- No la quiere hospitalizar. | - Not to hospitalize her |
Esto me va a hospitalizar. | This is going to hospitalize me. |
Jugaré por el equipo, pero solo porque quiero hospitalizar a algunos pijos. | I'll play for this team all right, Downton, but only cos I want to hospitalize some toffs. |
Me van a hospitalizar. | They're going to hospitalize me. |
Devuelven a algunos y hospitalizan a otros allá. | Sent some back, even hospitalized them there. |
Periódicamente le hospitalizan. | Periodically he's been hospitalized. |
Si los hospitalizan, no podrán asistir a su Graduación | If you got hospitalized, you can't attend graduation |
Te hospitalizan una noche. | You're hospitalized one night. |
Bilquis está pensando en volver a Pakistán después que hospitalice a Rachel con su poción. | Bilquis is thinking about going back to Pakistan... after she's hospitalized Rachel with her potion. |