"Once more the rose doth bloom, that drooped awhile before, softly reposing..." "... on the lily-flowers of yore, and pupils shimmer bright, with eager sparks of light." | |
- Here she goes again. I don't know why, but you seem to shimmer. | |
- It's a really gorgeous shimmer to it. | |
- That's shimmer. | |
- We gotta shimmer over there. | |
"Once more the rose doth bloom, that drooped awhile before, softly reposing..." "... on the lily-flowers of yore, and pupils shimmer bright, with eager sparks of light." | |
- Here she goes again. I don't know why, but you seem to shimmer. | |
- It's a really gorgeous shimmer to it. | |
- That's shimmer. | |
- We gotta shimmer over there. | |
"where leaf shines, shimmers | |
'For a minute it shimmers like steel, then tarnishes in air. | |
'The coast's sandy beach shimmers | |
A reflection of the sky shimmers on the sands, a mirage. | |
And I see a ring which shimmers in a blue light. | |
"where leaf shines, shimmers | |
'For a minute it shimmers like steel, then tarnishes in air. | |
'The coast's sandy beach shimmers | |
A reflection of the sky shimmers on the sands, a mirage. | |
And I see a ring which shimmers in a blue light. | |
A constable, clad in a dark cape that shimmered in the rain, stood there, saying not a word, staring at me with eyes that burned in a florid face like coals in a sea of ash. | |
And at one point they all turned in unison, and they shimmered like little silver coins; | |
And it shimmered when you looked at it. | |
And then they spread out in this really long line, and they shimmered again, and I thought, "god, who are they following?" | |
For your brother Henry's christening the sweets were drizzled in the thinnest layer of gold, everything shimmered. | |
"As he looked over the water, shimmering with rays of light he waited for the orcas to return. | |
"Campanella still whistled lonesomely to himself, and the little girl looked off in the same direction as Giovanni..." "And they saw that on the shimmering edge of the Milky Way, heavenly fields of marsh grass were glistening silver and murmuring wavelike in the wind." | |
"Long shadows lay on the sward, and from above... "the leaves dripped their shimmering drops of gold-green light. | |
"Of stars in shadow, shimmering | |
"The colonel stood before the pool of shimmering light, fascinated by the dancing ripples in the event horizon. " | |
A constable, clad in a dark cape that shimmered in the rain, stood there, saying not a word, staring at me with eyes that burned in a florid face like coals in a sea of ash. | |
And at one point they all turned in unison, and they shimmered like little silver coins; | |
And it shimmered when you looked at it. | |
And then they spread out in this really long line, and they shimmered again, and I thought, "god, who are they following?" | |
For your brother Henry's christening the sweets were drizzled in the thinnest layer of gold, everything shimmered. | |
"As he looked over the water, shimmering with rays of light he waited for the orcas to return. | |
"Campanella still whistled lonesomely to himself, and the little girl looked off in the same direction as Giovanni..." "And they saw that on the shimmering edge of the Milky Way, heavenly fields of marsh grass were glistening silver and murmuring wavelike in the wind." | |
"Long shadows lay on the sward, and from above... "the leaves dripped their shimmering drops of gold-green light. | |
"Of stars in shadow, shimmering | |
"The colonel stood before the pool of shimmering light, fascinated by the dancing ripples in the event horizon. " | |