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Declarar (to declare) conjugation

108 examples

Conjugation of declarar

Él/ell(a/o)/ Usted
Present tense
I declare
you declare
he/she/it declares
we declare
you all declare
they declare
Present perfect tense
he declarado
I have declared
has declarado
you have declared
ha declarado
he/she/it has declared
hemos declarado
we have declared
habéis declarado
you all have declared
han declarado
they have declared
Past preterite tense
I declared
you declared
he/she/it declared
we declared
you all declared
they declared
Future tense
I will declare
you will declare
he/she/it will declare
we will declare
you all will declare
they will declare
Él/ell(a/o)/ Usted
Conditional mood
I would declare
you would declare
he/she/it would declare
we would declare
you all would declare
they would declare
Past imperfect tense
I used to declare
you used to declare
he/she/it used to declare
we used to declare
you all used to declare
they used to declare
Past perfect tense
había declarado
I had declared
habías declarado
you had declared
había declarado
he/she/it had declared
habíamos declarado
we had declared
habíais declarado
you all had declared
habían declarado
they had declared
Future perfect tense
habré declarado
I will have declared
habrás declarado
you will have declared
habrá declarado
he/she/it will have declared
habremos declarado
we will have declared
habréis declarado
you all will have declared
habrán declarado
they will have declared
Él/ell(a/o)/ Usted
Present subjunctive tense
(if/so that) I declare
(if/so that) you declare
(if/so that) he/she/it declare
(if/so that) we declare
(if/so that) you all declare
(if/so that) they declare
Present perfect subjunctive tense
haya declarado
I have declared
hayas declarado
you have declared
haya declarado
he/she/it has declared
hayamos declarado
we have declared
hayáis declarado
you all have declared
hayan declarado
they have declared
Past imperfect subjunctive tense
(if/so that) I have declared
(if/so that) you have declared
(if/so that) he/she/it have declared
(if/so that) we have declared
(if/so that) you all have declared
(if/so that) they have declared
Past imperfect subjunctive (second) tense
(if/so that) I have declared
(if/so that) you have declared
(if/so that) he/she/it have declared
(if/so that) we have declared
(if/so that) you all have declared
(if/so that) they have declared
Él/ell(a/o)/ Usted
Past perfect subjunctive tense
hubiera declarado
I had declared
hubieras declarado
you had declared
hubiera declarado
he/she/it had declared
hubiéramos declarado
we had declared
hubierais declarado
you all had declared
hubieran declarado
they had declared
Past perfect subjunctive (second) tense
hubiese declarado
I had declared
hubieses declarado
you had declared
hubiese declarado
he/she/it had declared
hubiésemos declarado
we had declared
hubieseis declarado
you all had declared
hubiesen declarado
they had declared
Future subjunctive tense
(if/so that) I will have declared
(if/so that) you will have declared
(if/so that) he/she/it will have declared
(if/so that) we will have declared
(if/so that) you all will have declared
(if/so that) they will have declared
Future perfect subjunctive tense
hubiere declarado
I will have declared
hubieres declarado
you will have declared
hubiere declarado
he/she/it will have declared
hubiéremos declarado
we will have declared
hubiereis declarado
you all will have declared
hubieren declarado
they will have declared
Él/ell(a/o)/ Usted
Imperative mood
let's declare!
Imperative negative mood
no declares
do not declare!
no declare
let him/her/it declare!
no declaremos
let us not declare!
no declaréis
do not declare!
no declaren
do not declare!

Examples of declarar

Example in SpanishTranslation in English
"Aunque, desafortunadamente, después del fracaso de otro matrimonio, el Hotel y Casino Debbie Reynolds enfrentó tiempos difíciles, y ella se vio obligada a declarar la bancarrota en 1997"."Unfortunately, though, after the demise of yet another marriage, the Debbie Reynolds Hotel and Casino fell on hard times, and she was forced to declare bankruptcy in 1997."
"Bien, ¿tiene algo que declarar?""Okay. Have you anything to declare?"
"Con esta orden debido a nuestro continuo estado de emergencia y teniendo en cuenta la actual y constante amenaza a la seguridad nacional he tomado la difícil decisión de declarar la ley marcial.By this order, due to our continuing state of emergency and our current and ongoing threat to National Security, I have made the difficult decision to declare Martial Law.
"El Congreso tendrá poder para declarar la guerra. ""Congress shall have power to declare war. "
"El rey en persona me ha encargado declarar aquí y públicamente lo mucho que Inglaterra debe a este gran hombre."l am straightly charged by the King himself... "...here openly to declare how much all England... "...is beholden to this man.
""Ya que Sam yJennie han prestado su consentimiento matrimonial... y lo han declarado ante Dios... y ante esta congregación... los declaro marido y mujer.""For as much as Sam and Jennie have consented together in holy wedlock... ""and have declared the same before God... ""and in the presence of this company,
"En cuanto a mí, declaro oficialmente que Nerón tiene una voz excelente. ""As for me, I declare officially that Nero has a sublime voice."
"Luego de haber criticado a cada bar en Filadelfia, por la presente declaro oficialmente a El Irlandés, el peor bar de la ciudad"."Having reviewed every bar in Philadelphia, I hereby officially declare Paddy's Pub to be the worst bar in Philly".
"Mi querido y dulce Murray, aunque hayas pasado por la delgada puerta de la muerte, declaro que no eras sólo un gato."Mydear,sweetMurray, "though you've slipped through death's slim door, "I declare you were not just a cat.
"Por el poder queme concede su majestad, la reina Victoria... declaro que después de mucho de liberar esto... el acantonamiento de Champaner queda disuelto."By the power vested in me by Her Majesty, Queen Victoria I hereby declare that after much deliberation on the matter the Cantonment at Champaner be dissolved.
- ¿Por qué no declaras bancarrota?- Why don't you just declare bankruptcy?
Ahora me declaras tu amor, mientras Hill intenta destruirte.Now, you declare your love for me as Hill seeks to banish you.
Al encender una, declaras tu intención de ser guerrero.When you light yours, you declare your intention to become a warrior.
Así que le declaras la guerra al sistema.- Okay. Okay. - Now you declare war on the system.
Cuando declaras que algo es auténtico, corres el riesgo de que te equivoques.When you declare something authentic, you're under risk of being proven wrong.
"Bernadette Soubirous declara que parece la estatua de la Santa Virgen en la iglesia"."Bernadette Soubirous declares the Lady resembles... the statue of the Blessed Virgin in the parish church."
"Bernadette declara que la señora lleva velo azul y cinturón blanco"."Bernadette Soubirous declares the Lady wears a blue veil and white girdle."
"El gobernador declara A-M...""Governor declares A-M..."
"The New York Times" declara que la guerra en Irak terminó."The New York Times" declares the war in Iraq is over.
"declara el Señor,"declares the Lord,"
"De lo contrario declaramos la guerra.""Otherwise we declare war."
"Hoy declaramos la guerra a la burocracia. "Today, we declare war on bureaucracy."
"Nosotros, por lo tanto los representantes de los Estados Unidos de América publicamos y declaramos que ellas son y por derecho deben ser estados libres e independientes que están absueltas de toda obligación de fidelidad a la corona"."We, therefore, the representatives of the United States of America, solemnly publish and declare that these united colonies are, and of right ought to be, free and independent states; That they are absolved from all allegiance to the British Crown."
"Te declaramos obstinada y rebelde en esos delitos, excesos y errores"."We therefore declare you unyielding in your errors"
"declaramos para conocimiento de todo nuestro país y del mundo"declare for all our country and the world to know
Lo declaráis con vuestro porte y con vuestra belleza y con la compasión que tuvisteis con vuestro súbdito hoy.You declare it with your bearing and with your beauty and the mercy you bestowed upon your subject today.
Vos también lo declaráis.Then you declare it so.
"Ellos declaran su pecado como Sodoma""They declare their sin as Sodom"
# ¿Cuando todos los otros Duendes declaran que él es inestable?♪ When all other elves declare he's dim?
- La presión enemiga sobre nuestra vanguardia se debilita desertores franceses declaran que su ejército se dirige al norte a marchas forzadas.General Zieten reports - the enemy presses us from the rear - the guard is becoming weaker French deserters declare that their army is making a forced march towards the north.
Además sólo declaran la mitad.And they only declare half.
Al amanecer, 5000 nazis invaden Winnipeg y declaran la ley marcial.At dawn, 5,000 Nazis invade Winnipeg and declare martial law.
# Despacito los dos al caminar, y luego yo mi amor le declaré.¤ Slowly we walked together, then I declared my love for her.
- No lo dije, lo declaré. - Aún así...I didn't say it, I declared it.
- Nunca declaré nada.- I never declared anything.
- Sí, pero yo lo declaré.Yeah, but I declared him.
A lo mejor no recuerdas haber dicho al coronel Carleton... que me declaré a favor del Sur y vendí municiones a los confederados. ¿Yo?Maybe you don't remember telling Col. Carleton... that I declared for the South, that I sold ammunition to the Confederates.
Ahora, eso suena tentador. Creí que declaraste tu boca zona libre de tartas.I thought you declared your mouth a no-pie zone.
Aquí representaste al comprador y al vendedor, pero solo declaraste la comisión recibida por uno de ellos.You represented the buyer and the seller here, but you only declared commission for one of 'em.
Cuando desertaste y declaraste la guerra a Percy, usted no sólo acaba de recoger un calibre 12 de 5 grandes.When you went rogue and declared war on Percy, you didn't just pick up a 12-gauge from Big 5.
Desobedeciste mis órdenes y los declaraste en cuarentena.You contradicted my explicit orders and declared them quarantined.
Entonces dime, cuando revisemos tus cuentas bancarias y encontremos evidencia de ingresos por venta ilegal de videos, ¿también vamos a descubrir que los declaraste?So, tell me, when we check your bank accounts and find evidence of income from illegal video sales, are we also going to find out that you declared it?
"'La edad solo es un número', declaró Poseidón, y entonces, con su ágil lengua, le chupó el tatuaje de su tobillo hasta dejarlo reluciente."'Age ain't nothin' but a number,' declared Poseidon, "and then, with his agile tongue, "he licked her ankle tattoo until it glistened.
"Anoche, la población de un remoto pueblo portugués le declaró la guerra a una gran multinacional en defensa de su sitio en Internet."Last night, a small Portuguese village" "declared war on a large multinational" "to save its website."
"Cuando el pueblo alemán declaró en las leyes aprobadas por sus representantes elegidos que no han de ser espiados por su propia policía, no se referían a que su gobierno deba usar a la CIA para hacerlo"."When the German people declared in the laws passed by their elected representatives that they are not to be spied on by their own police, they didn't mean their government should use the CIA to do it."
"El 28 de octubre de 1940, Mussolini, para igualarse con las victorias relámpago de su aliado alemán en toda Europa declaró la guerra a Grecia, convencido de que se rendiría en un par de semanas, y así hombres buenos y de una antigua civilización se enfrentaron ferozmente en las montañas del Epiro."On October 28th 1940, wishing to match... the victories of his German ally in Europe... Mussolini declared war on Greece... sure that it would surrender in just a few weeks. And so, good men from an ancient civilization... battled ferociously at the Epiro range.
"El gobierno de Su Majestad declaró al gobierno alemán que existe un estado de guerra entre Gran Bretaña y Alemania desde las 11 p.m. del 4 de agosto de 1.914""His Majesty's government declared to the German government "that a state of war exists between Great Britain and Germany "as from 11pm on August 4 1914."
" Pues fue ahi en Nicea... que los obispos del cuarto siglo del mundo... declararon que con el sacrificio del Hijo de Dios, el hombre sería uno con Dios, por primera vez ocuparía el lugar más alto por sobre todas las creaciones... y estaría a Su lado en el cielo.""For it was there at Nicene... that the world's fourth-century bishops... declared that with the sacrifice of God's Son man became one with God, for the first time Iifted above all other creations... to stand at His side in Heaven."
"Los médicos declararon que RV no sería capaz de correr de nuevo. "'The doctors had declared that RV won't be able to race again.'
"No culpable" declararon y conmocionó a la gente."Not guilty" was declared and shocked the crowd.
(BOY) Los italianos declararon la guerra en Austria.(BOY) The Italians declared war on Austria.
- Lo declararon culpable sin juicio y le dijeron que si quería mantener su trabajo debía denunciar a su padre y a su hermana.- He was declared guilty without a trial and told if he wanted to keep his job he had to denounce his father and his sister. Thank you, Natalie.
# Con regocijo declararé #I will rejoice, I will declare
Entonces declararé mis sentimientos por ti y podremos ser una familia.Then I will declare my feelings for you and we can be a family.
Lo declararé hijo mío.I will declare him as my own.
Me has rescatado de las fauces de los leones. Y yo declararé tu nombre... a mis hermanos.You have rescued me from the mouth of lions, and I will declare your name to my brothers.
Pero mis guerreros se sintieron fuertes y con coraje mándame mas hierbas de esas y las declararé como la bebida nacional.But all my warriors felt strong as Gods and that is courage. Send me some more of those herbs and I will declare it our national beverage.
"el Ujier declarará... ""the Usher will declare..."
A menos que Cayo Julio César inmediatamente entregue su mando, desbande sus legiones y regrese a Roma para el juicio, esta sagrada asamblea lo declarará enemigo público del Senado y del pueblo de Roma.Unless Gaius Julius Caesar immediately lays down his command, disbands his legions and returns to Rome for trial, this sacred assembly will declare him a public enemy of the Senate and people of Rome !
Alemania declarará la guerra a Francia en 24 horas.Germany will declare war on France in the next 24 hours.
Alemania le declarará la guerra a Francia esta tarde.Germany will declare war on France this afternoon.
Con el rey muerto, Michael como regente la declarará su reina.With the king dead, Michael as regent will declare her the queen.
Dentro de poco declararán la independencia de Padania.Soon will declare the independence of Padania.
Dicen... NBC dice que ellos lo declararán.They are saying-- NBC is saying they will declare it.
En algún momento nos declararán la guerra y cuando lo hagan... tendré mi propio ejército privado para protegermeThe time will come when they will declare war on our kind, and when they do,... I'm gonna have my own private army to protect me.
En la mañana del tercer día a partir de hoy, los Estados Unidos le declararán la guerra a la Union.On the morning of three days from now, the United States will declare war on the Union.
Estamos orgullosos de recibir a nuestros distinguidos huéspedes... que declararán abierta esta feria de muestras.First we are proud to welcome our distinguished guests of honour who will declare this trade fair open.
China les declararía la guerra.The Chinese would declare war.
Solo un psicópata le declararía la guerra a los Estados Unidos.Only a psychopath would declare war on the U.S. Army.
Dos días después... los comandantes estadounidenses declararían... una victoria militar total en la isla de Saipán.Two days later, the American commanders would declare a total military victory on the island of Saipan.
Si seguía a Galán con la extradición, los narcos declararían la guerra.If he took Galán's position on extradition, the narcos would declare war.
hace 227 años una grupo de hombres se reunieron el 4 de julio y decidieron debido a que ellos no tenían ningunas bombas declararían unas verdades evidentes.Two hundred and twenty-seven years ago, a bunch of guys got together on the Fourth of July and decided because they didn't have any cherry bombs they would declare some self-evident truths.
"Cuando en el curso de los acontecimientos humanos se hace necesario para un pueblo disolver los vínculos políticos que lo han ligado a otro y ocupar entre las naciones de la Tierra el puesto separado e igual a que las leyes de la naturaleza le dan derecho un justo respeto al juicio de la humanidad requiere que declare las causas que les impulsan a esa separación"."When, in the course of human events, it becomes necessary for one people to dissolve the political bands which have connected them with another, and to assume among the powers of the earth the separate and equal station to which the laws of nature and of nature's God entitle them, a decent respect to the opinions of mankind requires that they should declare the causes which impel them to the separation."
# Cupid brings the start of spring, # # with something to declare. ## Cupid brings the start of spring, # # with something to declare. #
# The luckiest pair I declare # When we share the thrill of it all~ The luckiest pair I declare When we share the thrill of it all ~
# The luckiest pair I declare~ The luckiest pair I declare ~
'Madre, no puedo mentirte, perderemos sin lord Stanley 'y te suplico que lo persuadas para que se declare con nosotros.'Mother, I can't lie to you, we will lose without Lord Stanley 'and I beg you to persuade him to declare for us.
- Quiero que declares en contra de Bukharin !-We need your help Sergo -Il's -I want to declare against Bukharin!
No declares la guerra durante unos minutos.Don't declare war for a few minutes.
Pero ¿no es hora de que declares tus intenciones con Juniper?But isn't it time you declared your intentions with Juniper?
Quiero que declares a mi madre legalmente muerta.I want you to have my mother declared legally dead.
Quiero que declares al chico como "persona no grata" debido a sus ofensas previas, que eliminan la inmunidad diplomática.I want you to have the kid declared persona non grata because of his previous offenses-- that gets rid of diplomatic immunity...
# Así que no declaremos la Guerra Santa #¤ So let's not declare Jihad ¤
Al principio seríamos bien recibidos ...pero que pasará cuando empecemos a dar patadas en las puertas ...declaremos la ley marcial y pongamos el toque de queda?For a short period we may be welcome, but what happens when we have to start kicking in doors, declare martial law, enforce curfews?
Antes de que declaremos la guerra, existe otra conexión.Before we declare war, there is another connection.
Cuando Bill gane y declaremos que somos polígamos, tú no lo harás. No es verdad.So when bill's elected and we all declare that we're polygamists You don't have to.
Digo que nos declaremos derrotados.I say we declare defeat.
- ¡Basta ya! - ¿Quiere más muertos? Pues los tendrá si deja que estos hombres declaren la guerra a mi chico.You want more dead bodies, that's what you're going to get if you let these guys declare war on my boy.
Ahora presionamos a la ciudad para que lo declaren zona histórica.Now we're lobbying the city to have them declare it a historical district.
Alce Negro me dijo que es casi seguro que los cheyennes declaren la guerra.Yeah, Black Elk tells me that it's almost certain that the Cheyennes will declare war later.
Anthony y Diane, ya que es su intención... darse en matrimonio, unan sus manos derechas y declaren su consentimiento.[Priest] Anthony and Diane, since it is your intention... to enter into marriage, join your right hands and declare your consent.
Ayúdame a hacer que declaren la cuarentena.Help me get this quarantine declared.
Dejad las armas, declarad un alto el fuego y no os procesaremos.Lay down their arms, declare a cease the fire and not process them.
Puesto que habéis expresado la intención de contraer matrimonio, unid vuestras manos derechas... y declarad vuestro consentimiento ante Dios y Su Iglesia.Since you have expressed the intention to enter into marriage, join together your right hands... ..and declare your consent before God and His church.
Si perdéis vuestros Oni, declarad Horumo.If you lose your Oni declare Horumo.
coged la mano derecha y declarad vuestro consentimiento ..Join your right hands and declare your consent.
""Ya que Sam yJennie han prestado su consentimiento matrimonial... y lo han declarado ante Dios... y ante esta congregación... los declaro marido y mujer.""For as much as Sam and Jennie have consented together in holy wedlock... ""and have declared the same before God... ""and in the presence of this company,
"... se ha declarado un estado de sitio."... has declared a state of martial law.
"14:54, se ha declarado un gran incidente con víctimas al final de la maratón de Boston.""2:54, mass casualty incident declared at the end of the Boston Marathon route."
"42 - Tadeo es, por la presente, declarado el mejor apóstol y esos que no están de acuerdo será vigorosamente estimulados. "Thaddeus is hereby declared the best apostle and those who disagree shall be vigorously tickled ""
"A nombre del Vice Presidente Ejecutivo de Personal... he sido autorizado para informarle que, el Capitan Nathan William Rooker... ha sido declarado perdido en... perdido en acción"."On behalf of the Executive Vice President of Personnel... I've been authorized to inform you that, Captain Nathan William Rooker... has been declared missing in... missing in action."
"Como nación, hemos comenzado declarando"as a nation, we began by declaring
# Arrastrémonos a nuestras oficinas declarando victoria ## Slunk back to our offices declaring victory #
'Porque estoy declarando la guerra a los Ghosts.'Cause I'm declaring war on the Ghosts.
- Será mejor que lo pienses, Bill. Porque Alby está declarando una emergencia, y fue y presentó un reporte de persona desaparecida.You'd better think again, Bill, because Alby's declaring an emergency, and he's gone and filed a missing persons report with the authorities.
- ¿Estás declarando la guerra?- Are you declaring war?
Después de la reunión de emergencia con su gabinete y el Senado, el Presidente declará a todo el personal Militar de U.S.A en el mundo, en estado de alerta por guerra.After an emergency meeting with his Cabinet and Congressional leaders of both parties... the president tonight declared all US Military personnel on world wild... stage two alert...
Pero si mañana declarás en el Anfiteatro, que el vino te ha vuelto loco, y que los cristianos prendieron el fuego, quizas todo termine con exilio y unos latigazos.But if you declare tomorrow, in the Amphitheatre, that wine made you insane, and that the Christians set Rome on fire, perhaps you will get away with flagellation and exile.

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