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Avergonzar (to shame) conjugation

98 examples
This verb can also have the following meanings: to embarrass, embarrass

Conjugation of avergonzar

Present tense
I shame
you shame
he/she/it shames
we shame
you all shame
they shame
Present perfect tense
he avergonzado
I have shamed
has avergonzado
you have shamed
ha avergonzado
he/she/it has shamed
hemos avergonzado
we have shamed
habéis avergonzado
you all have shamed
han avergonzado
they have shamed
Past preterite tense
I shamed
you shamed
he/she/it shamed
we shamed
you all shamed
they shamed
Future tense
I will shame
you will shame
he/she/it will shame
we will shame
you all will shame
they will shame
Conditional mood
I would shame
you would shame
he/she/it would shame
we would shame
you all would shame
they would shame
Past imperfect tense
I used to to shame
you used to to shame
he/she/it used to to shame
we used to to shame
you all used to to shame
they used to to shame
Past perfect tense
había avergonzado
I had shamed
habías avergonzado
you had shamed
había avergonzado
he/she/it had shamed
habíamos avergonzado
we had shamed
habíais avergonzado
you all had shamed
habían avergonzado
they had shamed
Future perfect tense
habré avergonzado
I will have shamed
habrás avergonzado
you will have shamed
habrá avergonzado
he/she/it will have shamed
habremos avergonzado
we will have shamed
habréis avergonzado
you all will have shamed
habrán avergonzado
they will have shamed
Present subjunctive tense
(if/so that) I shame
(if/so that) you shame
(if/so that) he/she/it shame
(if/so that) we shame
(if/so that) you all shame
(if/so that) they shame
Present perfect subjunctive tense
haya avergonzado
I have shamed
hayas avergonzado
you have shamed
haya avergonzado
he/she/it has shamed
hayamos avergonzado
we have shamed
hayáis avergonzado
you all have shamed
hayan avergonzado
they have shamed
Past imperfect subjunctive tense
(if/so that) I have shamed
(if/so that) you have shamed
(if/so that) he/she/it have shamed
(if/so that) we have shamed
(if/so that) you all have shamed
(if/so that) they have shamed
Past imperfect subjunctive (second) tense
(if/so that) I have shamed
(if/so that) you have shamed
(if/so that) he/she/it have shamed
(if/so that) we have shamed
(if/so that) you all have shamed
(if/so that) they have shamed
Past perfect subjunctive tense
hubiera avergonzado
I had shamed
hubieras avergonzado
you had shamed
hubiera avergonzado
he/she/it had shamed
hubiéramos avergonzado
we had shamed
hubierais avergonzado
you all had shamed
hubieran avergonzado
they had shamed
Past perfect subjunctive (second) tense
hubiese avergonzado
I had shamed
hubieses avergonzado
you had shamed
hubiese avergonzado
he/she/it had shamed
hubiésemos avergonzado
we had shamed
hubieseis avergonzado
you all had shamed
hubiesen avergonzado
they had shamed
Future subjunctive tense
(if/so that) I will have shamed
(if/so that) you will have shamed
(if/so that) he/she/it will have shamed
(if/so that) we will have shamed
(if/so that) you all will have shamed
(if/so that) they will have shamed
Future perfect subjunctive tense
hubiere avergonzado
I will have shamed
hubieres avergonzado
you will have shamed
hubiere avergonzado
he/she/it will have shamed
hubiéremos avergonzado
we will have shamed
hubiereis avergonzado
you all will have shamed
hubieren avergonzado
they will have shamed
Imperative mood
let's shame!
Imperative negative mood
no avergüences
do not shame!
no avergüence
don't let him/her/it shame!
no avergoncemos
let us not shame!
no avergoncéis
do not shame!
no avergüencen
do not shame!

Examples of avergonzar

Example in SpanishTranslation in English
"no puede haber ley mayor en el periodismo que contar la verdad y avergonzar al diablo"."There can be no higher law in journalism than to tell the truth and to shame the devil."
César está bendecido con un nombre histórico, y un día se elevará para avergonzar al mismísimo sol.Caesar is blessed with storied name, and shall one day rise to shame the very sun.
Dioses, denme la fuerza para avergonzar el modo del quiero mostrarme mayor por mi valor que por mis ropas.Gods, give me the strength to shame the guise o' the world, I will begin the fashion, less without and more within.
El nombre de las víctimas empezaba con K, como su padre Karl un evangelista al que odiaba y al que quería avergonzar.The victims' names always start with K, Iike KarI, his father... ...thefamousevangelist he hated and wanted to shame.
Ellos pueden avergonzar a los ladrones de Mumbai.They can put the Mumbai's crooks to shame.
"A mis hermanos de SSD, me avergüenzo de lo que hemos hecho"."To my DSS brothers, I am ashamed of what we have done."
"Me avergüenzo al pensar cuánto tiempo lo he soportado."I am ashamed to think how long I bore it.
"Me avergüenzo de haberme casado con Gabriel Cochrane".'So ashamed that I married Gabriel Cochrane.
"No me avergüenzo del evangelio de Cristo. ""I'm not ashamed of the Gospel of Christ."
"Primero, me avergüenzo de mi ignorancia."First, I am ashamed of my ignorance.
"Entonces, ¿de qué te avergüenzas?""So what are you ashamed of?"
"No te avergüenzas de tu edad""He feels no shame..." "he forgets how old he is" "At 60, he flirts with me"
"No te avergüenzas por no saber."there is no shame in not knowing.
"¿Exceso de energía?" ¡Bruno, me avergüenzas!"Power surplus?" Bruce, shame on you!
"¿Te avergüenzas de tu dentadura postiza?""Are you ashamed of your false teeth?
- En ocasiones, mi sangre azul me avergüenza.At times, my blue blood shames me.
- Me avergüenza.- It shames me.
- Nada me avergüenza más que eso.There's nothing that shames me more than that.
Destruyan este mercado que avergüenza a nuestro Señor.Destroy this market place that shames our Lord.
El crimen nos avergüenza, viola todas las leyes y tradiciones.The crime shames us, violates all laws and traditions.
- ¿Qué? ¿Te avergonzamos?What, are you ashamed of us?
Adán dice, "Estábamos desnudos y nos avergonzamos."Adam says, "We were naked and we were ashamed."
Cosas de las que nos avergonzamos.Things we are ashamed of.
Diciendo cosas así, nos avergonzamos de él delante de los vecinos.Saying a thing like that. We're ashamed of him in front of the neighbors.
En cambio, a la luz del sol, hacen cosas de las cuales nosotros nos avergonzamos.Then, in broad daylight, they do things that would make us ashamed.
- ¿Os avergonzáis de él?- Are you're ashamed of your union?
Creerían que os avergonzáis de mí.- They'd think you were ashamed of me.
No os avergonzáis siendo monjes?Aren't you monks ashamed of yourselves?
os avergonzáis de serlo.ashamed of what they are.
¿No os avergonzáis de vosotros mismos?Aren't you ashamed?
"El sol y la luna quedan atónitos cuando él aparece y se avergüenzan los capullos de rosa al ver sus rizos."The sun and moon are astonished when he appears, "and rosebuds are put to shame by his curls."
"¿Son alemanes?" "¿Se avergüenzan de serlo?""Are you Germans? Are you ashamed of being Germans?"
- Los hombres involucrados no se avergüenzan de lo que han hecho.- The men involved in that are not ashamed of what they've done.
- Pero seguro que se avergüenzan.Perhaps they're just ashamed to.
- Sí. He hablado con ellos y han dicho que se avergüenzan de su comportamiento y que lo sienten.- Yes, I took the liberty of talking to them and they said that they were so ashamed of their behavior that they were sorry.
- Me avergoncé, ahora ya no.- I was ashamed... but not anymore.
- Mi querida Nina cuya memoria avergoncé.My dear Nina, whose memory I shamed.
Después, me avergoncé tanto... que no veía la hora de regresar a pelear.After that, I was that ashamed... that I couldn't get back in the fight soon enough.
Durante un tiempo el mundo pensó lo contrario y yo me avergoncé de enmudecer en cosas que importaban y de que me llamaran genio.For a while, the whole world thought otherwise, and I was ashamed to be so mute in things that mattered and to be called a genius. You are a genius.
En una oportunidad intenté escribirte una carta, pero... me avergoncé y la tiré.I wanted to write but was ashamed
- ¿Te avergonzaste de mí?- Were you ashamed of me?
Antes te avergonzaste de mí.You were ashamed of me earlier.
Entiendo que estás bajo mucha presión, Jane, pero hoy nos avergonzaste.I understand that you're under some distress, Jane, but you shamed us today.
Es porque lo avergonzaste.It's because you shamed him.
Es sólo que lo avergonzaste.It's just that you shamed him.
- Nunca te avergonzó nada, Sal.- Nothing ever shamed you, Sal.
2 veces me avergonzó. Pero ahora... al final, yo lo avergonzaré.Twice you shamed me, but now in the end, I shame you.
Ahora, pienso que Connor va a seguir yendo tras la gente que lo avergonzó.Now, I-I think connor's gonna keep going after People who shamed him.
Cada vez que me avergonzó, me digo a mi mismo Un día, voy a convertir todo esto al revés!Every time after I'm shamed, I tell myself that ... one day, I will turn this all upside down!
Confieso que me avergonzó que me vieran mirándolos.I confess I was ashamed to be seen looking at them.
Citó varios casos donde los jueces avergonzaron al cliente.Cited a bunch of cases where the judges shamed the defendant. Right.
Que se avergonzaron de ver a sus dos hijos llorando sobre los juguetes como niñas gimoteantes.- They were just ashamed to see their two sons Crying like blubbering little girls over toys.
Quizás mis overoles y herramientas te avergonzaron.Maybe my overalls and lunchpail shamed you.
Si se demuestra mi inocencia, los que me calumniaron y avergonzaron en el proceso... tendrán que quitarse la vida.If I'm proven innocent, those who slandered me and shamed you in the process... will have to kill themselves.
Tus palabras el otro día me avergonzaron.Your words the other day shamed me.
- Esto nos avergonzará.- This will shame us.
¿Tienes idea de cómo avergonzará esto a mi familia en Escocia?Do you have any idea how this will shame my family in Scotland?
"El fulgor de sus mejillas avergonzaría a las estrellas"The brightness of her cheek would shame those stars
El brillo de su rostro avergonzaría a las estrellas...The brightness of her cheek would shame the stars as daylight doth a lamp.
El brillo de sus mejillas avergonzaría a esas estrellas.The brightness of her cheeks would shame those stars.
El fulgor de sus mejillas avergonzaría a esos astros, como la luz del día a la de una lámpara".The brightness of her cheek would shame those stars... as daylight doth a lamp."
Hacer lo contrario nos avergonzaría.To do otherwise would shame us.
"El brillo de sus mejillas avergonzarían a esas estrellas."The brightness of her cheeks would shame those stars.
Las pelotas que tiene avergonzarían a un elefante.The balls on you would shame an elephant.
"Alguna de sus partes" hace que me avergüence de llamarme lesbiana.""Some of Her Parts" makes me ashamed to even call myself a lesbian."
"No meterás en la familia a una joven que nos avergüence"."You will not put in the family to a young person who shames to us. "
"No se avergüence, joven.""Do not be ashamed of yourself, lad."
*Nena no lo estropees* *no hagas que me avergüence de mis buenos consejos*♪ Baby, don't blow it ♪ Don't put my good advice to shame ♪
- Ah, ¿quieres que me avergüence de mí misma?Oh, you want me to be ashamed of myself?
"FINLANDIA" ¡Mi cuerpo no es tuyo para que te avergüences!(woman) My body's not yours to feel ashamed of!
"No te avergüences"."Don't be ashamed."
"¿Hacen que te avergüences de tu herencia?""Are you made to feel ashamed of your heritage?"
# Dime la verdad... # # no te avergüences # # nena, deja que te guíe tu conciencia... #♪ tell it like it is... ♪ ♪ don't be ashamed ♪ ♪ baby, let your conscience be your guide... ♪
*No* *te avergüences de llorar*♪ Don't ♪ Be ashamed to cry
"Han hecho que nos avergoncemos de cosas de las qué estábamos orgullosos.'They have made us ashamed of the things for which we were proud.'
Haces que los demás nos avergoncemos.You put the rest of us to shame.
Haces que nos avergoncemos de ser nosotros mismos.You make us ashamed to be ourselves!
Los humanos conocemos nuestro pasado, aunque nos avergoncemos de él.We humans know our past even when we're ashamed of it.
No nos avergoncemos de nuestro llamado a la batalla celestial de todas las naciones.Let us not be ashamed of our calling at the celestial battle of all nations.
No os avergoncéis de decir su nombre.Don't be ashamed to call his name.
No os avergoncéis de ello.Do not be ashamed of it.
No os avergoncéis.Don't be ashamed, girls!
- No creo que se avergüencen de ti.- I don't think they're ashamed of you.
Así no volveremos a hacer cosas que nos avergüencen, ¿entiendes?So we don't do things again what we got be ashamed of, see?
Chicas, ¿no es suficiente que avergüencen a mi departamento con sus escapadas?Girls, is it not enough that you bring shame on my department with your escapades?
Digan la verdad... y avergüencen al diablo.Come on now! Tell the truth! And shame the devil!
Entonces verá que no le conviene meterse conmigo a menos que no se avergüencen de sus cuerpos.Then you will see that not want to mess with me unless you do not be ashamed their bodies.
Si vuelo avergonzad,... Podria ser drogado y entonces me tirarian piedras.If I return in shame, I'll get stoned... and then they'll throw rocks at me.
"Amo a mi país, y no estoy avergonzado de decirlo."'I love my country, and I'm not ashamed to say it.
"Así que no debo sentirme avergonzado." Corta ambos caminos."So I don't have to feel ashamed." It cuts both ways.
"Boris se detuvo y se sintió avergonzado.""Boris stopped himself. He felt ashamed.
"Deberías estar avergonzado de ti mismo."You should be ashamed of yourself.
"Deprimido y avergonzado".- Depressed and ashamed.
Cuando no estaba avergonzando a Ronnie en los periódicos los utilizaba para golpearla.When he wasn't shaming Ronnie in the papers, he was usually hitting her with one.
Entonces, me estás avergonzando ante el mundo.So, you're shaming me back into the world
Estoy avergonzando al diablo.I'm shaming the devil.
Estoy estado avergonzando el chico todo el día.I'm been shaming the guy all day.
Está avergonzando a mis mejores clientes y se van de la fiesta.She's shaming my very best customers out of the party.

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