-Ahora lo quieren excomulgar. | -Now they want to excommunicate him. |
El Cardenal en Roma perdió los estribos y se encargó personalmente de excomulgar al Patriarca de Constantinopla. | The Cardinal from Rome lost his temper and took it upon himself to excommunicate the Patriarch of Constantinople. |
Me disculpo si le ofendo pero si debo excomulgar a alguien en el clan entonces lo haré para dejar vivo a Masaki. | I'm sorry if I offended you... but if I have to excommunicate everybody in the Hattori family, then I will... in order to keep Masaki alive. |
Cállate o te excomulgo. | Shut up or I'II excommunicate you. |
No lo hizo, y por una conducta impropia para una chica Drake por lo tanto la excomulgo de adolescente a bordo. | She did not, and for conduct unbecomeing of a Drake girl I hereby excommunicate you from the teen-board. |
Si esa mujer me viene a dar otra queja así de pequeña, te mato, te excomulgo, te despido y te mando a tu pueblo. | if that woman comes again to me and complains about the slightest thing you do... I'll kill you, I'll excommunicate you, I'll fire you, and I'll send you back home! |
que si excomulgo a un príncipe, entonces ese príncipe no sólo será separado de Dios... sino también de toda la comunidad de los fieles. | if I excommunicate a fellow prince, then that prince is not only separated from God... but also from the communion of the faithful. |
¡Yo te excomulgo! | I'm gonna excommunicate you! |
La declara hereje... La excomulga y dice a todos los buenos católicos que matarla no sería asesinato. | declares you a heretic, excommunicates you and says that for all good Catholics killing you would be no murder. |
En realidad Masaki quiere acoger a alguien que excomulgaste un hombre llamado Kentaro Soma. | Actually... Masaki wants to take in somebody that you excommunicated. A man called Kentaro Soma. |
Sé por qué cerraste la Comisión de Evangelios, por qué excomulgaste a Petrocelli y a Alameida, y todas las mentiras que has estado diciendo por años. | I know why you closed down the gospel Commission, why you had PetroceIIi and AIameida excommunicated, all about the lies you've been telling for years. |
Desde que el Papa te excomulgó por mantenerla prisionera, la legión de católicos se dividió en dos. | Since the Pope has excommunicated you for keeping Mary prisoner, your Catholic subjects have been torn in two. |
Después de todo, el Papa quien habitualmente es tan generoso con las excomulgaciones, jamás excomulgó a un mercader en carne negra | After all, the Pope, who is usually so generous with his excommunications, has never excommunicated a merchant of black meat. |
El párroco Brusander lo excomulgó: | Then father Brusander excommunicated him : |
En respuesta, el Patriarca excomulgó al Papa. | The Patriarch excommunicated the Pope in return. |
Houseman no excomulgó en ausencia. | Houseman excommunicated us in our absence. |
Cariño, te excomulgaron. | Honey, you were excommunicated. |
Esos clérigos pendejos seguro que lo excomulgaron y no había otro sitio donde enterrarlo. | Idiot clergy probably excommunicated them, so there was nowhere else to bury them. |
Por eso a él lo excomulgaron de la iglesia mormona, señor. | That's why you was excommunicated from the Mormon Church, sir. |
¿La excomulgaron por el divorcio? | You mean you were excommunicated because of the divorce and remarriage. |
He oído que Su Santidad excomulgará a la familia Colonna. | I hear His Holiness will excommunicate the Colonna family. |
Si usted deja estas premisas para realizar sus planes, Es mi deber informarle que por tal acción. Se le excomulgará del Sindicato de Doctores. | If you leave these premises to carry out your plans, it is my duty to inform you that by such action you will excommunicate yourself from the Doctors' Syndicate. |
Entonces lo excomulgaremos. | Then we will excommunicate him. |
Insistiendo en que impida la anulación y excomulgue al Rey. | - From the Emperor, urging you to prevent the annulment and excommunicate the King. |
Por eso hoy le he pedido al sacerdote que me excomulgue a mí también. | To atone for that... I asked the priest to excommunicate me too. |
¿Que me excomulguen? | Get excommunicated? |
- ¡Su Alteza puede ser excomulgado! | - Your Grace could be excommunicated! |
- ¿Te ha excomulgado de nuevo? | He's excommunicated you again. |
-¿No? ¿Estáis excomulgado? | -Are you excommunicated? |
Ahora, quisiera seguir adelante, y corregir esta horrible injusticia, pero sería excomulgado por romper el secreto de confesión. | Now, I-I'd like to go forward and-and correct this horrible injustice, but I'd be excommunicated for breaking the confessional seal. |
Alex, tú sepultaste a un sacerdote excomulgado en tierra consagrada después que la iglesia lo prohibió. | Alex, you buried an excommunicated priest in consecrated ground... after the church had forbidden it. |
Siendo la medianoche, estamos oficialmente excomulgando a Alvin de nuestro club. | As of midnight, we're officially excommunicating Alvin from the clubhouse. |