Reconciliar (to reconcile) conjugation

72 examples

Conjugation of reconciliar

Él/ell(a/o)/ Usted
Present tense
I reconcile
you reconcile
he/she/it reconciles
we reconcile
you all reconcile
they reconcile
Present perfect tense
he reconciliado
I have reconciled
has reconciliado
you have reconciled
ha reconciliado
he/she/it has reconciled
hemos reconciliado
we have reconciled
habéis reconciliado
you all have reconciled
han reconciliado
they have reconciled
Past preterite tense
I reconciled
you reconciled
he/she/it reconciled
we reconciled
you all reconciled
they reconciled
Future tense
I will reconcile
you will reconcile
he/she/it will reconcile
we will reconcile
you all will reconcile
they will reconcile
Él/ell(a/o)/ Usted
Conditional mood
I would reconcile
you would reconcile
he/she/it would reconcile
we would reconcile
you all would reconcile
they would reconcile
Past imperfect tense
I used to reconcile
you used to reconcile
he/she/it used to reconcile
we used to reconcile
you all used to reconcile
they used to reconcile
Past perfect tense
había reconciliado
I had reconciled
habías reconciliado
you had reconciled
había reconciliado
he/she/it had reconciled
habíamos reconciliado
we had reconciled
habíais reconciliado
you all had reconciled
habían reconciliado
they had reconciled
Future perfect tense
habré reconciliado
I will have reconciled
habrás reconciliado
you will have reconciled
habrá reconciliado
he/she/it will have reconciled
habremos reconciliado
we will have reconciled
habréis reconciliado
you all will have reconciled
habrán reconciliado
they will have reconciled
Él/ell(a/o)/ Usted
Present subjunctive tense
(if/so that) I reconcile
(if/so that) you reconcile
(if/so that) he/she/it reconcile
(if/so that) we reconcile
(if/so that) you all reconcile
(if/so that) they reconcile
Present perfect subjunctive tense
haya reconciliado
I have reconciled
hayas reconciliado
you have reconciled
haya reconciliado
he/she/it has reconciled
hayamos reconciliado
we have reconciled
hayáis reconciliado
you all have reconciled
hayan reconciliado
they have reconciled
Past imperfect subjunctive tense
(if/so that) I have reconciled
(if/so that) you have reconciled
(if/so that) he/she/it have reconciled
(if/so that) we have reconciled
(if/so that) you all have reconciled
(if/so that) they have reconciled
Past imperfect subjunctive (second) tense
(if/so that) I have reconciled
(if/so that) you have reconciled
(if/so that) he/she/it have reconciled
(if/so that) we have reconciled
(if/so that) you all have reconciled
(if/so that) they have reconciled
Él/ell(a/o)/ Usted
Past perfect subjunctive tense
hubiera reconciliado
I had reconciled
hubieras reconciliado
you had reconciled
hubiera reconciliado
he/she/it had reconciled
hubiéramos reconciliado
we had reconciled
hubierais reconciliado
you all had reconciled
hubieran reconciliado
they had reconciled
Past perfect subjunctive (second) tense
hubiese reconciliado
I had reconciled
hubieses reconciliado
you had reconciled
hubiese reconciliado
he/she/it had reconciled
hubiésemos reconciliado
we had reconciled
hubieseis reconciliado
you all had reconciled
hubiesen reconciliado
they had reconciled
Future subjunctive tense
(if/so that) I will have reconciled
(if/so that) you will have reconciled
(if/so that) he/she/it will have reconciled
(if/so that) we will have reconciled
(if/so that) you all will have reconciled
(if/so that) they will have reconciled
Future perfect subjunctive tense
hubiere reconciliado
I will have reconciled
hubieres reconciliado
you will have reconciled
hubiere reconciliado
he/she/it will have reconciled
hubiéremos reconciliado
we will have reconciled
hubiereis reconciliado
you all will have reconciled
hubieren reconciliado
they will have reconciled
Él/ell(a/o)/ Usted
Imperative mood
let's reconcile!
Imperative negative mood
no reconcilies
do not reconcile!
no reconcilie
let him/her/it reconcile!
no reconciliemos
let us not reconcile!
no reconciliéis
do not reconcile!
no reconcilien
do not reconcile!

Examples of reconciliar

Example in SpanishTranslation in English
"Además, la ausencia del muchacho contribuiría seguramente a reconciliar a la madre con...""Furthermore, the absence of the boy would surely help... to reconcile the mother with..."
"el hombre incapaz de reconciliar en sí mismo..."the man in whom is unable to reconcile himself...
A algunos les será imposible reconciliar... las creencias de Emily o del acusado con las de ustedes.Some of you may find yourself unable to reconcile Emily's beliefs or those of the defendant with your own.
A encontrar una forma de reconciliar su fe con los hechos.Find a way to reconcile your faith with fact.
A veces es doloroso intentar reconciliar mi amor por la ciencia con mi repulsión hacía los fines para los que se utiliza.Sometimes it's painful, trying to reconcile my love of science with my revulsion - towards the ends to which it is used.
Si me reconcilio con Bertha, ¿entonces se casará conmigo?To reconcile with Bertha and then you'll marry me?
- ¿Y si te reconcilias con tu esposa?- What if you and your wife reconcile?
Digo. ¿Como reconcilias eso?I mean, how do you reconcile, and are you still a...
Pero por eso mismo, si no te reconcilias con Uchimoto, nos harás quedar mal.Butforthat, if you don't reconcile with Uchimoto, itmakes us look bad.
Sin duda eres una celestina si los reconcilias después de lo sucedido hace 2 años.You certainly are a matchmaker to reconcile those two after what happened two years ago.
Y hasta que no tengas éxito frente al mundo... ¿por qué no te reconcilias con él por vuestro propio futuro?And untilyou can geton in the world, why don'tyou reconcile with him foryour own future?
Cuando por ahí lo que lo reconcilia, es lo que lo pone junto.Well, maybe that is what reconciles it. That is what puts it together.
Debe haber en alguna parte un principio en que se reconcilia arte y acción.Somewhere there must be a higher principle which reconciles art and action.
Lindsay se reconcilia con su hija.Lindsay reconciles with her daughter.
Sí, yo casi siento lo mismo que usted. Pero a usted, esa capilla le reconcilia con el futuro. y a mí, con mi pasado.Yes, I feel almost the same thing as you, but the chapel reconciles you with the future and me with the past.
Ben y yo nos reconciliamos, y tu opisición a eso me hace pensar que no quieres estar solo En ese baile impulsado por la hierba que ustedes dos hacían durante los últimos 25 años.Ben and I reconciled, and your opposition to that makes me feel like you just don't want to be alone in whatever weed-powered dance you two have shared for the last 25 years.
Carmela y yo... llegamos a un entendimiento cuando nos reconciliamos...Carmela and me... we came to an understanding when we reconciled.
Chicas, William y yo nos reconciliamos.You guys, William and I reconciled.
De acuerdo. No nos hemos visto en un par de años, y después de su infarto, como que nos reconciliamos y...Uh, so we hadn't seen each other in-in a few years, and after his heart attack, we kind of reconciled and...
Ella lo superó y nos reconciliamos, por la influencia de esa emoción que se llama amor.She overcame it and we reconciled under the influence of the emotion that is called love.
"Los pecadores se reconcilian con Dios.""God and sinners reconciled."
Así que si Uds. se reconcilian, tendré que pedirle disculpas.So, if you two reconcile, I'll have to apologize to her.
Dios y los pecadores se reconcilian# God and sinners reconciled ##
Los mundos se reconcilianThe worlds are reconciled
Me reconcilié con mi nieto y hasta con mi vecino.I've reconciled with my Jungle-bunny and even my neighbor.
Me parece que te reconciliaste con tu padre.You have been reconciled with your father.
Te reconciliaste con la naturaleza.You are reconciled with nature.
Tú me reconciliaste con Stiva.It was you who reconciled me to Stiva.
Yo fui la razón por la que te reconciliaste con tu hija.I was the reason she reconciled with her daughter.
...cuyo amargo sacrificio y muerte nos reconcilió contigo.Whose bitter sacrifice and death has reconciled us to you.
Dios misericordioso que reconcilió consigo...God merciful father that it reconciled...
Dios, el Padre de la misericordia reconcilió el mundo para sí mediante la muerte y resurrección de su hijo y nos envió al Espíritu Santo para el perdón de los pecados.God the Father of mercies, has reconciled the world to himself through the death and resurrection of his Son and sent the holy Spirit among us for the forgiveness of sins, through the ministry of the Church may God give you pardon and peace
Dios, padre misericordioso, a través de la muerte y resurrección de Su hijo se reconcilió con el mundo y enviado al Espíritu Santo entre nosotros para el perdón de los pecadosGod, the father of mercies, through the death and resurrection of His son has reconciled the world to Himself and sent the Holy Spirit amongst us for the forgiveness of sins
Este acto de coraje, los reconcilió con las mujeres.This courageous act reconciled the women.
"... Dios y los pecadores se reconciliaron..." "...God and sinners reconciled
"Dios y el pecado se reconciliaron.""God and sin is reconciled."
"Querido Brutus, escribo con prisa con noticias urgentes Octavio y Antonio se reconciliaron."My dear Brutus, I write in haste with urgent news. Octavian and Antony have reconciled.
# Las bolas del domingo florecen como la primavera, # # pero no es algo gay. # # Hijo querido, llegamos al final de El diez. # # Esposa y esposo se reconciliaron. ## but it's not a gay thing. # # we've come to the end of the ten, dear child. # # wife and husband reconciled. #
- ¿Se reconciliaron? No, no.- You reconciled?
Hoy mismo me reconciliaré con Gunther... ¿Y quien si no es mi enemigo?Today Gunther and I will reconcile. Who else is my enemy?
Te reconciliaría con tu padre, Si solo me aceptaras a mí como ReinaI would reconcile you with your father if you will only accept me as Queen.
Años después, él y yo nos reconciliaríamos.Years later, he and I would reconcile.
Lo que la carrera nos brindará, eso espero, es ser aquel catalizador que reconecte y reconcilie nuestro matrimonio y nuestra amistad. Y nuestro vinculo.What the race will provide us hopefully is to be that catalyst, to reconnect and reconcile our marriage and our friendship and our common bonds.
Para que me reconcilie con mí mismo.To reconcile me with myself.
Pero ahora, en privado, debo reconocerle, como alguien que fue digno de la amistad y la confianza de Vuestra Majestad un día, mi más profunda convicción de que si Vuestra Majestad se reconcilie con la Reina Catalina,But now, in private, I must confess to you, as someone who once enjoyed Your Majesty's confidence and friendship, my deepest belief that, if Your Majesty saw fit to be reconciled with Queen Katherine, the divisions and hurts of your Kingdom
Se preguntarán por qué mi mamá está tan ansiosa para que me reconcilie con un adúltero.You may wonder why my mother is so anxious for me to reconcile with an adulterer.
Si es María Goretti, quizás está intentando que se reconcilie con sus víctimas.If it is Maria Goretti, perhaps she's trying to get him to reconcile with his victims.
- No estoy diciendo que te reconcilies.- Well, I'm not telling you to reconcile.
Lo que Dios quiere es que te reconcilies con Él.All that God wants is for you to reconcile with him.
Pedimos que tú los reconcilies.Our suit is that you reconcile them.
Ah, seremos amigos de adultos cuando nos reconciliemos en tu funeral.Ah, we'll be friends as adults when we reconcile at your funeral.
Al Dr. Lobel no le parece poco realista esperar que tu padre y yo nos reconciliemos.Dr Lobel doesn't think it's unrealistic to hope that your father and l might reconcile.
El mundo espera que nos reconciliemos, que seamos parte del mundo.The world is expacting us to reconcile, to become the part of the world.
Estoy muy contenta de que nos reconciliemos.I'm so glad we reconciled.
Me conmueve que quieras que nos reconciliemos.I'm touched that you want us to reconcile.
Pero os he devuelto el informe con la orden de que os reconciliéis con Monsieur Fouquet.I've returned your report with the order for you to reconcile with Mr. Fouquet.
Si queréis salvar vuestras vidas, mejor que os reconciliéis con Uchimoto y os marchéis.If you wantto save your lives, you'd better reconcile with Uchimoto and getout.
Activos y pasivos, debe y haber... eso son todos las cosas que sé dónde van en el balance de resultados, cómo hacer que todos se reconcilien.Assets and liabilities, debits and credits -- these are all items I know where they belong on the balance sheet, how to make them all reconcile.
Aunque meterme en el medio cuando ella y el general se reconcilien puede ser peligroso.Although, getting between her and the general while they're trying to reconcile might be just as dangerous.
Dignatarios es el momento de que se reconcilien con Cristo.Dignitaries, it is time for you all to reconcile yourselves with Christ.
Encuentra una manera de que se reconcilien.Figure out a way to make them reconcile.
Es solo hasta que tu cuerpo y mente se reconcilien con los cambios metabólicos.It's only until your mind and body reconcile with the metabolic changes.
- Luke, tú y Lorelai se han reconciliado.- Luke, you and Lorelai have reconciled.
- ¿Se han reconciliado?- Are you reconciled?
Así que, ¿nos hemos reconciliado?So we're reconciled? - I hope so.
Aun no me he reconciliado.For l've not reconciled.
Cariño, cielo, cielo, cariño, casi se han reconciliado."Honey", "Baby"... You're almost reconciled.
Aún me estoy reconciliando con el lenguaje de hoy y sus avances.I'm still reconciling today's language and its advancements.
Esto es lo que estoy reconciliando... cómo trabajar con un adicto que yo pensaba que era mi amigo.Here's what I'm reconciling... how to work with an addict who I thought was my friend.
La genialidad del concepto de cruzada de Urbano, fue que resolvía ese dilema, reconciliando fe con violencia.The real genius of Urban's crusading ideal was that it solved this dilemma, reconciling faith and violence.
Me estoy reconciliando con el hecho que mi padre y yo nunca seremos unidos.I'm reconciling the fact that my dad and I will never be close.
Porque Dios es Jesucristo... reconciliando el mundo con Él.For God was in Christ Jesus, reconciling the world unto himself.

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