Abandonar (to abandon) conjugation

130 examples
This verb can also have the following meanings: neglect, leave, to leave, to neglect

Conjugation of abandonar

Él/ell(a/o)/ Usted
Present tense
I abandon
you abandon
he/she/it abandons
we abandon
you all abandon
they abandon
Present perfect tense
he abandonado
I have abandoned
has abandonado
you have abandoned
ha abandonado
he/she/it has abandoned
hemos abandonado
we have abandoned
habéis abandonado
you all have abandoned
han abandonado
they have abandoned
Past preterite tense
I abandoned
you abandoned
he/she/it abandoned
we abandoned
you all abandoned
they abandoned
Future tense
I will abandon
you will abandon
he/she/it will abandon
we will abandon
you all will abandon
they will abandon
Él/ell(a/o)/ Usted
Conditional mood
I would abandon
you would abandon
he/she/it would abandon
we would abandon
you all would abandon
they would abandon
Past imperfect tense
I used to abandon
you used to abandon
he/she/it used to abandon
we used to abandon
you all used to abandon
they used to abandon
Past perfect tense
había abandonado
I had abandoned
habías abandonado
you had abandoned
había abandonado
he/she/it had abandoned
habíamos abandonado
we had abandoned
habíais abandonado
you all had abandoned
habían abandonado
they had abandoned
Future perfect tense
habré abandonado
I will have abandoned
habrás abandonado
you will have abandoned
habrá abandonado
he/she/it will have abandoned
habremos abandonado
we will have abandoned
habréis abandonado
you all will have abandoned
habrán abandonado
they will have abandoned
Él/ell(a/o)/ Usted
Present subjunctive tense
(if/so that) I abandon
(if/so that) you abandon
(if/so that) he/she/it abandon
(if/so that) we abandon
(if/so that) you all abandon
(if/so that) they abandon
Present perfect subjunctive tense
haya abandonado
I have abandoned
hayas abandonado
you have abandoned
haya abandonado
he/she/it has abandoned
hayamos abandonado
we have abandoned
hayáis abandonado
you all have abandoned
hayan abandonado
they have abandoned
Past imperfect subjunctive tense
(if/so that) I have abandoned
(if/so that) you have abandoned
(if/so that) he/she/it have abandoned
(if/so that) we have abandoned
(if/so that) you all have abandoned
(if/so that) they have abandoned
Past imperfect subjunctive (second) tense
(if/so that) I have abandoned
(if/so that) you have abandoned
(if/so that) he/she/it have abandoned
(if/so that) we have abandoned
(if/so that) you all have abandoned
(if/so that) they have abandoned
Él/ell(a/o)/ Usted
Past perfect subjunctive tense
hubiera abandonado
I had abandoned
hubieras abandonado
you had abandoned
hubiera abandonado
he/she/it had abandoned
hubiéramos abandonado
we had abandoned
hubierais abandonado
you all had abandoned
hubieran abandonado
they had abandoned
Past perfect subjunctive (second) tense
hubiese abandonado
I had abandoned
hubieses abandonado
you had abandoned
hubiese abandonado
he/she/it had abandoned
hubiésemos abandonado
we had abandoned
hubieseis abandonado
you all had abandoned
hubiesen abandonado
they had abandoned
Future subjunctive tense
(if/so that) I will have abandoned
(if/so that) you will have abandoned
(if/so that) he/she/it will have abandoned
(if/so that) we will have abandoned
(if/so that) you all will have abandoned
(if/so that) they will have abandoned
Future perfect subjunctive tense
hubiere abandonado
I will have abandoned
hubieres abandonado
you will have abandoned
hubiere abandonado
he/she/it will have abandoned
hubiéremos abandonado
we will have abandoned
hubiereis abandonado
you all will have abandoned
hubieren abandonado
they will have abandoned
Él/ell(a/o)/ Usted
Imperative mood
let's abandon!
Imperative negative mood
no abandones
do not abandon!
no abandone
let him/her/it abandon!
no abandonemos
let us not abandon!
no abandonéis
do not abandon!
no abandonen
do not abandon!

Examples of abandonar

Example in SpanishTranslation in English
"A menos que la velocidad del enemigo sea reducida para la medianoche... el "King George V tendrá que abandonar la persecución... y regresar para reabastecerse de combustible.""Unless the enemy's speed has been reduced by midnight... "King George V will have to abandon the chase... and turn back for refueling."
"Decidimos abandonar el almuerzo en este momento 'Y en lugar de ... 'Ver qué tan rápido un hovervan podía huir.'We decided to abandon lunch at this point 'and instead... 'see how fast a hovervan could run away.'
"Su decisión de abandonar el juicio y de someterse al Comité Superior de la Magistratura fue irrevocable", punto."His decision to abandon the trial and resign from the committee of judges was final", full stop.
"¿Cómo ha sido capaz de abandonar a una criatura en la calle?""How did you have the heart to abandon a creature in the street?"
"¿Qué clase de madre eres para abandonar a tu hijo?""What sort of a mother are you to abandon your son?"
"Como se puede ver detrás de mí, Las autoridades han localizado "El abandono de Vermont vehículo Correccional 'Que llevaba John Kozlowski, el niño asesino convicto'As you can see behind me, authorities have now located 'the abandoned Vermont Correctional vehicle 'that was carrying John Kozlowski, the convicted child killer 'who is serving 25 years in jail.'
"Con esta misión aguardándome... querida ciudad, querida gente... abandono todo para proteger al país."With my mission now at hand... "my dear old town, my dear old people... "I now abandon everything and leave to protect this country.
"Intento de homicidio en segundo grado... "...conducta temeraria con un menor y abandono infantil."Attempted murder in the second degree, endangerment of a child, and child abandonment.
"Jo, te acuerdas cuando Alistair nos abandono Y bajamos en pijama?"Jo, do you remember the time when Alistair abandoned us and we went down to the lobby in our pijamas?"
"Me arrastro, abandono lo que realmente me importa."I creep, abandonment is what really matters to me.
- Alguien tiene que vigilar a las personas a las que abandonas.- Someone has to look out for the people you abandon.
- Si nos abandonas nuestra misión correrá mucho peligro.If you abandon us now, our mission will be in serious jeopardy.
- ¿Y por eso las abandonas?-So you abandon them? -Drop it.
-No me abandonas, lo sé.You're not abandoning anyone.
75.000 soldados estadounidenses se están arrojando al fuego enemigo, y tú abandonas la nave.75,000 American soldiers are throwing themselves into enemy fire, and you're abandoning ship.
"Aflige al pastor que abandona a sus ovejas.""Woe to the shepherd who abandons his sheep."
"Chica egoísta... abandona a chico desamparado por país sobrevalorado.""Selfish girl... abandons helpless boy for overrated country. "
"Tolstoi abandona el hogar, paradero desconocido.""Tolstoy abandons home, whereabouts unknown."
# ...en el que te abandona, podrá juzgarme mi padre.#¤ ...and he who abandons you, my father can judge me. ¤
- Porque eres el tipo de persona... que abandona a su mejor amigo y esto es algo que no quiero olvidar.- Why? - Because... you're the type of person who abandons his best friend and that's something I don't want to forget.
- El camino es tan duro que abandonamos el camión.- The track is so rough, we abandon the truck.
- La abandonamos cuando nos necesitaba.- We abandoned her at a time of need.
- Nosotros no abandonamos ellos.We don't abandon them!
- Si abandonamos a los Profetas todo lo que tenemos...- If we abandon the Prophets... then everything we have...
- ¡No abandonamos nada!- We're not abandoning anything.
¿Estás diciendo que me abandonáis?Are you saying you're abandoning me?
¿Me abandonáis, me rescatáis, estáis hablando de una casa segura?You abandon me, you rescue me, you're speaking of a safe house?
¿Nos abandonáis?You will not abandon us?
¿Por qué abandonáis el grupo?Why are they abandoning the herd?
- No, pierden los que abandonan la batalla.- Lose those who abandon their struggle.
- tiene razón. Las compañias de seguro abandonan a los pacientes de sida... Después que han gastado cierta cantidad.Insurance companies abandon AIDS patients after they spend a certain amount.
A las chicas de mis novelas rosas nunca las abandonan sus amantes.The girls in my romances are never left abandoned by their lovers.
A mí casi me abandonan.I know. I was almost abandoned.
A ti no te abandonan.You're not being abandoned.
"Aquí, abandoné la paz y profané la ley."Here, I abandoned peace and desecrated law.
"y abandoné casa, tía y tata."and abandoned home, aunt and all.
"y abandoné la esperanza que esto es algo que puede o va a cambiar."and I've abandoned hope that this is something that can or will change.
- Doctor, abandoné a mi equipo.- Doctor, I abandoned my team.
- Ella me abandono a mí tanto como yo la abandoné a ella.She abandoned me as much as I abandoned her.
"Soy la hija que abandonaste."I'm the daughter you abandoned.
# Me abandonaste#? You abandoned me ?
*Papá, me abandonaste*♪ Daddy! You abandoned me!
- Al que abandonaste.Who you abandoned.
- Casi lo abandonaste.You almost abandoned him.
"La bella Volodia, quién abandonó su corona, "Abandonó sus joyas y su trono de zarina"the beautiful Volodia, who had abandoned her crown, abandoned her jewels and Czarina's throne,
"Oh Richardo, oh mi rey, el mundo te abandonó.""Oh Richard, oh my king, the world has abandoned you."
"Tu mano que abandonó a la mía"Your hand that abandoned mine.
"Tuvo un bebé en secreto, lo abandonó y huyó"." She had a baby in secret , abandoned him and fled " .
"abandonó a su amante revolucionario, sube al carruaje."abandoned her revolutionary lover,
Ambos me abandonasteis.You both abandoned me.
Cuando la nave en la que me abandonasteis fue atrapada en la red ZenetanWhen the ship you abandoned me in was snared in the Zenetan's net.
Las abandonasteis.You abandoned them.
Me abandonasteis a mis torturadores.You abandoned me to my tormentors.
"Todos me abandonaron""Everyone abandoned me"
- A mí también me abandonaron...- I was abandoned as a baby too. So...
- Bueno, Henry le abandonaron.- Well, Henry's abandoned you.
- Bueno, lo abandonaron al nacer.- Well, they abandoned him at birth.
- La abandonaron al salir del pueblo.They'd abandoned it just outside town.
Acepto su petición y abandonaré a la Reina.I accept your opinion and will abandon the Queen.
Los cristianos conservadores te darán su voto, te conseguirán el podium en los escenarios de debate y luego, los abandonarás.Christian conservatives got you on the ballot, they will get you a podium on the debate stage, and then, you will abandon them.
Me abandonarás.You will abandon me!
y me da mucho miedo ... que tú también me abandonarás.It scares me a lot... that you too will abandon me.
El General Mongo le abandonará una vez consiga su objetivo.Mongo will abandon you once he reaches his goal.
El presidente anunciará por televisión que EE.UU. abandonará su presencia en Qumar" .The president will announce on television that the U.S. will abandon its presence in Qumar."
Hoy abandonará la suya.Today he will abandon his own.
La Iglesia os abre sus brazos... pero si los rechazáis, la Iglesia os abandonará... y estaréis sola...The Church opens its arms to you. If you reject it, the Church will abandon you and you will be alone... alone!
Luego de eso, ella los abandonará o peor, los verá como alimento.Soon after that, she will abandon them, or worse, view them as food.
Entonces iremos con Neeyala y abandonaremos Moya.Well, that settles it, then. We will go with Neeyala, and we will abandon Moya.
Entonces las entrañas también deberían decir que abandonaremos la razón y dejaremos que los augurios nos guíen.Then the entrails should also say that we will abandon reason, and be guided by omens.
Escolte a todos los residentes como sea posible al Puerto Espacial o al refugio, luego abandonaremos MZ23.Escort as many residents as possible to the spaceport or shelter, after which we will abandon MZ23.
Os abandonaremos con un equipo de cámaras para documentar vuestra aventura, pero el mundo que conocíais se ha acabado... borrón y cuenta nueva, comenzaréis una nueva civilización.We will abandon you with a camera crew to document your adventure, but the world you know is gone-- slate wiped clean, and you will start a new civilization.
A cambio de mi generosidad los insurgentes abandonarán el Serapeo y la biblioteca inmediatamente permitiendo que los cristianos entren y hagan uso de las instalaciones...In exchange for my generosity, the insurgents will abandon the Serapeum and the Library immediately allowing the Christians to enter and dispose off the premises
Cada una de estas ratas de alcantarilla te abandonarán.Even these sewer rats will abandon you.
Dice que todos me abandonarán de nuevo.He says everyone will abandon me again.
Entonces los cazadores oceánicos abandonarán una vez más las Azores.Then the ocean hunters will abandon the Azores once more.
Eventualmente, esos roedores abandonarán sus casas y edificios... lo que los hará una presa fácil para los predadores.Eventually, these rodents will abandon homes and buildings, which will make them easy pickings for predators.
- Nunca creí que esta administración nos abandonaría.-I never thought this administration would abandon us.
Además, extender la Línea Maginot a lo largo de la frontera Belga, resultaría, no solo caro, sino que obligaría a los Belgas a pensar que, en caso de guerra, Francia los abandonaríaMoreover, to draw out the Line it stops beyond the Belgian border it would leave expensive and make with that the Belgians thought that, in war case, it would abandon them to France.
Ningún discípulo abandonaría a su sifu.No disciple would abandon his sifu.
No es el tipo de mujer que abandonaría a su hijo, así que dejémoslo.I don't believe she's the kind of woman who would abandon her child, so let's just drop it.
No necesitas sentir que la traicionas ni que ella te abandonaría si se enterara.You needn't feel that you're being untrue or that she would abandon you if she knew.
¡Nunca pensé que me abandonarías!I never thought you would abandon me!
¿Lo abandonarías todo?You would abandon everything?
Creo que sólo estaba pensando que el Gremio completo abandonarían a Shadow Hawk si supieran que estabas creando tu propio Gremio personal.I... I guess I was just thinking That the entire guild would abandon Shadow Hawk if...
Por qué piensas que te abandonarían a un costado de la carretera?Why do you think they would abandon you by the side of the road?
Tommy dijo que su vida estaba acabada que todos lo abandonarían, lo odiarían.Tommy thought that his life was over, that everybody would abandon him, hate him.
¿Debo entender que abandonarían la Tierra?Am I to understand that you would abandon the Earth?
¿Qué tipo de padres abandonarían a su hijo?What sort of parents would abandon their child?
"Cuatro, tú." "No me permitas que te abandone."Four, you. Don't let me abandon you.
"Deja que nuestra modestia nos abandone un poco.""Leave yourself to rock amid abandon and ecstasy"
"Nunca voy a dejar que la felicidad nos abandone.""I will never let happiness abandon us"
"Una mujer puede hacer que un hombre abandone a sus amigos, "abandonar su moral, abandonar sus sueños".Awomancanmakeaman abandonhisfriends , abandonhismorals, abandonhisdreams.
- Claro que sí, Anne. Buena suerte. Que no te abandone.- I won't abandon you
"Capitán Joab, te ordeno que envíes a Urías... dónde la lucha sea más violenta... y lo abandones ahí para que muera".[ David's Voice] Commander Joab, I order you to send Uriah... to where the fighting is fiercest... and abandon him there to die.
"Sálvanos de despertar del sueño, Señor, no nos abandones..."In waking save us, in sleep abandon us not..."
- No abandones a tus amigos por mí.Don't abandon your friends for me.
- No abandones tu fogón en hora punta.You don't abandon your
- No nos abandones aquí.- Don't abandon us here.
Antes de que abandonemos la Equinox, deberíamos tratar de rescatar todos los componentes útiles.Before we abandon the Equinox, we should try to salvage any useful components.
Christina tiene problemas, eso no significa que se merezca que la abandonemos a su suerte.Christina has problems, doesn't mean she deserves to be abandoned by us.
Como co-cirujano de este caso, digo que abandonemos la reconstrucción, y hagamos una fusión estándar.As co-surgeon on this case, I say we abandon the reconstruction, and do a standard fusion.
El quiere que apagemos los motores y abandonemos el barco en 10 minutos o nos hundirá.He wants us to stop engines and abandon ship in 10 minutes, or he'll sink us.
Entonces dejemos de trabajar y abandonemos las calles.Then stop to work and let us abandon the streets.
El gran muftí os ha pedido que aniquiléis a los judíos o que abandonéis vuestras casas y tierras para seguir el agotador camino del exilio.The Grand Mufti has asked you either to annihilate the Jewish population... or to abandon your homes and your lands... and to seek the weary path of exile.
No estoy diciendo que abandonéis vuestro credo.I'm not saying abandon your creed.
No me abandonéis, a mí, un pecador, ni os alejéis de mí.do not abandon me, a sinner, nor depart from me.
No me abandonéis.Don't abandon me.
También os ruega que no abandonéis la corte en los próximos días.He also begs you not to abandon court in the coming days.
"Cualquier cambio, abandonen el barco" Una hora es un cambio para mí.'Any change, abandon ship.' One hour feels like a change to me.
- Muchachos ocuparos de él, no abandonen a un amigo enfermo...You boys look after Régis. Never abandon a friend in need.
- Ordena que abandonen el barco.- Order the men to abandon ship.
Abandonen el barco o abandonen la esperanza.Abandon ship or abandon hope.
Abandonen la nave, abandonen la naveAbandon ship, abandon ship.
Qué pena que el Sur abandonara toda conexión con los espíritus hasta en las fechas más sagradas.It's a shame the southerners have abandoned all connections to the spirits, even during the most hallowed times.
Puede que mi madre me abandonase, pero tengo el mejor Papá de todo el universo.My mom may have abandoned me, but I have the greatest Dad in the whole universe.
Recuerda, abandonad toda esperanza los que entréis aquí.Remember, abandon all hope, ye who enter here.
Sí, bueno, tal y como yo predije, y sin ayuda de una astróloga, el asesino ha abandonad su viejo coche.Yes, well, as I predicted, and without an astrologer, the killer has abandoned his gold olds.
Todos los hombres, abandonad el barco.All hands, abandon ship.
Vikingos, abandonad la nave.Vikings, abandon the vessel.
¿En un sótano abandonad?In an abandoned basement?
"Cuando este abandonado, se arrepentirá""When he is abandoned, then he will repent"
"Edificio fantasma abandonado, ¡es una estafa!""An abandoned ghost building, scam!
"Edificio fantasma abandonado, ¡tenebroso!"An abandoned ghost building, scary!
"El cuerpo de una niña de 17 años fue encontrado en un automóvil abandonado""A gruesome discovery was made today outside the tunnel near Welsham, Main". "The body of 17 years old girl was found in an abandoned car near the local rock core".
"En 1790, el Capitán Peron fue abandonado en una isla del pacífico."In 1790, Captain Peron was abandoned on an island.
"Stuart se retira tras el ataque de la Caballería de Michigan abandonando las armas"."Stuart retiring in disorder after assault by Michigan Cavalry enemy abandoning guns."
"abandonando a los hombres en...""in abandoning the men in..."
- A continuación, los están abandonando - ¿Qué quieres que haga- Then you are abandoning them. - What do you want me to do.
- Está abandonando un naufragio.- She's abandoning a sinking ship.
- Están abandonando la ciudad.- They're abandoning the city.

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