Albergar (to house) conjugation

47 examples
This verb can also have the following meanings: lodge, shelter

Conjugation of albergar

Él/ell(a/o)/ Usted
Present tense
I house
you house
he/she/it houses
we house
you all house
they house
Present perfect tense
he albergado
I have housed
has albergado
you have housed
ha albergado
he/she/it has housed
hemos albergado
we have housed
habéis albergado
you all have housed
han albergado
they have housed
Past preterite tense
I housed
you housed
he/she/it housed
we housed
you all housed
they housed
Future tense
I will house
you will house
he/she/it will house
we will house
you all will house
they will house
Él/ell(a/o)/ Usted
Conditional mood
I would house
you would house
he/she/it would house
we would house
you all would house
they would house
Past imperfect tense
I used to house
you used to house
he/she/it used to house
we used to house
you all used to house
they used to house
Past perfect tense
había albergado
I had housed
habías albergado
you had housed
había albergado
he/she/it had housed
habíamos albergado
we had housed
habíais albergado
you all had housed
habían albergado
they had housed
Future perfect tense
habré albergado
I will have housed
habrás albergado
you will have housed
habrá albergado
he/she/it will have housed
habremos albergado
we will have housed
habréis albergado
you all will have housed
habrán albergado
they will have housed
Él/ell(a/o)/ Usted
Present subjunctive tense
(if/so that) I house
(if/so that) you house
(if/so that) he/she/it house
(if/so that) we house
(if/so that) you all house
(if/so that) they house
Present perfect subjunctive tense
haya albergado
I have housed
hayas albergado
you have housed
haya albergado
he/she/it has housed
hayamos albergado
we have housed
hayáis albergado
you all have housed
hayan albergado
they have housed
Past imperfect subjunctive tense
(if/so that) I have housed
(if/so that) you have housed
(if/so that) he/she/it have housed
(if/so that) we have housed
(if/so that) you all have housed
(if/so that) they have housed
Past imperfect subjunctive (second) tense
(if/so that) I have housed
(if/so that) you have housed
(if/so that) he/she/it have housed
(if/so that) we have housed
(if/so that) you all have housed
(if/so that) they have housed
Él/ell(a/o)/ Usted
Past perfect subjunctive tense
hubiera albergado
I had housed
hubieras albergado
you had housed
hubiera albergado
he/she/it had housed
hubiéramos albergado
we had housed
hubierais albergado
you all had housed
hubieran albergado
they had housed
Past perfect subjunctive (second) tense
hubiese albergado
I had housed
hubieses albergado
you had housed
hubiese albergado
he/she/it had housed
hubiésemos albergado
we had housed
hubieseis albergado
you all had housed
hubiesen albergado
they had housed
Future subjunctive tense
(if/so that) I will have housed
(if/so that) you will have housed
(if/so that) he/she/it will have housed
(if/so that) we will have housed
(if/so that) you all will have housed
(if/so that) they will have housed
Future perfect subjunctive tense
hubiere albergado
I will have housed
hubieres albergado
you will have housed
hubiere albergado
he/she/it will have housed
hubiéremos albergado
we will have housed
hubiereis albergado
you all will have housed
hubieren albergado
they will have housed
Él/ell(a/o)/ Usted
Imperative mood
let's house!
Imperative negative mood
no albergues
do not house!
no albergue
let him/her/it house!
no alberguemos
let us not house!
no alberguéis
do not house!
no alberguen
do not house!

Examples of albergar

Example in SpanishTranslation in English
- Al otro lado de esa colina... es donde solían albergar a algunos de los trabajadores del aserradero.- Other side of that hill, that's where they used to house some of the sawmill workers.
28, 29 y 30 están preparadas para albergar la unidad naval de guerra.28, 29, and 30 Are scheduled to house the naval warfare unit.
Ahí es donde se solían albergar los trabajadores del aserradero.That's where they used to house the saw mill workers.
Al no estar preparados para albergar y alimentar a 70.000 prisioneros de guerra, los japoneses obligan a los soldados a emprender una brutal marcha de 100 km.Unequipped to house or feed 70.000 prisoners of war, the Japanese take the weakened soldiers on a brutal 60-mile forced march.
Aquí edificaré el templo más grande del mundo para albergar el Arca de la Alianza.Here I'm gonna build the greatest temple the world has ever seen to house the Ark of the Covenant as is fit and proper.
Aún tienes tiempo, Hermano Omi. Si albergas algún tipo de duda en tu cabeza... entonces no vengas a nuestra casa a la boda.You still have time Omi Brother lf you have some sort of doubt on your mind then do not come to our house for wedding
"El fin edificio alberga el generador - "el principal dinamo que suministra energía a toda la fábrica.'The end building houses the generator - 'the main dynamo that supplies power to the whole factory.
Al parecer alberga una nueva tecnología desarrollada por los nazis, una que pretenden desplegar contra cualquier escuadrón que se aproxime.It apparently houses a new technology developed by the Nazis, one they intend to deploy against any approaching armada.
Así como es escuela, la cueva también alberga 18 familias junto con su ganado.As well as the school, the cave houses 18 families, together with their livestock.
Capitán Ackbar. ¿Cual de estas estructuras alberga los escáneres interplanetarios de la ciudad?Captain *** which of these structures houses the city's interplanetary scanners?
Construida en un tiempo en el que se imprimían pocas cosas, la Biblioteca Nacional alberga actualmente cerca de 3 millones de volúmenes de cada siglo.Built at a time when little was printed, the Bibliothèque Nationale now houses another 3 million volumes each century.
Las albergamos con ratas de manto negro por dos semanas.We housed them with black capped rats for two weeks.
"Este edificio es uno de los 90 que albergan... "una colección de 13 millones de volúmenes.'This building is one component of a 13 million-volume collection... 'housed in more than 90 different libraries.
"Que todavía albergan los fantasmas de Montaigne y Baudelaire, encontré un cierto encanto...""That still house the ghosts of Montaigne and Baudelaire, I found a certain enchantment that is..."
Carlton posee alrededor 30 centros comerciales que albergan tiendas de Coral Prince.Carlton owns about 30 shopping malls that house Coral Prince stores.
Cuatro kilómetros de túneles que albergan los conductos de vapor que dan calor a Harvard.21/4 miles of tunnels that house the steam pipes that heat Harvard.
Estas instalaciones en particular albergan un cierto número de contratistas del gobierno.Now this particular facility houses a number of government contractors.
El ex teniente coronel del ejército, Philip Corso, en su libro, El día después de Roswell, afirmó que la instalación también albergó proyectos secretos de investigación y desarrollo, incluyendo el estudio de naves extraterrestres.Former Army Lieutenant Colonel Philip Corso, in his book, The Day after Roswell, claimed the facility also housed classified R D projects, including the study of extraterrestrial craft.
El extraño aparato se hizo del superávit de radar la Segunda Guerra Mundial equipo, pero en lugar de que contiene un tradicional lente óptica, que albergó un antena de radio direccionales.The strange device was made from surplus World War II radar equipment, but rather than containing a traditional optical lens, it housed a directional radio antenna.
Entre 1949 y 1960, la residencia Lowell albergó hasta 40 niños:Between 1949 and 1960, the Lowell Home for Children housed upwards of 40 adolescents.
Esta antigua ciudad albergó a los Saudeleures, los reyes de ésa época.FELICIA BEARDSLEY: This ancient city housed the Saudeleurs, the kings of that time.
Para buscar la forma de preservar una deteriorada estructura que una vez albergó a pobres huérfanos.To look for a way to preserve a crumbling structure that once housed hapless orphans.
Nunca albergaron a nadie que coincida ni remotamente con tu descripción.They've never housed anyone who even remotely fits your description.
Tú albergarás al demonio durante otros 50 años.You will house the demon for another 50 years.
Algunas albergarán tanto como a un millón de personas.Some will house as many as a million people
Las mismas bases militares que albergarán los misiles estadounidenses.The same military bases which will house the American missiles.
- En un albergue.- In a flophouse.
- Se reirían de mí en el albergue.- I couldn't. They'd give me a hard time at the flophouse.
-Ochenta por... Les he anticipado el pasaje. Les voy a dar albergue y comida.I paid for their passage, I am ready to house and feed them.
Además de tanques, ¿ves algo que albergue unidades de apoyo?Beside the tanks, can you see anything that might house support units?
Ahora, encontré estas en la casa de Nichols, justo al lado del albergue.Now, I found these at Nichols' flophouse right next to the shelter.
48 horas pasaron que no fuiste a cualquiera de tus albergues o almacenes.48 hours went by you didn't go to any of your hostels or warehouses.
A lo mejor, si me sale lo del Opry, no tendremos que dormir en albergues y chozas de aparcero nunca más.Maybe if I get this break on the Opry... we won't have to stay in any flophouses or sharecropper's shacks ever again.
De ahora en adelante, cualquier control sobre sus albergues... sólo puede ser realizado sobre mis órdenes específicas.From now on, any checks on your houses can only be carried out on my specific orders.
Las personas cuyos hogares están en mal estado, deberán ser evacuados, en albergues colectivos, para evitar males mayores.Those people whose houses are in bad shape, will be evacuated to shelters, to avoid damages.
Los cuartos de invitados los sofás de la oficina, y los suelos de los albergues no son propicios para un sueño reparador.Spare rooms and office couches, flophouse floors are not conducive to a restful sleep.
No quiero que me "alberguen".I don't want to be "housed".
- cuando el cuerpo es destruido se va pero ellos no nos abandonan así como tu y yo los hemos albergado y protegido así ellos nos conducen a la eternidadWhen the body is destroyed, he leaves. But they won't desert us. So just as you and I have housed and sheltered them, they'll take us along with them into eternity.
Aunque es más conocido por haber albergado el Acta de laAlthough it is best known for having housed the Ark of the
Pero se dice que ha albergado a algunos de los artefactos celtas más antiguos conocidos por el hombre.But it's said to have housed some of the oldest Celtic artifacts known to man.
Serás consciente... ...dequeduranteaños este hotel ha albergado una presencia demoníaca. Y lo peor de la humanidad.Surely you realize that this place has housed not only a demonic presence but the worst faces of humanity.
Y tú has albergado a mi enemigo.And you have housed my enemy.
Esta es una instalación con tecnología de punta albergando altos secretos de proyectos de seguridad nacional.This is a state-of-the-art facility housing top-secret national security projects.
Orando con su corazón y albergando adoración y alabanzaPuttting in his heart housing workship and praise
Originalmente diseñado y construido por un tal Joseph Malestrazza, el edificio contiene ocho niveles individuales albergando 120 unidades residenciales.Originally designed and constructed by one Joseph Malestrazza, the building contains eight individual levels housing 120 residential units.
Pero según los teóricos del astronauta ancestral, la respuesta se puede encontrar en la cima de la pirámide, dónde hay 72 estructuras en forma de campana conocidas como "Stupas", cada una albergando una estatua del Dios Buda sentado.But according to ancient astronaut theorists, the answer can be found on top of the pyramid, where there are 72 bell-shaped structures known as stupas, each housing a seated statue of Buddha.
Sabes que nunca me callo, y la única vez que me expuse ante animales fue cuando estaba meando en un arbusto que estaba albergando a un mapache muy indignante.You know I never shut up, and the only time I ever expose myself to an animal is when I was peeing in a bush that was housing a very indignant raccoon.

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