Colaborar (to collaborate) conjugation

79 examples

Conjugation of colaborar

Él/ell(a/o)/ Usted
Present tense
I collaborate
you collaborate
he/she/it collaborates
we collaborate
you all collaborate
they collaborate
Present perfect tense
he colaborado
I have collaborated
has colaborado
you have collaborated
ha colaborado
he/she/it has collaborated
hemos colaborado
we have collaborated
habéis colaborado
you all have collaborated
han colaborado
they have collaborated
Past preterite tense
I collaborated
you collaborated
he/she/it collaborated
we collaborated
you all collaborated
they collaborated
Future tense
I will collaborate
you will collaborate
he/she/it will collaborate
we will collaborate
you all will collaborate
they will collaborate
Él/ell(a/o)/ Usted
Conditional mood
I would collaborate
you would collaborate
he/she/it would collaborate
we would collaborate
you all would collaborate
they would collaborate
Past imperfect tense
I used to collaborate
you used to collaborate
he/she/it used to collaborate
we used to collaborate
you all used to collaborate
they used to collaborate
Past perfect tense
había colaborado
I had collaborated
habías colaborado
you had collaborated
había colaborado
he/she/it had collaborated
habíamos colaborado
we had collaborated
habíais colaborado
you all had collaborated
habían colaborado
they had collaborated
Future perfect tense
habré colaborado
I will have collaborated
habrás colaborado
you will have collaborated
habrá colaborado
he/she/it will have collaborated
habremos colaborado
we will have collaborated
habréis colaborado
you all will have collaborated
habrán colaborado
they will have collaborated
Él/ell(a/o)/ Usted
Present subjunctive tense
(if/so that) I collaborate
(if/so that) you collaborate
(if/so that) he/she/it collaborate
(if/so that) we collaborate
(if/so that) you all collaborate
(if/so that) they collaborate
Present perfect subjunctive tense
haya colaborado
I have collaborated
hayas colaborado
you have collaborated
haya colaborado
he/she/it has collaborated
hayamos colaborado
we have collaborated
hayáis colaborado
you all have collaborated
hayan colaborado
they have collaborated
Past imperfect subjunctive tense
(if/so that) I have collaborated
(if/so that) you have collaborated
(if/so that) he/she/it have collaborated
(if/so that) we have collaborated
(if/so that) you all have collaborated
(if/so that) they have collaborated
Past imperfect subjunctive (second) tense
(if/so that) I have collaborated
(if/so that) you have collaborated
(if/so that) he/she/it have collaborated
(if/so that) we have collaborated
(if/so that) you all have collaborated
(if/so that) they have collaborated
Él/ell(a/o)/ Usted
Past perfect subjunctive tense
hubiera colaborado
I had collaborated
hubieras colaborado
you had collaborated
hubiera colaborado
he/she/it had collaborated
hubiéramos colaborado
we had collaborated
hubierais colaborado
you all had collaborated
hubieran colaborado
they had collaborated
Past perfect subjunctive (second) tense
hubiese colaborado
I had collaborated
hubieses colaborado
you had collaborated
hubiese colaborado
he/she/it had collaborated
hubiésemos colaborado
we had collaborated
hubieseis colaborado
you all had collaborated
hubiesen colaborado
they had collaborated
Future subjunctive tense
(if/so that) I will have collaborated
(if/so that) you will have collaborated
(if/so that) he/she/it will have collaborated
(if/so that) we will have collaborated
(if/so that) you all will have collaborated
(if/so that) they will have collaborated
Future perfect subjunctive tense
hubiere colaborado
I will have collaborated
hubieres colaborado
you will have collaborated
hubiere colaborado
he/she/it will have collaborated
hubiéremos colaborado
we will have collaborated
hubiereis colaborado
you all will have collaborated
hubieren colaborado
they will have collaborated
Él/ell(a/o)/ Usted
Imperative mood
let's collaborate!
Imperative negative mood
no colabores
do not collaborate!
no colabore
let him/her/it collaborate!
no colaboremos
let us not collaborate!
no colaboréis
do not collaborate!
no colaboren
do not collaborate!

Examples of colaborar

Example in SpanishTranslation in English
"Ok, ahora vamos a colaborar con Oban."Ok, now we're going to collaborate with Oban.
- No, yo sólo quiero colaborar.No, I just want to collaborate.
Asombrosamente ella y Hahn fueron capaces de colaborar por carta.Amazingly she and Hahn were able to collaborate by letter.
Bien, eso se puede remediar ¿Hay algún otro compositor aquí en Viena con quien os gustaría colaborar?Well, that can be remedied. Is there another composer here in Vienna with whom you would like to collaborate?
Bromas aparte, me gustaría mucho colaborar.Jokes aside, I'd like to collaborate.
Bueno, sólo colaboro con la Dra. "Milavavovich"...Well, just collaborated with Dr. "Milavavovich" ...
La oficina de correo, la tienda de muebles, la costurera. Después dices que no tengo paciencia, que no colaboro.The post office, furniture store, the seamsress, then you say I have no patience, I don't collaborate.
Por mi no te preocupes. Yo, en mi casa, colaboro con quien me da la gana.In my house, I collaborate with whomever I want.
Todavía colaboro con algunos participantes anónimos dentro de mi propio grupo, el Proyecto de la tarde, la adquisición de más información y llamar la atención sobre lo que se llama la inteligencia industria de contratación.I still collaborate with some Anonymous participants within my own group, Project PM, acquiring more information and bringing attention to what's called the intelligence contracting industry.
Yo sólo colaboro con éI porque creo que mi contribución podría ser útil para educar a Ia gente, es todo.I only collaborate with him because I think my contribution might be helpful in enlightening people. That's all.
Has traicionado al Movimiento, y ahora colaboras con los chinos.- You betrayed the movement. And now you collaborate with the Chinese.
O colaboras o llevaré esta pequeña empresa - a un fin extremadamente prematuro.Either you collaborate or I bring this little venture to an extremely untimely end.
Si colaboras con este exorcismo, estarás alimentando su ilusión.If you collaborate with this exorcism, you are feeding his delusion.
Tú colaboras.You collaborate.
¿Tú colaboras en el regalo de Julián?Do you collaborate in the gift of Julian?
- Al parecer, sí. Pero también colabora con enemigos.Seemingly, yes... but he also collaborates with enemies.
- Ma San colabora con los japoneses tomando un puesto oficial en el gobierno títere.Ma San collaborates with the Japanese,) (taking an official post in the puppet government.)
El Norte de Africa sigue siendo controlado por el régimen de Vichy que colabora con los Alemanes.North Africa is still controlled by the Vichy regime which collaborates with the Germans.
El co-guionista, Robin Driscoll, colabora con Rowan en la improvisación de Bean.(Narrator) 'The co-writer, Robin Driscoll, 'collaborates with Rowan on the improvisation of Bean.'
El corazón colabora con la mente.Heart collaborates mind
Aquí colaboramos con la ciencia.Here we collaborate with science.
Karen y yo colaboramos.Karen and I collaborated.
Kierran y yo colaboramos en la escultura para la apertura.Kieran and I collaborated on a sculpture for the opening.
Mientras tanto, ¿qué tal si colaboramos en esta L?ln the meantime, how about we collaborate on this L?
Nos divertimos cuando colaboramos, ¿verdad?We have fun when we collaborate, right?
Brigadas de obreros colaboran con la fuerza pública para imponer el orden.Columns of workers collaborate with the police force to impose order.
Cuentos de granjeros que desaparecen y otros que colaboran con las cosas.Tales of settlers who vanished and others who collaborated with the things.
Las fuerzas de la oscuridad y los gusanos traidores... que colaboran con ellos deben, pueden y serán... barridos de la faz de la Tierra.The forces of darkness and treasonable maggots... who collaborate with them, must, can, and will... be wiped from the face of the earth.
Los demás, si colaboran, seran indultados y podrán volver a SalóOthers, if they collaborate, are reprieved. They will return to Salo
Los lobos además colaboran y utilizan su poder unificado para derribar una presa grande.Wolves elsewhere collaborate and use their united power ... to pull down big prey.
Es la hija del sabio con el que colaboré.She's the daughter of the scientist with whom I collaborated for so many years.
He dicho que colaboré con el coronel del ejército, y que antes de ello, la policía me dio absoluta libertad de movimientos.I said that I collaborated with the colonel of the carabinieri, and that prior to that, the police gave me a free pass, allowing me to come and go.
O al menos colaboré en ello.Or, at least, l collaborated in writing it.
Usted puede objetar sobre su F y su G, pero fui yo quien la inspiró, colaboré con ella en Rapsodia.You can quibble about your Fs and your Gs, but it was I who inspired her, collaborated with her on Rhapsody.
Yo colaboré con el ejército.I collaborated with the police.
Pienso que colaboraste en el atentado, pero sólo Robin fue atrapado.I think you collaborated on the bombing, but only Robin went down.
Se sabe que ayudaste a Metatron a entrar en el Cielo, colaboraste con él.It's known you helped Metatron enter Heaven, collaborated with him.
- Sí, ella colaboró.- Yes, she collaborated.
-Porque colaboró con la Gestapo.Why? Because you collaborated.
A la comandante Kira no le gusta que le recuerden que su amante colaboró con sus enemigos.Commander Kira doesn't like to be reminded that her lover collaborated with her enemies.
Alija Izetbegovic, que colaboró con los nazis en la segunda La Segunda Guerra Mundial él era un candidato que tenía la República Islámica sobre todo la visión cristiana de Bosnia como en su popagirao un pequeño libro donde escribió:Alija Izetbegovic, who collaborated with the Nazis in the second World War he was a candidate who had the vision for an Islamic Bosnia mostly Christian like popagirao in his small book where he wrote:
División colaboró con Sergei Semak para matar a Nikolai Udinov y a su familia.Division collaborated with Sergei Semak to kill Nikolai Udinov and his family.
"El joven presidente ha condenado, la presencia en la dirección de sociedades multinacionales, de industriales que colaboraron con la máquina de guerra nazi."- Yes love! The young CEO stigmatised, comma... the presence at the head of multinational companies, comma... of industrialists who collaborated with the Nazi war machine full stop, end of quote!
A causa de un entrenamiento similar, la policía y los bancos colaboraron para decidir las medidas a tomar.Through a similar training, the police and banks collaborated to come up with measures.
Aunque la mayoría de los de este pueblo colaboraron con los británicos, y todavía mantenemos conversaciones informales para retornar a su imperio, ¡A todos nos gustan los fuegos artificiales!Even though most of this town collaborated with the British, and we are still in informal talks to return to their empire, we all love fireworks!
De FIESP casi todos sus miembros colaboraron con Oban.From FIESP (lndustrial Federation of Sao Paulo), almost all its members collaborated with Oban.
Durante semanas, Zanuck y Mankiewicz colaboraron corte tras corte.For weeks, Zanuck and Mankiewicz collaborated on cut after cut.
Mi padre dice que Suecia colaborará con los alemanes... y luego, vamos a deshacernos de todos los Judíos.My father says that Sweden will collaborate with the Germans... Then we'll get rid of all the Jews.
Con este nuevo plan de acción, todos colaboraremos.With this new plan of action, everyone will collaborate.
Mi misión es descubrir quién, dentro del gobierno, colaboraría con Alemania, en caso de que declarase la guerra.And my present job is to find out just who in the government would collaborate with Germany, if she wages war.
Excelencia, usted sabe que estoy interesado en conocer bajo qué condiciones colaborarían los aliados con la oposición alemana.Excellency, you know I'm interested in under what conditions would collaborate allied with the German opposition.
Muchos que solían ocultar sus sentimientos declararon abiertamente su anti-semitismo hasta el punto de que Francia comenzó a adoptar ciertos valores alemanes, y buscó acercarse a Hitler, en la esperanza de crear una Europa donde Francia y Alemania colaboraríanMany who used to hide their feelings openly declared their anti-Semitism to the point that France began adopting certain German values, and sought to get closer to Hitler, in the hope of creating a Europe where France and Germany would collaborate
- Quiere que colabore en el caso, ¿no?Let's get to the point. You want me to collaborate on the case, don't you?
Convencerle para que colabore.Convince him to collaborate.
Disculpe, pero... ¿quiere que colabore con Jarek y Rebekka?I'm sorry, but are you asking me to collaborate with both?
El Software Libre es una manera de que la gente colabore en un software sin verse envuelto en todos los problemas de la propiedad intelectual, al tener que negociar contratos cada vez que se compra un fragmento de código, tener muchos abogados involucrados.Open Source is a way for people to collaborate on software without being encumbered by all of the problems of intellectual property, having to negotiate contracts every time you buy a piece of software, have a lot of lawyers involved.
Entonces debemos encontrar a alguien que colabore con nosotros.Then we must find someone who will collaborate with us.
"Queremos que colabores con este pequeño muchacho que haría cualquier cosa por ser famoso,""We want you to collaborate with this little dude who will do anything to get famous,"
Ellos nos piden que colaboremos.They ask us to collaborate.
Pero es importante que colaboremos.But it's important that we collaborate.
Y Liguori pretende que colaboremos. Esto me huele mal.Liguori wants us to collaborate with him.
¿Estás sugiriendo que colaboremos?Are you suggesting we collaborate?
¿Quieres que colaboremos en algo?Do you wanna collaborate on something?
"...a la espera del correspondiente juicio, ...invito a todos los leales súbditos de nuestro señor, León XII, ...a que colaboren con la justicia contra la secta de los Carbonaros y sus representantes".I invite all loyal subjects of our lord, Leo XII, to collaborate with justice against the carbonari.
Al Sr. Selfridge le gusta que los jefes de departamentos colaboren entre si.Mr. Selfridge likes for the heads of Departments to collaborate.
Dejemos que colaboren en este modelo de ciudad viviente, dulce e impredecible como una mujer, flexible como una serpiente, con escamas y pelo; la ciudad de nuestros sueños.Let them collaborate on this model of a living city, gentle and unpredictable as a woman, flexible as a snake, scaly and hairy, the city of our dreams.
Dr. Duncan, si le ayudo a recaudar los fondos y si reunimos a los investigadores para que colaboren, creo que podemos lograr mucho en muy poco tiempo.Dr. Duncan, if I help you raise these funds, and if we can get the researchers together to collaborate, I think we can achieve very much in a short time.
Estamos a punto de viajar hacia hacia el paraíso dorado en el mundo de las peliculas alto, colaboren y escuchenSo, fasten your seatbelts, we're about to take a trip into the avant-garde. In the words of Vanilla Ice, "Stop, collaborate and listen,"
Let's kick it Vamos a pegarle Ice, Ice, baby helado, chico, helado. All right, stop, collaborate and listen Está bien parad,colaborad y escuchar Ice is back with a brand-new invention Ice esta de vuelta con mi flamante invención(laughter) ♪ Ice, Ice, baby ♪ ♪ All right, stop, collaborate and listen ♪ ♪ Ice is back with a brand-new invention ♪
"Sólo colaborado."Only collaborated.
A Mina Darakhshani, hija de Rahim, de fe chiíta, nacida en Teherán, se la acusa de haber colaborado con su marido Sahel Farzan, que escribió poemas políticos contra la sagrada República Islámica.Mina Darakhshani, daughter of Rahim. Of the Shiite faith, born in Tehran. You are accused of having collaborated with your husband Sahel Farzan who wrote political poems against the holy Islamic Republic.
Boilesen había colaborado arduamente en la lucha contra el terrorismo, principalmente con material de apoyo significativo para la construcción de Operacao Bandeirante.Boilesen had collaborated intensely with military authorities in the fight against terrorism, chiefly with significant material support in the setting up of Operação Bandeirante.
Como si los franceses nunca han colaborado...As if French people hadn't collaborated...
El segundo tema absolutamente innegociable es que no haya represalias políticas para la gente que ha colaborado con el franquismo.The second unnegotiable subject is to not have political reprisals for those who collaborated with Franco.
- Hay quizás cierta base técnica con la cual puedan decir que no estan colaborando activamente o que no tienen lo que consideramos en nuestra definición un acceso directo a nuestros servidores, pero lo que sí sé es que he hablado con más de una persona que se ha sentadoThere may be some technical basis on which they can say that "we are not actively collaborating" or "they don't have what we consider in our own definition to be direct access to our servers,"
- Hubo una guerra fraticida entre la linea dura de los vors y aquellos que pensaban que colaborando podian ganar el poder después.- There was a fratricidal war between hardline vors and those who thought collaborating could earn them power later.
- Los Budistas, a través de suicidio, intentan echar el gobierno de Ky porque piensan que el esta colaborando con los comunistas.The Buddhists, by suicide, are trying to kick out the government of Ky because they think he is collaborating with the Communists.
- Todos estamos colaborando.- They're all collaborating.
- ¿Cree que esté colaborando?You think he's collaborating?

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