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Cortejar (to court) conjugation

63 examples

Conjugation of cortejar

Él/ell(a/o)/ Usted
Present tense
I court
you court
he/she/it courts
we court
you all court
they court
Present perfect tense
he cortejado
I have courted
has cortejado
you have courted
ha cortejado
he/she/it has courted
hemos cortejado
we have courted
habéis cortejado
you all have courted
han cortejado
they have courted
Past preterite tense
I courted
you courted
he/she/it courted
we courted
you all courted
they courted
Future tense
I will court
you will court
he/she/it will court
we will court
you all will court
they will court
Él/ell(a/o)/ Usted
Conditional mood
I would court
you would court
he/she/it would court
we would court
you all would court
they would court
Past imperfect tense
I used to court
you used to court
he/she/it used to court
we used to court
you all used to court
they used to court
Past perfect tense
había cortejado
I had courted
habías cortejado
you had courted
había cortejado
he/she/it had courted
habíamos cortejado
we had courted
habíais cortejado
you all had courted
habían cortejado
they had courted
Future perfect tense
habré cortejado
I will have courted
habrás cortejado
you will have courted
habrá cortejado
he/she/it will have courted
habremos cortejado
we will have courted
habréis cortejado
you all will have courted
habrán cortejado
they will have courted
Él/ell(a/o)/ Usted
Present subjunctive tense
(if/so that) I court
(if/so that) you court
(if/so that) he/she/it court
(if/so that) we court
(if/so that) you all court
(if/so that) they court
Present perfect subjunctive tense
haya cortejado
I have courted
hayas cortejado
you have courted
haya cortejado
he/she/it has courted
hayamos cortejado
we have courted
hayáis cortejado
you all have courted
hayan cortejado
they have courted
Past imperfect subjunctive tense
(if/so that) I have courted
(if/so that) you have courted
(if/so that) he/she/it have courted
(if/so that) we have courted
(if/so that) you all have courted
(if/so that) they have courted
Past imperfect subjunctive (second) tense
(if/so that) I have courted
(if/so that) you have courted
(if/so that) he/she/it have courted
(if/so that) we have courted
(if/so that) you all have courted
(if/so that) they have courted
Él/ell(a/o)/ Usted
Past perfect subjunctive tense
hubiera cortejado
I had courted
hubieras cortejado
you had courted
hubiera cortejado
he/she/it had courted
hubiéramos cortejado
we had courted
hubierais cortejado
you all had courted
hubieran cortejado
they had courted
Past perfect subjunctive (second) tense
hubiese cortejado
I had courted
hubieses cortejado
you had courted
hubiese cortejado
he/she/it had courted
hubiésemos cortejado
we had courted
hubieseis cortejado
you all had courted
hubiesen cortejado
they had courted
Future subjunctive tense
(if/so that) I will have courted
(if/so that) you will have courted
(if/so that) he/she/it will have courted
(if/so that) we will have courted
(if/so that) you all will have courted
(if/so that) they will have courted
Future perfect subjunctive tense
hubiere cortejado
I will have courted
hubieres cortejado
you will have courted
hubiere cortejado
he/she/it will have courted
hubiéremos cortejado
we will have courted
hubiereis cortejado
you all will have courted
hubieren cortejado
they will have courted
Él/ell(a/o)/ Usted
Imperative mood
let's court!
Imperative negative mood
no cortejes
do not court!
no corteje
let him/her/it court!
no cortejemos
let us not court!
no cortejéis
do not court!
no cortejen
do not court!

Examples of cortejar

Example in SpanishTranslation in English
- Me pides permiso para cortejar a Lillian.- Lillian and I- - You want permission to court Lillian.
- Si deponemos ante el magistrado... antes de que suba la audiencia, podemos apropíese de Rajit de ir a cortejar- If we depose before the magistrate... before the hearing comes up, we can pre-empt Rajit from going to court
...finalmente pudo cortejar a la hermosa y joven hija de su anfitrión...Finally able to court the beautiful young daughter of its host...
Creo que aconsejé mal a los niños sobre cómo cortejar a las mujeres. Así es.l guess I gave the boys some bad advice, I reckon, on how to court women.
Desafiarlos, es cortejar a la muerte.To challenge them is to court death.
"El cortejo de Miles Standish"."The courtship of Miles Standish. '"
"En los tiempos que iba de cortejo nunca me cansé de merodear"In the days I went a-courtin. I was never tired of resorting..
"Incluso durante el cortejo, el caballero conserva la propiedad""Even while courting, a gentleman observes all proprieties"
"Las técnicas del cortejo, el matrimonio y la consumación."The techniques of courtship, marriage and consummation.
# Ella es un cortejo Uno, dos tres #♪ she is the belle from Belfast city ♪ ♪ she is a courting one, two, three ♪
Depende a quién cortejas.Depends who you're courting, I guess.
Desde que andas con sutilezas, no estás muy firme mientras la cortejas.Since you are quibbling, are not you very single-minded while courting her.
Es difícil llamar la atención cuando cortejas en pastizales altos.It's hard work getting noticed when you go courting in high grass.
Hablas de control, pero cortejas el caos.You speak of control, yet you court chaos.
La cortejas y aun así no estoy celoso.You court her and yet l"m not jealous.
- Un chico como tú, nunca corteja a una chica sin engañar a otra.A man like you courts one woman while deceiving another.
El macho corteja a la hembra por rasgando suavemente sus mejillas con sus largas garras.The male courts the female by gently strumming her cheeks with his long claws.
En donde un hombre corteja a una mujer con las cualidades de su madre, esperando cumplir las necesidades íntimas de la niñez.Wherein a man courts a woman with the qualities of his mother, hoping to fulfill unmet intimacy needs from childhood.
La corteja con un ramo de flores, pero con firmeza.He courts her with flowers, but to no avail.
La pecaminosa República de Lorenzo corteja la herejía a cada paso.Lorenzo's sinful Republic courts heresy at every turn.
Hoy hace exactamente seis meses que cortejamos.We've been courting for precisely six months today.
Siga estas órdenes: cortejamos, seducimos, levantamos, y en caso de urgencia, nos casamos.Here are your orders courting, seducing, eloping and, if necessary, marrying.
Por favor, pretended que me cortejáis.Please pretend to court me
- Siempre te metes con los que me cortejan.You're up against all those who court me.
Al principio dejé que ella me guiara, principalmente para vengarme de Lena o para sentir lo que Lena siente cuando la cortejan, para ponerlo ligeramente.At first I let her lead me on... mainly for revenge on Lena... or to feel what Lena feels when she's courted... to put it mildly.
Así es como cortejan los "caballeros"...They were "courting cavaliers."
Cuando los grandes animales cortejan, se lucen.When big animals go courting, they show off.
El acuerdo que has hecho con el Libanés, el Frío y el Dandi, ahora te cortejan como si fueras un rey y no ven el momento de colgarte.The one with Lebanese, Freddo and Dandi... They're courting you like a king right now...to hang you later.
Bueno, la cortejé brevemente...Well, um, you know, they courted for a bit...
Cuando tenía tu edad, cortejé a una chica salvaje.When I was your age, I courted this wild gal.
Fue la primer mujer que... cortejé.She was the first woman I ever... .. courted. Oh.
Mujer, eras tan cálida y dulce cuando te cortejé.Woman, you were all so warm and so sweet when I courted you.
Pero la cortejé descaradamente.But I courted her shamelessly.
- Sí. ¿Estaba Ruth en el rancho en Nuevo México cuando Ellen lo conoció y cortejó?Was Ruth at the ranch in New Mexico during the time Ellen met and courted you?
- ¿Dice que ella lo cortejó a Ud?- You mean that she courted you?
Como este castillo en Talcy, donde Ronsard cortejó a Cassandra Salviati quién lo inspiró a escribir la primera de su serie de los Amoríos.Like this chateau in Talcy, where Ronsard courted Cassandra Salviati who inspired him to write the first in his Amours series.
El la persiguió, la cortejó, se podría decir.He's chased her, courted her, you might say.
Eso quiere decir que Salvi nunca la cortejó.This means Salvi never courted you.
Te cortejaría mejor si supiera como.I would court you with more grace if I knew how.
- ¿No quiere que la corteje?- You don't want me to court you?
Cualquier dama que corteje se sentirá afortunadaAny lady would be fortunate to be courted by you
Dan no dejará que un hombre me corteje.Dan won't let men court me.
Escuchad leídas las amonestaciones y al no presentarse ninguna objeción permitiré que este hombre corteje a mi hermana.The banns having been read and no man objecting I´m permitting this man to court me sister.
Hasta hoy no me gusta que interfieran. Sí pienso que Alexandra es un poco joven para que David la corteje.I do think Alexandra is a little young to be courted by David.
Ella quiere que la cortejes.She wants you to court her.
Isabel te está invitando para que la cortejes.Elizabeth is inviting you to court her.
Necesito que cortejes a Paul Porter.I need you to court Paul Porter.
No quiero que cortejes a Lola.I don't want you to court Lola.
Quiero que, ya sabes, me cortejes.I want you to, you know, court me.
No es de los que dejan que cortejen a su mujer.It is no longer the court that his wife.
Quiere que la cortejen.She wants to be courted.
Quiere que lo cortejen.So he wants to be courted.
Si quiere que cortejen a su hermana, que su hermano se case o queso importado.If you want your sister courted, brother wed or cheese imported
Astro rey cortejado por monarcas y reinas por nobles y plebeyos...A superstar courted by kings and queens, nobles and commoners,
Bueno, a un chico le gusta ser cortejado.Well, a fella likes to be courted.
Cuando tenía 20 años, estaba a punto de terminar su PhD y estaba siendo cortejado por las más grandes universidades de Europa.At the age of just 20, he was well on his way to finishing his PhD and being courted by the great universities across Europe.
Dada esa filosofía, siempre he cortejado el peligro.Having that philosophy, sir, I've always courted danger.
Entiendo que está siendo cortejado por ITV.I understand you're being courted by ITV.
# Has estado cortejando a Mary Jane.♪ Tha's been a-courting Mary Jane
# Sé que has estado cortejando a Mary Jane.♪ I know you've been a-courting Mary Jane
- Así que ¿me estás cortejando?- So you're courting me.
- Coca cola nos está cortejando.- Coke is courting us.
- Debes estar cortejando docenas mínimo.- You must be courting dozens at least.

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