Justificar (to justify) conjugation

81 examples

Conjugation of justificar

Él/ell(a/o)/ Usted
Present tense
I justify
you justify
he/she/it justifies
we justify
you all justify
they justify
Present perfect tense
he justificado
I have justified
has justificado
you have justified
ha justificado
he/she/it has justified
hemos justificado
we have justified
habéis justificado
you all have justified
han justificado
they have justified
Past preterite tense
I justified
you justified
he/she/it justified
we justified
you all justified
they justified
Future tense
I will justify
you will justify
he/she/it will justify
we will justify
you all will justify
they will justify
Él/ell(a/o)/ Usted
Conditional mood
I would justify
you would justify
he/she/it would justify
we would justify
you all would justify
they would justify
Past imperfect tense
I used to justify
you used to justify
he/she/it used to justify
we used to justify
you all used to justify
they used to justify
Past perfect tense
había justificado
I had justified
habías justificado
you had justified
había justificado
he/she/it had justified
habíamos justificado
we had justified
habíais justificado
you all had justified
habían justificado
they had justified
Future perfect tense
habré justificado
I will have justified
habrás justificado
you will have justified
habrá justificado
he/she/it will have justified
habremos justificado
we will have justified
habréis justificado
you all will have justified
habrán justificado
they will have justified
Él/ell(a/o)/ Usted
Present subjunctive tense
(if/so that) I justify
(if/so that) you justify
(if/so that) he/she/it justify
(if/so that) we justify
(if/so that) you all justify
(if/so that) they justify
Present perfect subjunctive tense
haya justificado
I have justified
hayas justificado
you have justified
haya justificado
he/she/it has justified
hayamos justificado
we have justified
hayáis justificado
you all have justified
hayan justificado
they have justified
Past imperfect subjunctive tense
(if/so that) I have justified
(if/so that) you have justified
(if/so that) he/she/it have justified
(if/so that) we have justified
(if/so that) you all have justified
(if/so that) they have justified
Past imperfect subjunctive (second) tense
(if/so that) I have justified
(if/so that) you have justified
(if/so that) he/she/it have justified
(if/so that) we have justified
(if/so that) you all have justified
(if/so that) they have justified
Él/ell(a/o)/ Usted
Past perfect subjunctive tense
hubiera justificado
I had justified
hubieras justificado
you had justified
hubiera justificado
he/she/it had justified
hubiéramos justificado
we had justified
hubierais justificado
you all had justified
hubieran justificado
they had justified
Past perfect subjunctive (second) tense
hubiese justificado
I had justified
hubieses justificado
you had justified
hubiese justificado
he/she/it had justified
hubiésemos justificado
we had justified
hubieseis justificado
you all had justified
hubiesen justificado
they had justified
Future subjunctive tense
(if/so that) I will have justified
(if/so that) you will have justified
(if/so that) he/she/it will have justified
(if/so that) we will have justified
(if/so that) you all will have justified
(if/so that) they will have justified
Future perfect subjunctive tense
hubiere justificado
I will have justified
hubieres justificado
you will have justified
hubiere justificado
he/she/it will have justified
hubiéremos justificado
we will have justified
hubiereis justificado
you all will have justified
hubieren justificado
they will have justified
Él/ell(a/o)/ Usted
Imperative mood
let's justify!
Imperative negative mood
no justifiques
do not justify!
no justifique
let him/her/it justify!
no justifiquemos
let us not justify!
no justifiquéis
do not justify!
no justifiquen
do not justify!

Examples of justificar

Example in SpanishTranslation in English
" El movimiento estudiantil fanático conocido como la Guardia Roja... ...hasurgidocomounafuerzapolítica reaccionaria genuinamente potente... ...quese aferraráacualquierexcusa para justificar la expulsión..."The fanatical student movement known as the Red Guard has emerged as a genuinely potent reactionary political force which will seize upon any excuse to justify the expulsion of all foreigners from China.
"...necesitas algo para justificar tu alma..."♪ You need something to justify your soul... ♪
"Esto podría ser difícil de justificar.""That might be hard to justify."
"Si lo quieres ver mejor, si lo tienes que justificar"lf you want to be profound lf you really got to justify
"Tengo que justificar estar paralítico."I have to justify being paralyzed. I have to justify killing people.
- No justifico mis actos.- I do not justify my acts.
Así es como justifico esto.That's how I justify this.
Escucha, no le justifico, ¿De acuerdo?Look, I'm not justifying what he done, okay?
Le comprendo, le justifico.I understand him, I justify him.
Me has hecho daño por complacer a tu amante, y sé que lo intentarás y lo justifico, así que deja que sea clara.You hurt me to please your lover, and I know you'll try and justify it, so let me be clear.
(te justificas a ti mismo con uno de ellos.)(you justify yourself with this understanding of paper)
* So you pray to God* Así que rezas a Dios *justify the way you live * justificas tu modo de vida* So you pray to God, justify the way you live *
- No quiero leer sobre esto. ¡Quiero saber cómo justificas estar acostándote con una chica con la mitad de tu edad!I don't want to read about it; I want to know how you justify sleeping with a girl half your age!
Al tratar de derramar mi sangre, justificas mi decisión de hacer que te ejecuten.By trying to spill my blood, you justify my own decision to see you executed.
Como en este mundo justificas gastar el dinero en cable?How in the world do you justify spending the money on cable?
"El fin justifica los medios", claro."The end justifies the means." Right.
"El fin justifica los medios"."The end justifies the means."
"El fin justifica los medios.""The end justifies the means."
"Eso también justifica estar sobre el escenario."This, too, justifies being on the stage.
Así es como justificamos nuestros sueldos millonarios.It's how we justify our enormous salaries!
No justificamos la reacción, pero Mariana, fabula mucho, también.We're not justifying the reaction, but Mariana fabricates a lot, too.
No justificamos nada.We're not justifying anything.
Porque nosotros, robando a la gente al amparo de la oscuridad... encubrimos y justificamos a los ladrones... que operan al amparo de la legalidad.Because we, robbing people under cover of darkness... are covering up for and justifying the thieves... who operate under cover of legality.
Si justificamos el comportamiento antisocial sobre la base de que no es nuestra culpa entonces toda la estructura legal carece de sentido.If we start to justify all antisocial behavior under the pretense it isn't our fault, then the entire structure of the Iaw is meaningless.
"Fines justifican medios en decisivo encuentro"."Ends justify means in decisive gangland encounter."
"¿Cómo justifican vivir aquí, haciendo esto...? Para todos esos tipos sórdidos", pero nosotras no lo vemos así."How do they justify living here, doing this for all those sleazy guys out there," but we don't look at it like that.
A veces hay circunstancias atenuantes que excusan... o justifican...Well, sometimes, there's circumstances that excuse or, or justify.
Así es como los asesinos justifican sus acciones.It's how killers justify their actions to themselves.
Ataques misteriosos que justifican la guerra, acuerdos comerciales que borran las fronteras, colapsos del Mercado de Valores, que repercuten en miles de millones de pérdidas.Mysterious attacks that justify war, trade deals that erase borders, stock market collapses that shift billions in wealth.
Lo admito, Yo... Lo expliqué, lo justifiqué, pero nunca me disculpé,I admitted it, I explained it, I justified it, but I never apologized for it.
Ya justifiqué mi holgazanería.I already justified my laziness.
- Ben, ¿Te diste cuenta que por tus acciones esta noche, ...justificaste mi método completamente?Ben, do you realize that by your actions here tonight, you've completely justified my method?
- ¿Así lo justificaste?That how you justified it?
Así me lo justificaste a mí.It's how you justified it to me.
Así se lo justificaste a Dios.It's how you justified it to God.
Y con ese acuerdo justificaste el ocultárselo al mundo.And that deal was how you justified keeping it a secret from the world.
Creo que justificó lo que hizo porque para el, Adam no era su hermano.I think he justified what he did because in his mind, Adam wasn't his brother.
Eisenhower lo justificó describiendo los países de la región como si fuesen fichas de dominó que cayesen, desde Tailandia, Indonesia yEisenhower justified it by describing the countries in the region falling like dominoes, ultimately leading from Thailand, Indonesia and
El Congreso, que justificó las represiones de anteriores gobiernos, abre sus jardines para que los mineros reciban víveres y dinero.The Congress, that justified the repression of previous governments opens it's gardens so that the miners receieve food and money
Eso fue lo que justificó mis acciones y me dio fuerza.That justified my actions and gave me strength.
Esto se justificó como la guerra contra las drogas declarada por Nixon en 1971 y que ahora se redirigía contra la producción en origen, lo que implicaba señalar a otros estados, si era necesario, como objetivos militaresKilling hundreds of civilians. This was justified as the war on drugs Declared by Nixon in 1971
La sociedad norteamericana se volvió más cruel con esta guerra Con una nueva doctrina de superioridad anglosajona no sólo justificaron el imperio naciente sino que cambiaron las relaciones sociales en casa los sureños racistas, usando argumentos parecidos, iniciaron una campaña en contra de los verdaderos resultados de la Guerra Civil y aprobaron las nuevas leyes Jim Crow que reforzaban la supremacía blanca y la segregación.American society grew more callous from this war as this new doctrine of Anglo-Saxon superiority not only justified a nascent empire, but changed social relations at home as Southern racists resorting to similar arguments initiated a campaign against the true meaning of the outcome of the American Civil War and passed new jim crow laws enforcing White Supremacy and segregation.
Parece que los fines finalmente justificaron los medios.Looks like the ends finally justified the means.
Una es que las razones que justificaron el ascenso de De Gaulle al poder, es decir, el desorden de las instituciones, la impotencia política ante la guerra de Argelia, y los grandes obstáculos a la modernización económica en Francia.One of the reasons that justified De Gaulle's rise to power, the institutional disorder, the political impotence in the War in Algeria, and the big obstacles to economical modernisation in France.
Unos pocos entendidos justificaron tales fantasías.A few connoisseurs justified such fantasies.
Y te justificarás diciendo... que por practicamente nada de dinero...And you will justify yourself by saying That for next to no money at all...
Cree que la autopsia justificará su diagnóstico, hasta a ese matón.He feels that an autopsy will justify his diagnosis... - even to this hoodlum.
Cualquier evidencia de reanimación justificará nuestro intento.Any evidence of re-animated consciousness will justify proceeding!
Dios justificará a los circuncidados por la fe.God will justify those circumcised by faith.
El fin justificará nuestro actuar.The end will justify our actions.
El puro saqueo justificará la lucha.The plunder alone will justify the struggle.
Había una esperanza mi esperanza, de que si supieras el camino a la Tierra eso justificaría el mantenerte vivo un poco más.There was a hope - my hope - that if you knew the way to Earth... it would justify keeping you alive a little longer.
Pero para nuestros propósitos, no hemos visto mejoría clínica... que justificaría continuar cuidado hospitalario.But for our purposes, we have not seen the clinical improvement that would justify continued inpatient care.
Sentí que el final justificaría los medios.I felt that the ends would justify the means.
Siento aunque le respeto mucho no siento lo que justificaría que aceptara su oferta.I feel... Though I respect you very much, I do not feel what would justify me... in accepting your offer.
Tenía la esperanza, que si sabías el camino a La Tierra... justificaría mantenerte con vida un poco más.There was a hope, my hope... that if you knew the way to Earth, it would justify keeping you alive a little longer.
-Sí, hay muchas cosas, pero ninguna que justifique...Yes, lots of things, but nothing to justify...
A veces me pregunto si no dejamos que el fin justifique los medios.I just wonder sometimes if we let the end justify the means too much.
Casi desearía que hubiese algo a lo que señalar, algo... horrible que me hubiese hecho que justifique lo que le he hecho a ella.I almost wish that there was something that I could point to, some... terrible thing that she had done to me that would justify what it is I've done to her.
Considero que está de más que me justifique.I don't feel justifying myself is necessary.
Constantemente me piden que justifique por qué quiero... filmar en film, pero no escucho a nadie que justifique por qué... quieren rodar una película digitalmente.I am constantly asked to justify why I want to shoot a film on film, but I don't hear anybody being asked to justify why they want to shoot a film digitally.
- No te justifiques.- Don't justify it.
Cuanto más justifiques lo que haces, más lejos los empujas.The more you justify what you're doing, the more you push them away.
Marcia, no me justifiques.Marcia, don't justify me.
Mira, he venido para disculparme por mi comportamiento, no para que lo justifiques. Tenías tus razones.Look, I came here to apologise for my behaviour, not for you to justify it.
No creo que justifiques lo estúpido e irresponsable que hice en verano.I don't think you can justify the stupid, irresponsible things I did last summer.
? Quieres la verdad o solo palabras que justifiquen tu maldad?Do you want the truth or only words to justify your evil?
Cada objeto parecía lanzado hacia adelante... una sombra oscura en todas las direcciones sin ninguna luz para explicarla como sombra sin emanaciones que justifiquen que sea visible.Every object seemed to cast forth... a dim shadow in all directions, with no light to explain it as shadow, with no emanation to justify its being visible.
El resto lo tendrás cuando los abogados justifiquen sus honorarios.The rest will follow after both our lawyers have held up the process long enough to justify their fees.
Está en una situación muy delicada... a menos que haya cambios en el equlibrio del poder... que justifiquen su política dura...You know, Govorshin is in a very delicate situation unless comes some change in world power balance to justify his his hard line policies. You talk about a hard line, I...
Llevadaalextremo,comohacen los Evangelistas americanos, la Biblia es hurgada por pasajes que justifiquen... visionesderechistasdelaborto y valores familiares.Taken to its extremes, as by American evangelists, the bible is scanned for passages to justify right- wing views on abortion and 'family values'.
"El Sr. O'Brien parece creer que mentirle a un psicólogo federal está justificado siempre y cuando el trabajo esté hecho."Mr. O'Brien seems to believe that lying "to a federal psychologist is justified "so long as the job is done.
"liberar a Moro sin condición" el Santo Padre mi hermano en la fe, ha justificado la línea de la firmeza."release Moro without conditions"... the Holy Father... my brother in faith... has justified the line of firmness!
- El asesinato nunca está justificado.Murder is never justified, Judith.
- En este caso está justificado.- This case is justified.
- Estaba justificado.- That was justified.
(CON RABIA) ¿Cómo coño consigue seguir justificando lo injustificable?How do you keep justifying the unjustifiable?
- ¿Por qué la estás justificando?- Why are you justifying her?
- ¿Te estás justificando?- What are you justifying?
Aceptaremos testimonios, evidencias, tanto de Charles como de Alfonso... justificando su reclamación al trono.We shall accept testimony, evidence, briefs from both Charles and Alfonso justifying their claims to the throne.
Al día siguiente nos llegó una carta de los manifestantes justificando la muerte de los caballos, ya que yo mataba niños.(Dr. Carhart) The next day we got the letter from the protesters justifying the killing of horses, you know, since I killed children.

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