know them.
Pero no me gusta que toleres que un criado te rechace algo. Julien no es un criado.But I regret that you have tolerated a refusal by a servant.
Que toleres la incertidumbre de no saber, del nerviosismo, todo eso. Debes permitirte aceptarlo.That means tolerate the uncertainty of not knowing, of the nervousness, all of that, you know, like, it's just about allowing it to sit with you.
Y quiero que, de una vez por todas, lo toleres, aceptes y entiendas.And let's get this clear: I want to be tolerated! To be accepted and understood!
Eso no excusa que la toleremos al verla frente a nuestros ojos, en nuestro país.But that's no excuse for us to tolerate it here when we find it right before our very eyes, in our own country.
O toleremos Aquí en la jungla de NoolOr tolerate here in the jungle of Nool.
Espero que toleren el teatro, entonces.Well, I hope they tolerate the theater.
Mi padre dice: "no sean deshonestos y no toleren la deshonestidad""My father says, "Don't be dishonest, and don't tolerate dishonesty."
No quiero ni que me toleren ni que conspiren contra mí.I will not be tolerated and I will not be plotted against.
Rumsfeld, Bush y Cheney, no sólo toleren la tortura... sino que además aboguen por ella.Rumsfeld, Bush and Cheney, not only tolerate torture ... but also advocate it.
- Esto no será tolerado aquí.This will not be tolerated here.
- Hasta ahora, te he tolerado.- Up until now I've tolerated you.
- ¡No será tolerado!- It will not be tolerated!
...ya no será tolerado, especialmente por sus pares.... no longer tolerated, especially by his own peers.
Algo que no puede ser tolerado en una unidad militar.That sort of thing cannot be tolerated in a military unit.
- ¿Cómo lo está tolerando?- How's he tolerating this? - Good.
-EI vaso está tolerando el ligado.- The vessel's tolerating ligation.
Ahora mira; te he estado tolerando mucho tiempoNow look; I've been tolerating you for a very long time
Cuando fui creciendo, y al verlo... tolerando las reglas de este mundo... perdiendo dinero por seguir su propio camino...When I grew older and watched him tolerating the ways of this world Losing money to pass by on one's way
El paciente estaba tolerando el dolor.The patient was tolerating the pain.

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