Cooperar (to cooperate) conjugation

84 examples

Conjugation of cooperar

Él/ell(a/o)/ Usted
Present tense
I cooperate
you cooperate
he/she/it does cooperate
we cooperate
you all cooperate
they cooperate
Present perfect tense
he cooperado
I have cooperateed
has cooperado
you have cooperateed
ha cooperado
he/she/it has cooperateed
hemos cooperado
we have cooperateed
habéis cooperado
you all have cooperateed
han cooperado
they have cooperateed
Past preterite tense
I cooperateed
you cooperateed
he/she/it cooperateed
we cooperateed
you all cooperateed
they cooperateed
Future tense
I will cooperate
you will cooperate
he/she/it will cooperate
we will cooperate
you all will cooperate
they will cooperate
Él/ell(a/o)/ Usted
Conditional mood
I would cooperate
you would cooperate
he/she/it would cooperate
we would cooperate
you all would cooperate
they would cooperate
Past imperfect tense
I used to cooperate
you used to cooperate
he/she/it used to cooperate
we used to cooperate
you all used to cooperate
they used to cooperate
Past perfect tense
había cooperado
I had cooperateed
habías cooperado
you had cooperateed
había cooperado
he/she/it had cooperateed
habíamos cooperado
we had cooperateed
habíais cooperado
you all had cooperateed
habían cooperado
they had cooperateed
Future perfect tense
habré cooperado
I will have cooperateed
habrás cooperado
you will have cooperateed
habrá cooperado
he/she/it will have cooperateed
habremos cooperado
we will have cooperateed
habréis cooperado
you all will have cooperateed
habrán cooperado
they will have cooperateed
Él/ell(a/o)/ Usted
Present subjunctive tense
(if/so that) I cooperate
(if/so that) you cooperate
(if/so that) he/she/it cooperate
(if/so that) we cooperate
(if/so that) you all cooperate
(if/so that) they cooperate
Present perfect subjunctive tense
haya cooperado
I have cooperateed
hayas cooperado
you have cooperateed
haya cooperado
he/she/it has cooperateed
hayamos cooperado
we have cooperateed
hayáis cooperado
you all have cooperateed
hayan cooperado
they have cooperateed
Past imperfect subjunctive tense
(if/so that) I have cooperateed
(if/so that) you have cooperateed
(if/so that) he/she/it have cooperateed
(if/so that) we have cooperateed
(if/so that) you all have cooperateed
(if/so that) they have cooperateed
Past imperfect subjunctive (second) tense
(if/so that) I have cooperateed
(if/so that) you have cooperateed
(if/so that) he/she/it have cooperateed
(if/so that) we have cooperateed
(if/so that) you all have cooperateed
(if/so that) they have cooperateed
Él/ell(a/o)/ Usted
Past perfect subjunctive tense
hubiera cooperado
I had cooperateed
hubieras cooperado
you had cooperateed
hubiera cooperado
he/she/it had cooperateed
hubiéramos cooperado
we had cooperateed
hubierais cooperado
you all had cooperateed
hubieran cooperado
they had cooperateed
Past perfect subjunctive (second) tense
hubiese cooperado
I had cooperateed
hubieses cooperado
you had cooperateed
hubiese cooperado
he/she/it had cooperateed
hubiésemos cooperado
we had cooperateed
hubieseis cooperado
you all had cooperateed
hubiesen cooperado
they had cooperateed
Future subjunctive tense
(if/so that) I will have cooperateed
(if/so that) you will have cooperateed
(if/so that) he/she/it will have cooperateed
(if/so that) we will have cooperateed
(if/so that) you all will have cooperateed
(if/so that) they will have cooperateed
Future perfect subjunctive tense
hubiere cooperado
I will have cooperateed
hubieres cooperado
you will have cooperateed
hubiere cooperado
he/she/it will have cooperateed
hubiéremos cooperado
we will have cooperateed
hubiereis cooperado
you all will have cooperateed
hubieren cooperado
they will have cooperateed
Él/ell(a/o)/ Usted
Imperative mood
let's cooperate!
Imperative negative mood
no cooperes
do not cooperate!
no coopere
let him/her/it cooperate!
no cooperemos
let us not cooperate!
no cooperéis
do not cooperate!
no cooperen
do not cooperate!

Examples of cooperar

Example in SpanishTranslation in English
"Amárrenlo más alto, porque no quiere cooperar."Tie him a little higher 'cause he don't want to cooperate now.
"El Parksons han hecho todo lo posible por cooperar ""The Parksons have made every effort to cooperate"
"El padre no quiso cooperar, resultando un incidente en la Hacienda Manders".Her father refused to cooperate, resulting in the incident at Mander's farm."
"Estamos deseando cooperar con él" ."We're eager to cooperate with him."
"Juez federal se niega a cooperar en una investigación de homicidio""Federal judge declines to cooperate in a homicide investigation."
- No coopero la última vez.- Do not cooperated the last time.
- Qué pasa si coopero?- What if l cooperate?
- ¿Y si no coopero?- And if l don't cooperate?
A un minuto, y prometo Voy a coopero.Just one minute, and I promise I'll cooperate.
Así que, usted coopero con el... Como dice aquí, fue en 1941you cooperated with him... the Year was 1941.
'Podemos ayudarte a ganar tus próximas elecciónes si cooperas con nosotros '"We can help you win your next election if you cooperate with us"?
- Es posible, si cooperas.- It can if you cooperate.
- O cooperas o te imputaremos cargos que ni sabrías deletrear.You'll cooperate, or I'll bury your ass in charges you can't even spell.
- Sid, el Fiscal dice que si cooperas...Sid. The D.A. Says if you cooperate...
- si cooperas, dime todo lo que quiero saber, te prometo que morirás sin dolor.If you cooperate, tell me everything I want to know, I promise that you will die without pain.
, nosotros cooperamos con el robo.We cooperated fully!
- No si cooperamos.- Not if we cooperate.
- Si cooperamos--- If we cooperate...
Ahora todos cooperamos con el amor de Su majestad para sobrevivir.Now everyone just cooperate with the love of I heights to survive.
Cerramos nuestra investigación y cooperamos con el Congreso y el Gran Jurado.We're stopping our internal investigation to cooperate with Congress and the Grand Jury.
- Todo irá bien si cooperáis.- All will be fine if you cooperate.
Eso es lo que os pasará si no cooperáis.That's what will happen if you don't cooperate.
Pero por una parte cooperáis y los dos entráis juntos.But one way you cooperate and you both go in together.
Pero si no cooperáis, no podremos asegurar el área y no podremos construir una escuela para vuestros niños.But if you don't cooperate, we cannot secure the area and then we can't build a school for your kids.
Quiero que sepáis algo: podría tener a 25 agentes aquí en 15 minutos. Entrarían, cogerían esta área y os dejarían sin trabajo, si no cooperáis. ¿Entendido?l want you all to know, l could have 25 agents here in 15 minutes, to march in here, snatch your bond and you'd be out of business, if you don't cooperate.
-No lo sé. Déjame mostrarles a tus camaradas lo que les sucede a los que no cooperan con Draco.Let me show your fellow citizens what happens to those who don't cooperate with Draco.
A veces, incluso cuando un hombre y una mujer se aman mucho Su interior sólo no cooperan entre sí.Sometimes, even when a man and a woman love each other very much like your mother and I used to their insides just don't cooperate with each other.
Aboga por un futuro donde Alfas y humanos normales cooperan por el bien común.You advocate a future where Alphas and normal humans cooperate for the common good.
Además, si no cooperan, tengo un arma.Besides, if they don't cooperate, l have a gun.
Agencias que cooperan, ATF, NRO, otras que ni siquiera tienen iniciales, cooperan en momentos de emergencia nacional.Cooperating agencies, ATF, NRO, places that don't even have initials they cooperate in times of national emergency.
Con el fin de separar a Wi Mary y Kang Mu Gyul... cooperaré con Wi Dae Han en todas las formas.In order to split up Wi Mary and Kang Mu Gyul, I will cooperate with Wi Dae Han in every way.
Dígale al Agente Especial Gibbs que cooperaré por completo con la investigación.I will cooperate fully with the investigation.
Si cooperas conmigo, te prometo que cooperaré contigo.You cooperate with me, I promise you, I will cooperate with you.
- Eres un sujeto leal y cooperarás...- You're a loyal subject and will cooperate
Y cooperarás conmigo al 100 por 100.And you will cooperate with me 1,000%.
"El gobierno británico cooperará con la investigación"."The British government will cooperate fully with the investigation".
Al mediodía, nuestra pasajera cooperará y se quedará en su camarote.During the midday break, our passenger will cooperate and remain in her quarters.
Andros cooperará.Andros will cooperate.
Darren cooperará en todo lo que pueda.Darren will cooperate in any way he can.
El Comité de Vigilancia Femenina cooperará contigo allá.The Ladies Vigilante Committee will cooperate with you there.
Amablemente informará a las autoridades que cooperaremos de cualquier forma pero que no podemos tolerar una interrupción importante.So, will you kindly inform the authorities... that we will cooperate in any way... although we can't tolerate a major disruption.
Bien, por supuesto, cooperaremos totalmente.Well, of course. We will cooperate fully.
Mi equipo y yo cooperaremos en cualquier forma que podamos.My team and I will cooperate in any way we can.
Nos enorgullecemos de ser buenos ciudadanos y cooperaremos con ustedes para detener estos ataques.We take pride in being good citizens and we will cooperate with you in order to stop these attacks.
- Así cooperarán durante el juicio.So they will cooperate during the trial.
Ellos cooperarán con ustedThey will cooperate with you
Necesito tu promesa de que los musulmanes cooperarán.l need your assurance that the Muslims will cooperate.
Ni esta ciudad ni sus instituciones financieras cooperarán con ese chantaje tan indignante.Neither this city nor its financial institutions will cooperate with such outrageous blackmail.
No tenemos una orden, pero... apostamos a que sus empleados cooperarán sin uno.We don't have a warrant, but we're betting that your employers will cooperate without one.
La única manera en que el Banque Réal de Genève cooperaría con otro gobierno es si el crimen también fuera crimen en Suiza.The only way the Banque Real de Geneve would cooperate; with a foreign legal body is if the crime being pursued is also a crime in Switzerland.
Ningún niño de Collingwood cooperaría con la policía.No kid from Collingwood would cooperate with the police.
Nos dijeron que cooperaría sin hacer preguntas.We were told that you would cooperate without asking any questions.
¿Por qué piensas que el cooperaría, contigo después que tú lo arrestaras?Why do you think he would cooperate with you after you had him arrested?
Pero cooperarías con una investigación imparcial, ¿verdad?But you would cooperate with an impartial investigation, right?
Bien, miren, dije que cooperaríamos con ustedes... pero son empleados del del Departamento de Policía... y no van a ningún lugar sin mis detectives...Okay, look, I said we would cooperate with you, but they are employees of the SBPD, and they're not going anywhere without my detectives.
Le di mi palabra de que cooperaríamos para evitar el derramamiento de una sola gota de sangre.I gave you my word that we would cooperate to avoid the shedding of a single drop of blood.
Quizás cooperarían explorando conjuntamente una provincia de la Vía Láctea.Perhaps they would cooperate exploring together a small province of the Milky Way.
Y después están algunas de las más raras de todos los países que ustedes no creerían que cooperarían en este esfuerzo internacional.And then there are some strangest of all countries you wouldn't believe would cooperate in such an international endeavour.
# No hay forma alguna # # que coopere con ustedes #♪ There just ain't no way ♪ ♪ I'm gonna cooperate with you ♪
- Le pediremos a Ikegami que coopere.We'll ask Ikegami to cooperate.
- Lo único que importa es que hable con Drazen cuando llame, que escuche sus peticiones y que coopere.- That's fine. All that matters is that you talk to Victor Drazen when he calls, listen to his demands and cooperate.
- Será mejor que coopere.- You'd better cooperate.
- Si. Eso significa que ella y Landry no pueden conseguir una licencia de matrimonio, lo que significa que podemos conseguir que coopere y testifique contra él.Which means she and Landry can't get a marriage license, which means we could get her to cooperate and testify against him.
- Damien, esto es conmovedor, pero ahora mismo necesitamos que cooperes o te verás culpable como tu madre.- Damien, that's touching, But right now you need to cooperate Or you look at guilty as your mother.
- Quieren que cooperes- They want to cooperate.
- Será mejor que cooperes.I don't know. You just better cooperate, alright?
A menos que cooperes con nosotros.Unless you cooperate with us.
A menos que cooperes y...Unless you cooperate and...
? Quiere que cooperemos con...? Si queremos salir, es nuestra única opción.You mean you want us to cooperate with those... lf we want to get out of here, it's our only choice.
Así que es hombre muerto, siempre y cuando cooperemos.So he's as good as dead, so long as we cooperate.
Bueno, pues cooperemos.Well, then let's cooperate.
Cuanto más cooperemos, más rápido se dará cuenta de eso.The more we cooperate, the sooner she's gonna see that.
Damas y caballeros, me doy cuenta de lo repentino de esto y de que ha sido un día muy difícil pero cooperemos para hacer esta transición lo más simple que sea posible.Ladies and gentlemen, I realise this is sudden, and this has been a very difficult day, but let's cooperate to make this transition as smooth as possible.
"Cuando el amor te llame, síguelo". Por favor, cooperen con los soldados.Please cooperate with the soldiers.
"Polonia 1939" Por favor, cooperen.Please cooperate.
- A menos que cooperen.- Unless they cooperate.
- Por favor cooperen. ¡Permanezcan atrás!- Please cooperate. Stay back!
- Por favor, cooperen.- Please cooperate.
De ahora en adelante, cooperad... u os enviamos de vuelta a la cárcel, ¿entendido?From now on, you cooperate or we send you back to jail, understood?
Dejad de vivir en el miedo y cooperad con nosotros.Stop living in fear and cooperate with us.
Por favor, cooperad.Please cooperate
Sé que todos os sentiríais mal si algo me sucediera, así que por favor, cooperad.I know you'd all feel bad if something were to happen to me, so please cooperate.
Tranquilizaos y cooperad u os arranco la cabeza y destrozo el local.Now, you assholes calm down and cooperate or I'll rip your heads off and tear this place apart.
No te vamos a denunciar así que por favor cooperá por un ratoWe're not going to announce anything so please cooperate for a while.

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