Solucionar (to solve) conjugation

104 examples

Conjugation of solucionar

Él/ell(a/o)/ Usted
Present tense
I solve
you solve
he/she/it solves
we solve
you all solve
they solve
Present perfect tense
he solucionado
I have solved
has solucionado
you have solved
ha solucionado
he/she/it has solved
hemos solucionado
we have solved
habéis solucionado
you all have solved
han solucionado
they have solved
Past preterite tense
I solved
you solved
he/she/it solved
we solved
you all solved
they solved
Future tense
I will solve
you will solve
he/she/it will solve
we will solve
you all will solve
they will solve
Él/ell(a/o)/ Usted
Conditional mood
I would solve
you would solve
he/she/it would solve
we would solve
you all would solve
they would solve
Past imperfect tense
I used to solve
you used to solve
he/she/it used to solve
we used to solve
you all used to solve
they used to solve
Past perfect tense
había solucionado
I had solved
habías solucionado
you had solved
había solucionado
he/she/it had solved
habíamos solucionado
we had solved
habíais solucionado
you all had solved
habían solucionado
they had solved
Future perfect tense
habré solucionado
I will have solved
habrás solucionado
you will have solved
habrá solucionado
he/she/it will have solved
habremos solucionado
we will have solved
habréis solucionado
you all will have solved
habrán solucionado
they will have solved
Él/ell(a/o)/ Usted
Present subjunctive tense
(if/so that) I solve
(if/so that) you solve
(if/so that) he/she/it solve
(if/so that) we solve
(if/so that) you all solve
(if/so that) they solve
Present perfect subjunctive tense
haya solucionado
I have solved
hayas solucionado
you have solved
haya solucionado
he/she/it has solved
hayamos solucionado
we have solved
hayáis solucionado
you all have solved
hayan solucionado
they have solved
Past imperfect subjunctive tense
(if/so that) I have solved
(if/so that) you have solved
(if/so that) he/she/it have solved
(if/so that) we have solved
(if/so that) you all have solved
(if/so that) they have solved
Past imperfect subjunctive (second) tense
(if/so that) I have solved
(if/so that) you have solved
(if/so that) he/she/it have solved
(if/so that) we have solved
(if/so that) you all have solved
(if/so that) they have solved
Él/ell(a/o)/ Usted
Past perfect subjunctive tense
hubiera solucionado
I had solved
hubieras solucionado
you had solved
hubiera solucionado
he/she/it had solved
hubiéramos solucionado
we had solved
hubierais solucionado
you all had solved
hubieran solucionado
they had solved
Past perfect subjunctive (second) tense
hubiese solucionado
I had solved
hubieses solucionado
you had solved
hubiese solucionado
he/she/it had solved
hubiésemos solucionado
we had solved
hubieseis solucionado
you all had solved
hubiesen solucionado
they had solved
Future subjunctive tense
(if/so that) I will have solved
(if/so that) you will have solved
(if/so that) he/she/it will have solved
(if/so that) we will have solved
(if/so that) you all will have solved
(if/so that) they will have solved
Future perfect subjunctive tense
hubiere solucionado
I will have solved
hubieres solucionado
you will have solved
hubiere solucionado
he/she/it will have solved
hubiéremos solucionado
we will have solved
hubiereis solucionado
you all will have solved
hubieren solucionado
they will have solved
Él/ell(a/o)/ Usted
Imperative mood
let's solve!
Imperative negative mood
no soluciones
do not solve!
no solucione
let him/her/it solve!
no solucionemos
let us not solve!
no solucionéis
do not solve!
no solucionen
do not solve!

Examples of solucionar

Example in SpanishTranslation in English
"... estaré ahí para solucionar..."I will be there to solve...
- En primer lugar, quiero solucionar este problema- First, I want to solve this problem
- Hace tiempo que tengo la necesidad de solucionar el caso con los trabajadores.-I've felt the need to solve the case with the workers for long.
- Quiero solucionar esto.- I want to solve this.
- Tengo que solucionar un asunto.- I have to solve a case.
Así es cómo soluciono mis problemas.Here's how i solve my problems.
Creo más problemas de los que soluciono.I create more problems than I solve.
Cuando pienso muchas cosas, sí... pero muchas veces soluciono problemas tarde en la noche.When I have things on my mind, yes... but you know, often I solve problems late at night.
Dele de comer y por la mañana soluciono el problema.Give her something to eat. Tomorrow morning I'll solve the problem.
Hasta papá reconocería que soy bueno si soluciono un homicidio.Even Pop would have to admit I'm pretty good if I solve a homicide.
"¿Cómo solucionas un problema con María?"How do you solve a problem like Maria?
- Si no solucionas esto antes del lunes, no tendrás un sacerdocio.In the meetings... If you don't solve this by Monday, you won't have a ministry.
-Tampoco solucionas nada.Drink wine can not solve matter
A ver, ¿cómo solucionas tú esto?Look, how do you solve this?
Huyendo no solucionas nadaRunning won't solve anything.
"La muerte soluciona todos los problemas. Sin hombre, no hay problema"."Death solves all prohlems - no man, no prohlem."
-Sí, claro que sí, hombre, si esto lo soluciona usted en un momento.~ Yes, sure, that solves things in an instant.
Alguien, por error, cierra la única válvula de escape para el agua, y eso soluciona todo.Someone, by mistake, closes the only tap left open... and that solves everything.
Así que un problema soluciona otro.So one problem solves another.
Aun así, eso soluciona un problema.Still, this solves one problem.
- Adivina cómo solucionamos lo de la velocidad.- Guess how we solved the speed problem.
- Aquí los problemas los solucionamos nosotros.- We solve our problems ourselves here.
- Así no solucionamos nada.This solves nothing.
Ahora que solucionamos el problema de Webber quizá puedas ayudarme con uno de mis problemas.Now that we solve the problem maybe you can help me Webber with one of my problems.
Casi siempre, solucionamos problemas hipotéticos que nunca se hacen realidad. No estarías interesado.For the most part, we solve problems in theory that'll never come into play.
Ya sabéis, vosotros hacéis cosas en grupo... algo como, os reunís todos, solucionáis problemas...You know,you just do things in a clump-- like,you all get together,solve problems-- no.
- Sí. Así es como las personas solucionan los problemas.That's how people solve problems.
- y ver cómo solucionan el problema.- and see how you solve the problem.
- ¿Una lista? - Las listas solucionan todo.- Lists solve everything. se solucionan fácilmente.Can't be easily solved.
A lo mejor lo solucionan ellos.Although they will be solve it themselves.
- El cual ya solucioné.- Which I already solved.
Carrie, solucioné el problema.Hey, Carrie, I may have solved the problem.
Casi solucioné todo el--I almost solved the whole thi...
Creo que solucioné el caso.I think I just solved the case.
Les dije: "¿De verdad?". Pero ya lo solucioné.And I said, "Oh, really?" So, now l"ve solved that.
Así que solucionaste tu cosa de conserje.So you solved your janitor thing.
Así que te concentraste en el problema, y, por suerte, lo solucionaste.So, you put your mind to the problem, and, luckily, you solved it.
No nos habrás levantado a estas horas de la mañana para decirnos que ya solucionaste el caso, ¿no, Flack ?You didn't really wake us up this early in the morning to tell us that you already solved the case,did you,Flack?
Rohit, tú solucionaste un problema de forma oral ¿Para el décimo padrón?Rohit, you orally solved a problem meant for the tenth standard?
¿Cómo lo solucionaste?- How? How have you solved it?
" Mientras hacía eso, Hammond amablemente solucionó el problema del portavasos del LFA".'While I did that, Hammond kindly solved the LFA's cup-holder problem.'
- Dijo que solucionó el caso.He said he solved the case.
- Usted solucionó el caso.- You solved the case.
Adrian solucionó el caso en, cuanto fue, ¿12 minutos?Adrian solved the case in... What was it, 12 minutes?
Al final no se solucionó nada y se fue furioso... diciendo "Vine por ninguna razón".In the end nothing was solved and he left mad, saying, "I came for no reason".
Dile a tu jefe que venga a verme... ahora que sus problemas legales se solucionaron.Tell your boss to come see me now that his legal issue has been resolved.
Entonces, la única manera que conocemos cómo solucionaron el problema de decir la oración correcta a la hora correcta se debe a una crónica escrita por un monje llamado Jocelyn de Brakelond.Now, the only way we know how they solved the problem of getting the prayer right at the right time was because of a chronicle written by a monk called Jocelin de Brakelond.
Hemos oído que 3 heroínas lo solucionaron.We heard that 3 heroines solved it.
Pero solucionaron sus problemas de manera similar.But they solved the problems in a very similar fashion.
Pero, hasta ahora, ni castigos ni escarmientos solucionaron el problema.But up to now, neither punishments nor lessons have solved the problem
No te preocupes solucionaré tu problema.Don't worry, I will solve the problem.
Y solucionaré el problema con la farmacia enseguida.And will solve the problem with the pharmacy immediately.
Yo solucionaré la crisis del Medio Oriente construyendo una réplica exacta de Jerusalén en el medio del desierto mexicano.I will solve the Middle East crisis by building an exact replica of Jerusalem in the middle of the Mexican desert.
Añada el precio del broche a la cuenta de la Sra. Sutton. Esto solucionará de inmediato el problema y todo el mundo saldrá ganando.I suggest that you add the cost of the pin to Mrs. Sutton's bill... which will solve the immediate problem to everybody's advantage.
El mercado libre solucionará el calentamiento global, si es que eso existe siquiera. - Ése es mi chico.The free market will solve global warming... if that even exists.
Eso lo solucionará todo.That will solve everything.
Esto solucionará todo.This will solve everything.
Grupos piden a juez revertir la orden del cierre de WikiLeaks. Si Julius Bär realmente cree que censurando un sitio web solucionará todos sus problemas no entienden cómo fluye la información en el siglo 21.Yeah, but if Julius Bar really believes that censoring one website... will solve their problems... they just don't understand how information flows in the 21st century.
Así solucionaremos todo. Ya me harté.That will solve everything!
Está claro, mírame, que si concentremos nuestros esfuerzos en que Jerry sujete fuerte el palo, solucionaremos el problema.It's become clear-look at me- that if we concentrate all our efforts on Jerry's follow-through, we will solve this problem. - I'm Mr. Meeseeks.
Tranquila, señorita, solucionaremos esto enseguida.Easy, Miss, we will solve this right away.
- Sé que lo solucionarán.- I know you will solve them.
- Eso lo solucionaría todo.- That would solve everything.
Aunque cualquiera de los dos lo solucionaría.Although either one would solve it.
Decían que esta persona solucionaría todos nuestros problemas.It was said that this person would solve all our problems.
El presidente Camacho se paró ante el mundo entero... y prometió a todo el mundo que Joe solucionaría todos sus problemas.President Camacho stood before the world and promised everyone... that Joe would solve all their problems.
Eso no solucionaría nada.- That would solve nothing.
Le dije que solucionarías nuestro problemas con el tráfico.I told him you would solve our transit problem.
Si tuvieras eso, solucionarías muchos problemas.It you have that, you would solve most problems.
Había cubos de cacahuetes, y cubos de manzanas, y tarros de tomates, y ajos, y todas esas cosas que solucionarían todos nuestros problemas, porque no tendríamos que preocuparnos de buscar setas nunca más.There were buckets of peanuts and buckets of apples, and... and-- and tomatoes in jars and garlic, and all these things that would solve all of our problems, because we don't have to worry about looking for mushrooms anymore.
- Deja que lo solucione.Let's solve this.
- Hace que se solucione todo.- It solves everything.
- No veo que se solucione...- I don't sense resolve--
-Ordenaré a uno de mis criados que solucione vuestro problema.I will order one of my servants to solve your problem.
-Quizás esto lo solucione.I think this will solve your problem, ma'am.
Algunos de los problemas que resolvimos con soluciones que eran tan elegantes, simplemente te emocionaba a veces cuando pensabas, ya sabes,Some of the problems that we solved and solutions were so elegant, it just brings tears to your eyes sometimes when you think of, you know,
Estoy inspirado por el n£mero de soluciones fijas y solucionadores de problemas que hay.I've been inspired by how many grounded solutions and real life problem solvers there actually are.
Hey, pero escucha, voy a necesitar que soluciones otro problema por mí.Hey, but listen, I'm gonna need you To solve another problem for me.
Imaginar, sí, pero solo soluciones para situaciones concretas.Use the imagination. But to solve real problems!
Lo que necesitamos son soluciones.What we need is resolve.
# Y solucionemos la deuda de África #¶ And solve this African debt ¶
- Tranquilo, solucionemos.- Quiet, we solve.
Está bien, chicos, cuando solucionemos este caso no va a involucrar demonios o voces del más allá, va a ser sobre codicia y celos, ya saben, las cosas normales en los homicidios.Okay, guys, when we solve this case, it's not gonna involve demons or voices from the great beyond. It's gonna be about greed and jealousy. You know, the stuff from regular homicides.
Inspector en Jefe, me parece que le gustaría que nosotros solucionemos este misterio para usted.Chief Inspector, it seems to me that you would like us to solve this mystery for you.
Muy bien, nadie va a irse a casa hasta que solucionemos esto, ahora mismo.All right, ain't nobody going home till we solve this thing here, right now.
El fascinante debate sobre la interpretación de los muchos mundos de la física cuántica seguirá al rojo vivo hasta que los físicos por fin solucionen los misterios del universo cósmico.The fascinating debate about the many-worlds interpretation of quantum physics will rage until physicists finally solve the mysteries of the microscopic universe.
Me gustaría que lo llevasen con la mayor discreción y que lo solucionen lo antes posible.Handle this discreetly and solve it as soon as possible.
Nuestra misión: llevar a sus delegados a la conferencia del sector neutral, llamada Parlamento, para que solucionen sus disputas.We are to deliver these delegates to a neutral conference planet, called Parliament, in the hope their dispute can be resolved.
Quiere que estos robos se solucionen para ayer.He wants these burglaries solved yesterday.
Tú sólo eres un niño malcriado que necesita que otros les solucionen sus asuntos.You're just a spoiled child who needs others to solve his problems.
Comed, solucionad vuestros problemas y realizaos.Eat fast, solve all your problems, and fulfil yourself.
"Has solucionado la adivinanza?" Dijo el Sombrerero Loco girándose hacia Alicia.'Have you solved the riddle? ' Said the Mad Hatter turning to Alice.
(El problema ha sido solucionado cuidadosamente)(The matter is already smoothly solved)
, o verá el crematorio desde adentro asi que, problema solucionado.He'll either be out of here or getting a look at our crematorium. Either way, problem solved.
- Asunto solucionado.- It's solved.
- Bueno, eso es muy malo, porque eso definitivamente hubiera solucionado el problema.-Well, that's too bad, ...'cause that definitely would have solved the problem.
De repente soy parte de ONU solucionando los problemas del mundo y eso.I'm suddenly part of the UN solving out the world problems and everything.
Disfruto solucionando enigmas.I guess I enjoy solving puzzles.
Eres tan bueno solucionando problemas, ¿verdad?You're so damn good at solving problems, right?
Esta gente termina solucionando cosas.These people end up solving things.
Estaba solucionando un problema.I was solving a problem.
Nada de esto solucioná el problema de lo que voy a hacer.None of which solves the problem of what I'm going to do.
Como solucionás... este tipo de problema?How do you solve this type of problem?

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