Reflexionar (to reflect) conjugation

66 examples
This verb can also have the following meanings: ponder, to consider, consider, think about

Conjugation of reflexionar

Él/ell(a/o)/ Usted
Present tense
I reflect
you reflect
he/she/it reflects
we reflect
you all reflect
they reflect
Present perfect tense
he reflexionado
I have reflected
has reflexionado
you have reflected
ha reflexionado
he/she/it has reflected
hemos reflexionado
we have reflected
habéis reflexionado
you all have reflected
han reflexionado
they have reflected
Past preterite tense
I reflected
you reflected
he/she/it reflected
we reflected
you all reflected
they reflected
Future tense
I will reflect
you will reflect
he/she/it will reflect
we will reflect
you all will reflect
they will reflect
Él/ell(a/o)/ Usted
Conditional mood
I would reflect
you would reflect
he/she/it would reflect
we would reflect
you all would reflect
they would reflect
Past imperfect tense
I used to reflect
you used to reflect
he/she/it used to reflect
we used to reflect
you all used to reflect
they used to reflect
Past perfect tense
había reflexionado
I had reflected
habías reflexionado
you had reflected
había reflexionado
he/she/it had reflected
habíamos reflexionado
we had reflected
habíais reflexionado
you all had reflected
habían reflexionado
they had reflected
Future perfect tense
habré reflexionado
I will have reflected
habrás reflexionado
you will have reflected
habrá reflexionado
he/she/it will have reflected
habremos reflexionado
we will have reflected
habréis reflexionado
you all will have reflected
habrán reflexionado
they will have reflected
Él/ell(a/o)/ Usted
Present subjunctive tense
(if/so that) I reflect
(if/so that) you reflect
(if/so that) he/she/it reflect
(if/so that) we reflect
(if/so that) you all reflect
(if/so that) they reflect
Present perfect subjunctive tense
haya reflexionado
I have reflected
hayas reflexionado
you have reflected
haya reflexionado
he/she/it has reflected
hayamos reflexionado
we have reflected
hayáis reflexionado
you all have reflected
hayan reflexionado
they have reflected
Past imperfect subjunctive tense
(if/so that) I have reflected
(if/so that) you have reflected
(if/so that) he/she/it have reflected
(if/so that) we have reflected
(if/so that) you all have reflected
(if/so that) they have reflected
Past imperfect subjunctive (second) tense
(if/so that) I have reflected
(if/so that) you have reflected
(if/so that) he/she/it have reflected
(if/so that) we have reflected
(if/so that) you all have reflected
(if/so that) they have reflected
Él/ell(a/o)/ Usted
Past perfect subjunctive tense
hubiera reflexionado
I had reflected
hubieras reflexionado
you had reflected
hubiera reflexionado
he/she/it had reflected
hubiéramos reflexionado
we had reflected
hubierais reflexionado
you all had reflected
hubieran reflexionado
they had reflected
Past perfect subjunctive (second) tense
hubiese reflexionado
I had reflected
hubieses reflexionado
you had reflected
hubiese reflexionado
he/she/it had reflected
hubiésemos reflexionado
we had reflected
hubieseis reflexionado
you all had reflected
hubiesen reflexionado
they had reflected
Future subjunctive tense
(if/so that) I will have reflected
(if/so that) you will have reflected
(if/so that) he/she/it will have reflected
(if/so that) we will have reflected
(if/so that) you all will have reflected
(if/so that) they will have reflected
Future perfect subjunctive tense
hubiere reflexionado
I will have reflected
hubieres reflexionado
you will have reflected
hubiere reflexionado
he/she/it will have reflected
hubiéremos reflexionado
we will have reflected
hubiereis reflexionado
you all will have reflected
hubieren reflexionado
they will have reflected
Él/ell(a/o)/ Usted
Imperative mood
let's reflect!
Imperative negative mood
no reflexiones
do not reflect!
no reflexione
let him/her/it reflect!
no reflexionemos
let us not reflect!
no reflexionéis
do not reflect!
no reflexionen
do not reflect!

Examples of reflexionar

Example in SpanishTranslation in English
- Benny, chicos ... tiempo para reflexionar?Benny, chaps, time to reflect.
- Dadme tiempo para reflexionar.- Give me time to reflect.
- En Gotham nunca tenemos tiempo para conectarnos, para reflexionar.In Gotham, we never have any time to connect, to reflect.
- para una llamada interrumpida es la oportunidad de reflexionar--for a dropped call is a chance to reflect.
-Bueno, bueno... que necesita para reflexionar, el nuevo aire Ártico.-Okay, well... it needs to reflect, uh, the new Arctic Air.
"Una relación que me da mucho orgullo cuando reflexiono sobre el terreno que hemos cubierto."a relationship which gives me great pride when I reflect on the ground that we have covered.
Ahora que lo reflexiono, creo que quizá estabas en lo correcto.You know,now that I've had some time to reflect upon it,I think you might be right.
Cada vez... que reflexiono en la insignificancia del Hombre... digo--Every time l reflect on Man's insignificance... l say--
Heisenberg escribió, "Mientras mas reflexiono acerca de parte física de la ecuación de Schroedinger,Heisenberg wrote, "The more I reflect on the physical portion of Schroedinger's equation,
Leo mucho, reflexiono.I read a great deal, reflect.
Ahora que acabó, te sientas y reflexionas y sientes en cierta forma, "Eso fue asombroso".Now it's over, you sit back and reflect and you sort of feel, that was just astonishing.
Mientras esperas que vaya a arrestarte ¿por qué no tomas un tiempo y reflexionas sobre tus errores? Ésa estuvo muy buena.While you're waiting for me to come arrest you, why not take some time and reflect on your mistakes?
Pero nunca reflexionas sobre las cosas!But You never reflect on things!
¿Nunca reflexionas sobre lo que hacemos?Do you ever reflect on what we do?
¿Por qué no te sientas aquí y reflexionas sobre este memorable día?Why don't you have a seat here and reflect on our eventful day?
- Sí . Griff , todo lo que haces ahora reflexiona sobre el hospital y la familia .Griff, everything you do now reflects on the hospital and the family.
Es quizás en estos momentos que uno reflexiona sobre cosas pasadas.It is perhaps times like these that one reflects on things past.
Si uno reflexiona de manera inteligente acerca de ellas, uno se deprime.If one reflects intelligently about them, one gets depressed.
A esto le llamo yo "tiempo silencioso". En este tiempo reflexionamos sobre lo que hicimos.This is what I call "quiet time", when we reflect on what we've done.
Cuando reflexionamos acerca del concepto original del llamado libre mercado - sistema capitalista como fue concebido por los primeros filósofos económicos como Adam Smith, vemos que la verdadera intención de un "mercado"When we reflect on the original concept of the so-called free market - capitalist system as initiated by early economic philosophers such as Adam Smith we see that the original intent of a "market"
Mientras más reflexionamos, mientras más conscientes somos mientras más nos preguntamos y más nos asombramos las preguntas se hacen más urgentes y más amplias.Is also their country. And the more reflective we are, The more thoughtful we are,
Nosotros reflexionamos y Dylan actúa.We reflect, Dylan acts.
Pero reflexionamos y nos arrepentimos y nos disculpamos por lo de Noguchi - e intentamos empezar de nuevo.But we reflected and repented and apologized to Noguchi and trying to start anew.
Aunque esto diga que está tres personas reflexionan juntos. Es como sentarme allí. escuchando a las dos reflexionar.Though it's saying that it's three people reflecting together it's like I'm just sitting there, listening to the two reflect.
Donde los criminales reflexionan sobre cómo equivocaron el camino.Wherein said criminals reflect on the error of their ways.
Hay anécdotas sobre elefantes regresando al lugar... dónde miembros de su familia han muerto y potencialmente reflexionan sobre ello.There are anecdotes of elephants returning to the location where family members have died and potentially reflecting on that.
Son las diez, y en Llegadas Internacionales, los paparazis reflexionan sobre lo que puede llegar a ser un incidente que acabe con su carrera.It's 10am, and in international arrivals the airport paparazzi are reflecting on what may turn out to be a career-ending incident.
- Descansó y reflexionó.-it rested and reflected.
Acerca de la campaña... que se convirtió en un funeral, cómo el capitán reflexionó... sobre la muerte de su ayudante... quien cayó en manos... de los hijos de Kozlik, ante Oboriste.About the campaign which became a funeral, how the captain reflected on the death of his aide who fell at the hands of the sons of Kozlik before Oboriste.
Patchi reflexionó sobre las alegrías y tristezas de su primera migración.Patchi reflected on the joys and heartaches of his first migration.
Sostiene Pereira que, aquel día, reflexionó mucho.Pereira maintains he reflected at length that day.
Y usted reflexionó por un largo, largo tiempo acerca de "Cándido" de Voltaire, no es cierto?And you reflected a long, long time on Voltaire's "Candide," is that right?
Los EE.UU. lamió sus heridas, pero pocos en el poder reflexionaron en el significado más profundo de lo que había ocurrido.The US licked its wounds, but few in power reflected on the deeper meaning of what had occurred.
Y al prepararse para esta ceremonia, los novios reflexionaron sobre aquello que los trajo aquí hoy, aquello que los motiva a unir sus vidas.And as groom and bride prepared for this ceremony, they reflected on what it is that brought them here today, ready to commit their lives to one another.
Mañana, reflexionarás sobre ese comentario.Tomorrow, you will reflect on that comment
El reflexionará sobre lo que dije.He will reflect on what I said.
Y reflexionaremos sobre nuestra vida sacerdotal.And we will reflect on our calling as priests.
Abandonarán estas costas. Y reflexionarán, espero sobre cómo han llegado a perderse tan lejos de todo lo que es bueno. Y cuánto más podrán sobrevivir a esta terrible vida.You will leave these shores, and you will reflect, I hope, on how you came to stray so far from all that is good, and how much longer you may survive this terrible life.
Dejemos que reflexione: si se derrama más sangre en Chipre, pesará sobre su conciencia, no sobre la mía.Let him reflect, if more blood is shed in Cyprus, it will be upon his conscience, not upon mine.
Domínese, Sr. Hamley, y reflexione.Curb your temper, Mr Hamley, and reflect.
Escuche y reflexione.Hear this, and reflect.
Estuve encerrado durante 25 años, que es un montón de maldito tiempo para que un hombre reflexione sobre su vida, las elecciones que tomó y las que tomará si se le dá una segunda oportunidad.I've been locked away for 25 years, which is a hell of a lot of time for a man to reflect on his life, the choices he made and what he wants to do if given a second chance.
La dejaré para que reflexione sobre sus actos.I shall leave you to reflect upon your actions.
- Bueno, algunas reflexiones,- Well, some reflections,
A esta altura de mis reflexiones, que han sido breves me inclino a creer que no pensaba en nada.Upon reflection, though l haven't had much time l think l wasn't thinking of anything.
A veces, las reflexiones engendran reflexiones.Sometimes, reflections beget reflections.
Agradezco... a todos aquellos que con su participación han enriquecido el trabajo de nuestro convenio ofreciendo reflexiones observaciones y nuevas propuestas de gran valor político.Thank... all those... that their participation... have enriched the work... our convention... offering reflections... comments... and new proposals... of great political value.
Alison utiliza un ingenioso experimento con sus niños para detectar cuál de ellos ha desarrollado una consciencia de sus reflexiones.Alison uses a clever experiment on her toddlers to detect which of them have developed an awareness of their reflections.
Ahora es hora de que todos volvamos a casa y reflexionemos.Now it's time we should all go home and reflect.
Hoy a la sombra del prematuro fallecimiento de Min-Ji Webster, reflexionemos sobre los rincones más oscuros de nuestras almas y recordemos cuanto dependemos unos de otros para dar luz a nuestras vidas.Today in the shadow of Min-Ji Webster's untimely passing, let us all reflect upon the darker recesses of our own souls and remember how much we depend on each other to bring light into our lives.
Retírese ahora, para que reflexionemos y consideremos cuál será su futura situación.Go now, so that we may reflect on our choices and debate what is to become of your position.
Y ahora, bajemos la cabeza en silencio y reflexionemos en como Mabel tocó nuestras vidas.And now, let us bow our heads in a moment of silence and reflect on how Maybel touched our lives.
Y reflexionemos sobre Brianna Sellards...And let us reflect on Brianna Sellards...
Ahora que acaba el día, os deseo a los que acabéis de trabajar ahora y a los que hayáis terminado antes que paséis mañana un buen día de Acción de Gracias y reflexionéis sobre lo mucho que tenemos que agradecer.As day ends, I wish those of you finishing up work now, and those of you who will have punched out early, a happy Thanksgiving tomorrow and a weekend of reflection on how much we have to be thankful for.
Sólo reflexionen sobre eso.Just reflect on it
Y ahora concéntrense, reflexionen.And now taste it, think about it, reflect.
Hasta ahora, Chile no ha reflexionado sobre este hecho.To this day, Chile has not reflected about his.
He reflexionado en nuestra charla de esta mañana.I've reflected on our morning's talk.
He reflexionado mucho sobre este caso, damas y caballeros.I have reflected on this case at length, ladies and gentlemen.
He reflexionado sobre por qué Dios me hace pasar por este tipo de sufrimiento.I reflected on why God is making me go through this type of suffering.
La señorita Yun Ja Ae ya ha reflexionado sobre sus actos.Miss Yun Ja Ae had already reflected on it.
- Solo reflexionando.Just... reflecting.
? Llevo media hora reflexionando.I take half an hour reflecting.
Al día siguiente me encontré reflexionando sobre el legado de esos tiempos.And the next day I found myself reflecting on the legacy of those times.
Apuesto a que somos las únicas dos personas en este club reflexionando sobre la vida y la muerte ahora.(Sighs) I bet we are the only two people at this club reflecting on life and death right now.
Así que pasará los próximos dos días aquí, reflexionando sobre su conducta.So you'll spend the next couple days here... reflecting on your behavior.

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