Especular (to speculate) conjugation

71 examples

Conjugation of especular

Él/ell(a/o)/ Usted
Present tense
I speculate
you speculate
he/she/it speculates
we speculate
you all speculate
they speculate
Present perfect tense
he especulado
I have speculated
has especulado
you have speculated
ha especulado
he/she/it has speculated
hemos especulado
we have speculated
habéis especulado
you all have speculated
han especulado
they have speculated
Past preterite tense
I speculated
you speculated
he/she/it speculated
we speculated
you all speculated
they speculated
Future tense
I will speculate
you will speculate
he/she/it will speculate
we will speculate
you all will speculate
they will speculate
Él/ell(a/o)/ Usted
Conditional mood
I would speculate
you would speculate
he/she/it would speculate
we would speculate
you all would speculate
they would speculate
Past imperfect tense
I used to speculate
you used to speculate
he/she/it used to speculate
we used to speculate
you all used to speculate
they used to speculate
Past perfect tense
había especulado
I had speculated
habías especulado
you had speculated
había especulado
he/she/it had speculated
habíamos especulado
we had speculated
habíais especulado
you all had speculated
habían especulado
they had speculated
Future perfect tense
habré especulado
I will have speculated
habrás especulado
you will have speculated
habrá especulado
he/she/it will have speculated
habremos especulado
we will have speculated
habréis especulado
you all will have speculated
habrán especulado
they will have speculated
Él/ell(a/o)/ Usted
Present subjunctive tense
(if/so that) I speculate
(if/so that) you speculate
(if/so that) he/she/it speculate
(if/so that) we speculate
(if/so that) you all speculate
(if/so that) they speculate
Present perfect subjunctive tense
haya especulado
I have speculated
hayas especulado
you have speculated
haya especulado
he/she/it has speculated
hayamos especulado
we have speculated
hayáis especulado
you all have speculated
hayan especulado
they have speculated
Past imperfect subjunctive tense
(if/so that) I have speculated
(if/so that) you have speculated
(if/so that) he/she/it have speculated
(if/so that) we have speculated
(if/so that) you all have speculated
(if/so that) they have speculated
Past imperfect subjunctive (second) tense
(if/so that) I have speculated
(if/so that) you have speculated
(if/so that) he/she/it have speculated
(if/so that) we have speculated
(if/so that) you all have speculated
(if/so that) they have speculated
Él/ell(a/o)/ Usted
Past perfect subjunctive tense
hubiera especulado
I had speculated
hubieras especulado
you had speculated
hubiera especulado
he/she/it had speculated
hubiéramos especulado
we had speculated
hubierais especulado
you all had speculated
hubieran especulado
they had speculated
Past perfect subjunctive (second) tense
hubiese especulado
I had speculated
hubieses especulado
you had speculated
hubiese especulado
he/she/it had speculated
hubiésemos especulado
we had speculated
hubieseis especulado
you all had speculated
hubiesen especulado
they had speculated
Future subjunctive tense
(if/so that) I will have speculated
(if/so that) you will have speculated
(if/so that) he/she/it will have speculated
(if/so that) we will have speculated
(if/so that) you all will have speculated
(if/so that) they will have speculated
Future perfect subjunctive tense
hubiere especulado
I will have speculated
hubieres especulado
you will have speculated
hubiere especulado
he/she/it will have speculated
hubiéremos especulado
we will have speculated
hubiereis especulado
you all will have speculated
hubieren especulado
they will have speculated
Él/ell(a/o)/ Usted
Imperative mood
let's speculate!
Imperative negative mood
no especules
do not speculate!
no especule
let him/her/it speculate!
no especulemos
let us not speculate!
no especuléis
do not speculate!
no especulen
do not speculate!

Examples of especular

Example in SpanishTranslation in English
"y la oficina del Primer Ministro se ha negado a especular hasta que se conozcan más detalles."and the Prime Minister's office has refused to speculate until more details are known.
- ...fue baleada en su casa. La policía rehúsa especular sobre la aparente similaridad de ambos asesinatos. Al momento, se desconoce ninguna otra conexión entre las dos víctimas.Police are refusing to speculate on the similarity between the shooting deaths and no other connection between the two victims has been established yet.
- Es aún muy pronto para especular.It's far too early to speculate.
- Es relevante para mí. No podemos especular.We are not supposed to speculate.
- Me estremezco al especular.- I shudder to speculate.
"No especulo. No soy médico"."I don't speculate, I'm not a doctor."
- Yo no especulo.I don't speculate.
Bueno, yo especulo sobre ti, Best.Well, I speculate about you, Best.
Como usted decidió publicar noticias antes que los hechos, como usted anticipo y especulo, como cuenta sus historias.How you opt for news ahead of fact, how you anticipate and speculate, how you tell your stories.
Disculpe, pero yo nunca especulo.Oh, I'm sorry. I never speculate.
Entonces solo especulas.Then only speculate.
Entonces, ¿especulas que esta represa podrá ser construída?...So you still speculate that this dam could be built...?
. Todo mundo especula con ellos, en especial los grandes señores, que saben lo que hacen.Everyone speculates in them, especially the great gentlemen who know what they're doing.
De hecho, Michael Labarbera especula que esto podría albergar un próspero ecosistema de cazadores y presas.In fact, Michael Labarbera speculates that it could host a thriving ecosystem of hunters and prey.
Dunn especula que el gas hidrógeno viajaba de la cámara de la Reina a la cámara del Rey.Dunn speculates that the hydrogen gas traveled from the Queen's Chamber into the King's Chamber.
El hospital especula que un cortocircuito inició el fuego.The hospital speculates that it was a short circuit that ignited the fire.
En él, Damar especula que sin la droga los jem'hadar matarán a todo el que se cruce en su camino.In it, he speculates that, without the drug the Jem'Hadar will run amok killing everyone and everything in their path.
En cuanto al destino de Tam Elbrun y el Hombre de Latón, sólo especulamos.As for the whereabouts of Tin Man and Tam Elbrun, we can only speculate.
Es que especulamos y dijimos que era muy complicado, pero fue lo que hizo.It's as we speculated and said was too elaborate, but that's what he did.
Mientras especulamos, está matando a nuestra gente.While we speculate, it's killing our people.
Nada de lo que digamos o cuánto especulamos... - va a cambiar nada de eso.Nothing that we say or no matter how much we speculate will change any of that.
No especulamos sobre él.Don't speculate about him.
'Fuentes internas especulan que el ex-paciente de Radley' 'podria ser responsable del asesinato sin resolver' 'de su madre, Jessica Dilaurentis''Inside sources speculate that the former Radley patient' 'could be responsible for the unsolved murder' 'of his mother, Jessica DiLaurentis.'
- Ya sabes, todas las mujeres especulan.- You know. Every wife speculates.
... los dos hombres fueron asesinados hoy... mientras las autoridades especulan sobre un tercero....the two men were slain here earlier today, as authorities speculate as to the apparent disappearance of a third.
Algunas persona especulan que tal vez es la presencia del pantano Hockomock.Some people speculate that maybe it's the presence of the Hockomock Swamp.
Algunos especulan con que la vida pudo haber empezado de manera tenue, pero entonces, el desastre.Some speculate that life may have taken a tenuous hold, but then... disaster.
Cuando especulé sobre si había nacido como ama de casa... ella opinó:When I speculated if she was born a hausfrau she opined...
Incluso especulé con la manera en la que me las arreglaría.I even speculated as to how I might contrive it.
Ella podría tener narcolepsia, un trastorno neurológico, o podría, como especulaste, ser adicta a sus propios productos.She could have narcolepsy, a neurological disorder, Or she could, as you speculated, Be addicted to her own products.
Así que Joe especuló que entró en el hiperespacio.So Joe speculated that it went into hyperspace.
Basándose en su teoría de la evolución a través de la selección natural Darwin especuló que en algún lugar de la isla de Madagascar debió haber insectos voladores con lenguas extraordinariamente largas lo suficiente para alcanzar el polen.On the basis of his theory of evolution through natural selection, Darwin speculated that somewhere on the island of Madagascar, there must live flying insects with extraordinarily lengthy tongues, ones long enough to reach the pollen.
Cuando se disolvió, mucha gente especuló por qué.When it dissolved, many people speculated as to why.
En su obra, especuló que el Sr. estuvo en el proceso de escribirla.It was widely speculated as to where he was in the process of writing it.
Entre eso y las diferentes encarnaciones del traje... el biotraje, del que se especuló mucho...Between that and the different incarnations of the suit-- the bio suit, which a lot of people speculated about, talked about--
Cthulhu no se está comportando como especularon los científicos, Tom pero el señor oscuro está causando estragos--Cthulhu isn't behaving as most scientists had speculated Tom, but the dark lord is wreaking havoc everywhere and...
Los partidarios de Manning especularon que el gobierno de EE.UU. estaba tratando de empujar Manning para encender Assange e implicarlo en un crimen.Manning's supporters speculated that the U.S. government was trying to push Manning to turn on Assange and implicate him in a crime.
Muchos de nuestros historiadores especularon con que Ra no mató a Egeria, como se creía. Pero nunca nos atrevimos a esperar que pudiera ser encontrada.Many of our historians speculated that Ra did not kill Egeria as was widely believed, but we... we never dared hope that she would ever be found.
Y de regreso a los años 50, los radio astrónomos especularon que si una civilización extraterrestre quería comunicarse con nosotros, entonces podía muy bien escoger esa muy especial, natural longitud de onda para mandar sus mensajes.And, back in the 1950s, radio astronomers speculated that if an alien civilisation wanted to communicate with us, then they might well choose that very special, natural wavelength to send their message.
en lugar de ello, especularon salvajemente sobre la civilización perdida que podría haber construido tan grande existenciaInstead, they speculated wildly about the lost civilization that could have built so grand an existence.
Si le mantengo dentro, el jurado especulará sobre por qué está alterado.If I keep him in, the jury will speculate on why he's upset;
A esos representantes de la ley, debería importarles, pero en este caso, en este momento, especularía que es un preocupación secundaria para ellos.To those representing the law, it should matter, but in this case, at this point in time, I would speculate that it's a secondary concern to them.
Bueno, sólo una estúpida especularía sobre la vida de una mujer.Oh, well, only a fool would speculate about the life of a woman.
- No estamos en un tribunal de... justicia, pero aun así le advierto Sr. Randolph, no especule tan a lo loco.- I know we're not a court of law, but I'll still advise you, Mr. Randolph, not to speculate so wildly.
Ahora quiere que especule respecto a lo que hace.Now you want me to speculate on what you do...
Ayudante, especule.Yeoman, speculate.
Dije a Ron que especule quien está conduciendo el coche.Tell Ron to speculate who's driving the car.
Entonces no especule.Then don't speculate.
Lyle, por el bien de varias personas preocupadas te pido que no especules en público.Lyle, for the sake of a number of distraught people I ask you not to publicly speculate.
No discutas o especules la identidad de tu benefactor hasta que ellos mismos revelen su identidad en tu mayoría de edad o mucho antes.You do not discuss or speculate as to the identity of your benefactor until they themselves reveal their identity at your majority or very soon after.
No especules sobre asuntos que no sabes nada.Don't speculate upon things about which you know nothing.
No especules sobre quién es el cliente.Don't speculate on who the client is.
No especules.Don't speculate.
Así que no especulemos.So let's not speculate.
Bien, entonces, especulemos.Okay then, let's speculate.
Bueno, sin embargo, según los forenses, especulemos que el rastreador podría no haber estado en el vehículo de Akers desde el principio antes de ser encontrado en él.Well, picking up on the forensics, though, let's speculate on whether the tracker might not have been on Akers' vehicle prior to it being found there that night.
Detective, enfoquémonos en lo que Holly vio, no especulemos en lo que los demás veían.Detective, let's focus on what Holly saw, not speculate on what other people saw.
No especulemos, por favor.Let's not speculate, please.
En su lugar, permite que sus abogadas especulen, que lancen pistas falsas para intentar distraerles de la verdad.Instead, he allows his lawyers to speculate, to throw red herrings around to try and distract you from the truth.
No especulen.Don't speculate.
Pues que especulen.So they speculate.
- Han especulado... sobre los motivos de mi padre.Many speculated about my father's motives.
Acabamos de saber que astrónomos de la NASA han especulado que la trayectoria de la nave espacial se originó desde un lejano sistema solar llamado Atria.Just getting word; NASA astronomers have speculated that the trajectory of the spacecraft originated from a distant solar system called Atria.
Alguien ha especulado que hay una familia viviendo aquí.Someone has speculated there is a family living here.
Algunas personas han especulado que esa depresión tal vez era donde fue colocado el disco dorado.Some people have speculated that this depression was perhaps where the golden disc was placed.
Algunos funcionarios han especulado que la salida de Gordon puede ayudar a reducir la violencia de los Mutantes, ya que el misterioso líder de la banda ha señalado al comisionado como un blanco.[OVERTV] Some officials have speculated that Gordon's departure may help de-escalate violence from the Mutants, as the mysterious Mutant Leader has repeatedly singled out the commissioner as a target.
, El acusado está especulando.Defendant is speculating.
- El testigo está especulando.Your Honor, we object at this point. The witness is speculating.
- Estoy especulando.- I'm speculating.
- Estás especulando, Elliot.You're speculating, elliot.
- No conseguiremos nada especulando. Necesitamos estar preparados.Well, it's not doing us any good speculating.

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