Sucumbir (to succumb) conjugation

88 examples

Conjugation of sucumbir

Él/ell(a/o)/ Usted
Present tense
I succumb
you succumb
he/she/it succumbs
we succumb
you all succumb
they succumb
Present perfect tense
he sucumbido
I have succumbed
has sucumbido
you have succumbed
ha sucumbido
he/she/it has succumbed
hemos sucumbido
we have succumbed
habéis sucumbido
you all have succumbed
han sucumbido
they have succumbed
Past preterite tense
I succumbed
you succumbed
he/she/it succumbed
we succumbed
you all succumbed
they succumbed
Future tense
I will succumb
you will succumb
he/she/it will succumb
we will succumb
you all will succumb
they will succumb
Él/ell(a/o)/ Usted
Conditional mood
I would succumb
you would succumb
he/she/it would succumb
we would succumb
you all would succumb
they would succumb
Past imperfect tense
I used to succumb
you used to succumb
he/she/it used to succumb
we used to succumb
you all used to succumb
they used to succumb
Past perfect tense
había sucumbido
I had succumbed
habías sucumbido
you had succumbed
había sucumbido
he/she/it had succumbed
habíamos sucumbido
we had succumbed
habíais sucumbido
you all had succumbed
habían sucumbido
they had succumbed
Future perfect tense
habré sucumbido
I will have succumbed
habrás sucumbido
you will have succumbed
habrá sucumbido
he/she/it will have succumbed
habremos sucumbido
we will have succumbed
habréis sucumbido
you all will have succumbed
habrán sucumbido
they will have succumbed
Él/ell(a/o)/ Usted
Present subjunctive tense
(if/so that) I succumb
(if/so that) you succumb
(if/so that) he/she/it succumb
(if/so that) we succumb
(if/so that) you all succumb
(if/so that) they succumb
Present perfect subjunctive tense
haya sucumbido
I have succumbed
hayas sucumbido
you have succumbed
haya sucumbido
he/she/it has succumbed
hayamos sucumbido
we have succumbed
hayáis sucumbido
you all have succumbed
hayan sucumbido
they have succumbed
Past imperfect subjunctive tense
(if/so that) I have succumbed
(if/so that) you have succumbed
(if/so that) he/she/it have succumbed
(if/so that) we have succumbed
(if/so that) you all have succumbed
(if/so that) they have succumbed
Past imperfect subjunctive (second) tense
(if/so that) I have succumbed
(if/so that) you have succumbed
(if/so that) he/she/it have succumbed
(if/so that) we have succumbed
(if/so that) you all have succumbed
(if/so that) they have succumbed
Él/ell(a/o)/ Usted
Past perfect subjunctive tense
hubiera sucumbido
I had succumbed
hubieras sucumbido
you had succumbed
hubiera sucumbido
he/she/it had succumbed
hubiéramos sucumbido
we had succumbed
hubierais sucumbido
you all had succumbed
hubieran sucumbido
they had succumbed
Past perfect subjunctive (second) tense
hubiese sucumbido
I had succumbed
hubieses sucumbido
you had succumbed
hubiese sucumbido
he/she/it had succumbed
hubiésemos sucumbido
we had succumbed
hubieseis sucumbido
you all had succumbed
hubiesen sucumbido
they had succumbed
Future subjunctive tense
(if/so that) I will have succumbed
(if/so that) you will have succumbed
(if/so that) he/she/it will have succumbed
(if/so that) we will have succumbed
(if/so that) you all will have succumbed
(if/so that) they will have succumbed
Future perfect subjunctive tense
hubiere sucumbido
I will have succumbed
hubieres sucumbido
you will have succumbed
hubiere sucumbido
he/she/it will have succumbed
hubiéremos sucumbido
we will have succumbed
hubiereis sucumbido
you all will have succumbed
hubieren sucumbido
they will have succumbed
Él/ell(a/o)/ Usted
Imperative mood
let's succumb!
Imperative negative mood
no sucumbas
do not succumb!
no sucumba
let him/her/it succumb!
no sucumbamos
let us not succumb!
no sucumbáis
do not succumb!
no sucumban
do not succumb!

Examples of sucumbir

Example in SpanishTranslation in English
"La sonrisa fácil de Erica esconde una voluntad de hierro que se rehúsa a sucumbir a los embates de la vida.""Erica's easy smile hides a will of iron which refuses to succumb to the ravages of life."
"Y aunque la tentación de sucumbir a tu más tierno instinto"and while the temptation to succumb to your more tender instincts
Cory, sin ofender a Shawn ni nada, de acuerdo, pero se necesita un individuo bastante débil-de voluntad y crédulo para sucumbir a este tipo de estafa descarada.Cory, no offense to Shawn or anything, okay, but it takes a pretty weak-willed and gullible individual to succumb to this kind of blatant scam.
Ellos fueron los primeros en sucumbir.They were the first to succumb.
Entonces, ¿continuarás hablando o me darás una razón para no sucumbir a la pequeña y malvada seducción de Claire Leland?So you gonna keep talking... Or are you gonna give me a reason not to succumb to Claire Leland's little evil seduction?
"Si sucumbo a estos deseos .."lf I succumb to these desires..
Capitán, si yo sucumbo al Colectivo seré un riesgo de seguridad.Captain, if l succumb to the collective, l'll pose a security risk.
No sucumbo a la presión ni a las amenazas.- (door closes) l don't succumb to pressure and l don't succumb to threats.
No sucumbo ante los sentimientos.I do not succumb to emotion. Oh, and we are expected to believe that.
Si estamos solos en el mismo sitio, sucumbo al intenso deseo carnal.If we are left alone in the same space, I succumb to such intense carnal desire.
Bebes y bebes y bebes... Y finalmente sucumbes.You drink and drink, and drink... and then succumb.
Borrar todo lo que ya han hecho como familia al minuto que sucumbes ante tu enfermedad.To obliterate all of that with a ready-made family The minute you succumb to your disease.
En el otro, sucumbes a la oscuridad y yo no vuelvo.On the other, you succumb to the darkness and I do not return.
Pero quiero que sepas que si algo sale mal y sucumbes al cáncer tu hijo tiene un hogar aquí.But I just want you to know, if anything goes wrong and you do succumb to the cancer, your son will have a home here.
Se te castigará con la muerte, ya que sucumbes a tus mismos errores.You shall die, for you have relapsed, succumbed to your errors.
"Ve al que sucumbe."Go to the one who succumbs.
A pesar de su rabia, la rata sucumbe a sus golpes.Despite its rage, the rat succumbs to its blows.
Así que el GPS ubica a su conductor en el parque Morningside anoche durante unos 25 minutos, más o menos cuando un tipo ruso sucumbe ante un envenenamiento grave por plomo.So, GPS put your driver at Morningside Park for a window of 25 minutes last night, right around the time some Russian guy succumbs to acute lead poisoning.
Durante este periodo de trance, el pescador se fija en... su equipo de pesca y se sucumbe a un deseo abrumador... de probar su habilidad de lanzamiento.During this trance-like period, the angler checks his fishing tackle and succumbs to an overwhelming desire to test his casting skill.
El infortunado hombre sucumbe al cebo ...The unfortunate man succumbs to the lure ...
Con votos o sin votos, si sucumbimos a esta interminable mentira, perderemos.Votes or no votes, if we succumb to this endless BS, we lose.
Fracasaremos en todos nuestros propósitos si sucumbimos a ello.We defeat our entire purpose if we succumb to it.
Frank y yo sucumbimos ante la tentación una vez.Frank and I succumbed to temptation once.
He tenido ofertas de trabajo antes, por supuesto, pero en mi línea de trabajo que no puede evitarse, pero esto fue de repente irresistible y sucumbimos, ¿no?This time I had to say yes. I've had offers of work before, of course, but in my line of work it can't be avoided, but this was suddenly irresistible and we succumbed, didn't we?
Porque muchos de nosotros podemos encontrar que este confinamiento solitario del alma, en el que él se encontraba, es donde sucumbimos en la desesperación.For as any of us may find, it's in this solitary confinement of the soul, as it were, that we succumb to despair.
A medida que los herbívoros sucumben por inanición, hay un exceso de comida.As the plant-eaters succumb to starvation, there is a glut of food.
Ay de los que sucumben a él ...Woe to those who succumb to it ...
Ay de los que sucumben a él.Woe to the unlucky one who succumbs.
Con que facilidad sucumben al halago y a la vanidad.How easily they succumb to flattery and ale.
Entonces sucumben al poder de Roma...Then they succumb to the might of Rome.
Admito que sucumbí a la tentación ...I admit that I succumbed to temptation...
Casi sucumbí a la desesperación, Si una persona no me hubiera dicho la única decisión posibleI almost succumbed to despair, but the man on stage gave me an idea.
El caso es que, después de la boda, mantuve las distancias, por lo menos durante un tiempo, pero pronto sucumbí a la tentación.Anyway, after the marriage, I kept my distance for a while at least. I soon succumbed to temptation.
Hace unos años dejé bajar la guardia y sucumbí a sus avances.A few years ago I let down my guard and succumbed to your advances.
La conocí anoche, entró en mi compartimento y yo sucumbí a sus encantos.Oh, I met her last night. She got into my compartment, and I succumbed to her charms.
Para ti, Julius Moomer, que sucumbiste a los fuertes compuestos del olor villano, que ofende siempre las fosas nasales... , para ti, Julius Moomer mucha suerte.To you, julius moomer who has succumbed to the rankest compound of villainous smell that ever offended nostril... to you, julius moomer... lots of luck.
Renunciaste a ellos cuando sucumbiste a la lujuria e infringiste las leyes de Dios y de la sociedad.Forfeited when you succumbed to evil lust and contravened the laws of God and society.
Viniste al gran escenario, Tim le viste los pechos a una mujer y sucumbiste al llamado de una fulana.You came down here to the big show, Tim, and you got the little twinklies in the eye, and you succumbed to the call of a floozy.
"Cuando la Sra. Cordelia Neselrode, la 15ta víctima, sucumbió..."When Mrs. Cordelia Neselrode, the 15th fatality, succumbed
"Ella sucumbió a él y como un lirio abriéndose a la luz de la mañana se entregó a la abeja polinizadora de placeres terrenales"."She succumbed to him. And like a Lilly unfolding to morning's first light, gave herself over to the pollinating bee of earthly pleasure."
"Luchó, pero sucumbió a la voluntad de Dios.""He fought, but succumbed to gods will."
"quien sucumbió al deseo de su amante."who succumbed to her lover's desire.
A pesar de que se habían comprometido durante más de tres años, fue sólo la semana pasada, que Warren finalmente sucumbió a la fecha de la ceremonia.Though they had been engaged for over three years, it was only last week that Warren finally succumbed to a date for the ceremony.
- Todo el mundo sucumbieron a él.- Black Plague? - Everyone succumbed to it.
Ambos sucumbieron a la plaga.They both succumbed to the plague.
Antes del fin del primer año todos ellos, hombres y mujeres... sucumbieron a cierta especie de fuerza planetaria.Before the first year was out, they had all, every man and woman... succumbed to a...
Aquellos que sucumbieron se preguntan...Those who succumbed ask themselves...
Cuando teléfonos y telégrafos fallaron, las sobrecargadas radios sucumbieron a la interferencia causada por las alteraciones solares.When the telephone and telegraph systems had failed and the radio networks were forced to bear the burden alone, they, too, succumbed to interference known to originate in an increasing disturbance in the sun.
En absoluto, yo sucumbiré.That's wrong, I will succumb.
Y vos sois inteligente de sobras como para pensar que sucumbiré a vuestros halagos.And you are far too smart to think that I will succumb to flattery.
"Te resistirás, pero sucumbirás a él."You will fight it, but you will succumb."
Apetito saciado, deseo satisfecho. Una miniatura del mundo y cómo sucumbirá a nosotros.Appetite sated, desire indulged, a miniature of the world and how it will succumb to us.
Armamento tan devastador que todo sucumbirá a su poder.Weaponry so devastating that all matter will succumb to its power.
Así que lo que creo que pasará es que Ud. tal vez pueda soportar la presión por tres o cuatro semanas, tal vez un par de meses... y luego sucumbirá.So what i assume will happen you will perhaps withstand the pressures for three or four weeks, maybe a couple of months and then you will succumb.
En mi presencia, sucumbirá a mi ilusión, a pesar de su protector.In my presence, she will succumb to my illusion, despite her protector.
Podría saber cuándo aproximadamente su cuerpo... sucumbirá al veneno.I'm able to approximate when his body will succumb to the poison.
Como deseáis permanecer en este área metropolitana sin ley, las estadísticas sugieren que sucumbiréis a un trágico y horripilante final antes de que nos volvamos a ver.Since you intend to remain in this lawless metropolitan area, statistics suggest that you will succumb to tragic and gruesome ends before we meet again.
Depende de su resistencia; con el tiempo todos sucumbirán, claro.Well it depends on their resistance, in time of course all will succumb.
¿Cree que las americanas sucumbirán?You think the American women will succumb?
¿Es correcto dedicar recursos a los que van sucumbirán de una enfermedad u otra, o es sensato para descubrir curas para nuestros hijos de forma que tendrán... mejores vidas?Is it right to devote resources to those who will succumb to some ailment or other, or is it sensible to discover cures for your children so they'll have... better lives?
Nada más ver tu mirada ardiente tus ojos... Supe que sucumbiría.The moment I saw your steamy look, I knew I would succumb.
¿ cómo podían aguantar la tortura tan cruel que una persona común sucumbiría en unos días, o en unos minutos?How could they withstand the cruel torture that ordinary people would succumb to in a few days, or even minutes? What were they trying to uphold?
Sin embargo, no pararían o sucumbirían al frío.But there could be no stopping, or they would succumb to the cold.
"Una vez que hayas aprendido el arte de la 'Nova', podrás hacer que cualquier mujer sucumba a tu voluntad"."Once you've learned the art of the 'nova,' You can make a woman succumb to your will"?
Antes de que sucumba bajo las garras de la vejez... mejor dime qué te trae por aquí.Well, before I succumb to the ravages of age, why don't you tell me what brings you here?
Antes que ella sucumba a sus heridas, la forzaré a hablar.Before she succumbs to her wounds, I will force her tongue to purpose.
Antes que sucumba.Before he succumbs.
Cuando ella sucumba será arrastrada al infierno por toda la eternidad.Once she succumbs, the woman is dragged into hell for eternity.
En realidad, está en la parte posterior si quieres ... No sucumbas a este soborno.Actually, he's in the back if you want to... [ laughter ] don't succumb to this bribery.
La única razón por la que me uní a ellos era para ayudarles a borrar su error antes de que sucumbas a su naturaleza animal por completo y te mate, también.The only reason I joined them was to help them erase their mistake before it succumbs to its animal nature entirely and kills you, too.
No sucumbas a la presión.Don't succumb to the peer pressure.
No sucumbas.Don't succumb.
Oh, Maupertuis, no sucumbas a ella.Oh, Maupertuis, do not succumb to her.
El que sucumbamos o no depende de nuestra habilidad para reconocer su disfraz.Whether or not we succumb depends on our ability to recognize its disguise.
No sucumbamos al pánico de los débiles mentales.Let's not succumb to feeble-minded panic.
No sucumbáis a la magia negra de este hijo del diablo.Don't succumb to the black magic of this devil's spawn!
Cuando se mezclan todos estos tipos de personalidad por diez meses del año, no es de sorprender que los alumnos sucumban a ataques de celos, rabia, incluso paranoia ilusoria.When you mix all of these personality types together... ten months out of the year, it's no wonder... students succumb to fits of jealousy, rage, even paranoid delusions.
Lo juro, la gente no acaba de celebrar el Mardi Gras, sucumban a él.I swear, you people don't just celebrate the mardi gras, you succumb to it.
"... he sucumbido a la gripe aviar"."have succumbed to the avian flu."
# Caídas todas las defensas Completamente sucumbido a mí♪ Dropped all defenses Completely succumbed to me
# En tu mente ya has sucumbido a mi♪ In your mind you've already succumbed to me
..who aún no había sucumbido a sus heridas...who had not yet succumbed to her wounds.
A decir verdad, temo que los nervios de la señora hayan sucumbido a tantas emociones.To speak truthfully, I fear that the nerves of the lady have succumbed to so many emotions.
- Ders, sucumbiendo a la presión de grupo.Ders, succumbing to peer pressure.
Aun así jugaste por ahí a su lado, sucumbiendo a tu salvajismo.Yet you played right alongside him, succumbing to your savagery.
Con todo respeto, en el último mes hemos tenido dos incidentes separados de jóvenes de la comunidad sucumbiendo a una sobredosis de heroína.With all due respect, within the past month we've had two separate incidents of young men in the community succumbing to heroin overdoses.
En las dos semanas que siguieron Nicolo sufrió sin ella finalmente sucumbiendo a la pérdida irreparable.In the two weeks that followed, Nicolo struggled without her finally succumbing to irredeemable loss.
Fui demasiado entusiasta, sucumbiendo a mis reprimidos instintos artísticos, esculpí en carne viva, sobre la cara del pequeño Bernie Schwartz la primer nariz cubista del mundo.I was a bit overenthusiastic, succumbing to my supressed artistic drives, I sculpted, in living flesh, on the face of little Bernie Schwartz the world's first cubistic nose.

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